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Contents of /cauldron/dkms/current/SPECS/dkms.spec

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Revision 2094426 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Sep 8 08:24:35 2024 UTC (3 weeks, 6 days ago) by wally
File size: 7584 byte(s)
replace deprecated %%patchN with '%%patch -P N' (SILENT)
1 %global __requires_exclude /bin/awk
3 Summary: Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
4 Name: dkms
5 Version: 2.0.19
6 URL: https://linux.dell.com/dkms
7 Release: %mkrel 46
8 License: GPL
9 Group: System/Base
10 BuildArch: noarch
11 Requires: kernel-devel
12 Recommends: kernel-devel-latest
13 Requires: %{name}-minimal = %{version}-%{release}
14 Requires(pre): rpm-helper
15 Requires(post): rpm-helper >= %{rpmhelper_required_version}
16 Requires(preun): rpm-helper >= %{rpmhelper_required_version}
17 Requires: patch
18 Source: https://linux.dell.com/dkms/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
19 Source1: template-dkms-mkrpm.spec.temp
20 Source2: dkms.depmod.conf
21 Source3: autoload.awk
22 Patch1: dkms-2.0.19-norpm.patch
23 Patch2: dkms-2.0.19-mgaify.patch
24 Patch3: dkms-fix-kernel-make-prepare.patch
25 Patch4: dkms-
26 Patch5: dkms-2.0.19-weak_module_name.patch
27 Patch7: dkms-2.0.19-procconfig.patch
28 Patch8: dkms-2.0.19-mdkrpm-split-ver-rel.patch
29 Patch9: dkms-2.0.19-bash-completion-update.patch
30 Patch10: dkms-2.0.19-binary_only.patch
31 Patch11: dkms-
32 Patch12: dkms-
33 Patch13: dkms-
34 Patch14: dkms-
35 Patch15: dkms-2.0.19-no_custom_rpm_provides.patch
36 Patch16: dkms-2.0.19-binary.patch
37 Patch17: dkms-2.0.19-autoalias.patch
38 Patch18: dkms-2.0.19-mkrpm_status.patch
39 Patch19: dkms-2.0.19-skip-unused-check.patch
40 Patch20: dkms-2.0.19-uninstall-speedup.patch
41 Patch21: dkms-2.0.19-init-mdv-interactive.patch
42 Patch22: dkms-symvers.patch
43 Patch23: dkms-2.0.19-autoload_instead_of_udevadm.patch
44 Patch24: dkms-2.0.19-suggest-devel-not-source.patch
45 Patch25: dkms-2.0.19-xz-support.patch
46 # (doktor5000) remove explicit usage of " > /dev/stdout" as standard output
47 # this breaks systemd logging and is unnecessary for standard output
48 Patch26: dkms-2.0.19-mga-remove_dev_stdout_output_loc.patch
49 Patch27: dkms-2.0.19-parallel-build.patch
50 Patch28: dkms-no-autoload-during-install.patch
51 Patch29: dkms-display-bootsplash-message.patch
52 Patch30: dkms-2.0.19-fix-module-checksum-checking.patch
53 Patch31: dkms-2.0.19-fix-modules-suffix.patch
54 Patch32: dkms-2.0.19-mga-egrep-to-grep-E-v3.patch
56 %define _dkmsdir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
57 %define _dkmsbinarydir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}-binary
59 %description
60 This package contains the framework for the Dynamic
61 Kernel Module Support (DKMS) method for installing
62 module RPMS as originally developed by the Dell
63 Computer Corporation.
65 This package is intended for building binary kernel
66 modules with dkms source packages installed
68 %package minimal
69 Summary: Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework - minimal package
70 License: GPL
71 Group: System/Base
72 Requires: lsb-release
73 Requires(preun): rpm-helper
74 Requires(post): rpm-helper
76 %description minimal
77 This package contains the framework for the Dynamic
78 Kernel Module Support (DKMS) method for installing
79 module RPMS as originally developed by the Dell
80 Computer Corporation.
82 This package is intended for installing binary module RPMS
83 as created by dkms.
85 %prep
86 %setup -q
87 %patch -P 1 -p1 -b .norpm
88 %patch -P 2 -p1 -b .mdkize
89 %patch -P 3 -p1 -b .fix-kernel-make-prepare
90 %patch -P 4 -p1 -b .compressed-module
91 %patch -P 5 -p1 -b .weak_module_name
92 %patch -P 7 -p1 -b .procconfig
93 %patch -P 8 -p1 -b .mdkrpm-split-ver-rel
94 %patch -P 9 -p1 -b .bash-completion-update
95 %patch -P 10 -p1 -b .binary_only
96 %patch -P 11 -p1 -b .min-max-kernel
97 %patch -P 12 -p1 -b .test-dkmsconf
98 %patch -P 13 -p1 -b .status_default
99 %patch -P 14 -p1 -b .stdout
100 %patch -P 15 -p1 -b .no_custom_rpm_provides
101 %patch -P 16 -p1 -b .binary
102 %patch -P 17 -p0 -b .autoalias
103 %patch -P 18 -p1 -b .mkrpm
104 %patch -P 19 -p1 -b .versionsanity
105 %patch -P 20 -p1 -b .uninst-speedup
106 %patch -P 21 -p1 -b .mdv-interactive
107 %patch -P 22 -p1 -b .symvers
108 %patch -P 23 -p1 -b .autoload_instead_of_udevadm
109 %patch -P 24 -p1 -b .suggest-devel
110 %patch -P 25 -p1 -b .xz-support
111 %patch -P 26 -p1 -b .dev_stdout_output_loc
112 %patch -P 27 -p1 -b .parallel-build
113 %patch -P 28 -p1 -b .no-autoload-during-install
114 %patch -P 29 -p1 -b .display-bootsplash-message
115 %patch -P 30 -p1 -b .fix-module-checksum-checking
116 %patch -P 31 -p1 -b .fix-module-suffix
117 %patch -P 32 -p1 -b .egrep-to-grep-E
119 sed -i -e 's,/var/%{name},%{_dkmsdir},g;s,init.d/dkms_autoinstaller,init.d/%{name},g' \
120 dkms_autoinstaller \
121 dkms_framework.conf \
122 kernel_*.d_dkms \
123 %{name}.8 \
124 dkms
126 %install
127 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8
128 %make_install INITD=%{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
129 install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/template-dkms-mkrpm.spec
130 install -m 755 dkms_mkkerneldoth %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/dkms_mkkerneldoth
131 install -m 755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/dkms_autoload
132 mv %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/dkms_autoinstaller %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
133 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_dkmsbinarydir}
134 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d
135 install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d/%{name}.conf
138 # (doktor5000) systemd service file to run dkms_autoinstaller on every boot
139 # necessary to rebuild dkms modules for kernels booting the first time
140 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
141 cat << 'EOF' > %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}-autorebuild.service
142 [Unit]
143 Description=run dkms_autoinstaller on every boot to rebuild dkms modules for newly booted kernels
144 DefaultDependencies=no
145 Conflicts=shutdown.target
146 Before=basic.target shutdown.target
147 After=local-fs.target
149 [Service]
150 ExecStart=%{_sbindir}/dkms-autorebuild.sh
151 Type=oneshot
152 RemainAfterExit=yes
154 [Install]
155 Alias=dkms_autoinstaller.service
156 WantedBy=basic.target
158 EOF
161 # (doktor5000) split out from /etc/init.d/mandrake_everytime / mandriva-everytime.service
162 # triggered by above systemd service on every boot (mga#
163 cat << 'EOF' > %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/%{name}-autorebuild.sh
164 #!/bin/sh
166 # start dkms module build for newly booted kernels via %{name}-autorebuild.service
167 # rebuild can be disabled by setting DKMS_ONBOOT=no in /etc/sysconfig/system
169 [ -r /etc/sysconfig/system ] && . /etc/sysconfig/system
171 DKMS_TOOL=%{_sbindir}/dkms_autoinstaller
172 if [ "$DKMS_ONBOOT" != "no" ] && [ -x $DKMS_TOOL ]; then
173 # dkms_autoinstaller evaluates $verbose so enable it here for complete logging
174 verbose=yes $DKMS_TOOL start
175 fi
176 EOF
178 chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/%{name}-autorebuild.sh
180 %define _dkms_autorebuild_installed %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/dkms-autorebuild-installed
182 %pre
183 if [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then
184 if [ -f %{_unitdir}/%{name}-autorebuild.service ] ; then
185 touch %{_dkms_autorebuild_installed}
186 fi
187 fi
189 %post
190 if [ -f %{_dkms_autorebuild_installed} ] ; then
191 # We are upgrading from a version that included the dkms-autorebuild
192 # service.
193 rm %{_dkms_autorebuild_installed}
194 else
195 # We are either installing or upgrading from a version that didn't
196 # include the dkms-autorebuild service. Force it to be installed.
197 set -- 1
198 fi
199 %_post_service %{name}-autorebuild
201 %preun
202 %_preun_service %{name}-autorebuild
204 %triggerpostun -- dkms < 2.0.19-11
205 rm -f /etc/rc.d/*/{K,S}??dkms
207 %files
208 %doc %attr (-,root,root) sample.spec sample.conf AUTHORS COPYING template-dkms-mkrpm.spec
209 %{_sbindir}/dkms_autoinstaller
210 %{_unitdir}/%{name}-autorebuild.service
211 %{_sbindir}/%{name}-autorebuild.sh
213 %files minimal
214 %{_sbindir}/dkms
215 %{_dkmsdir}
216 %dir %{_dkmsbinarydir}
217 %{_sbindir}/dkms_mkkerneldoth
218 %{_sbindir}/dkms_autoload
219 %{_mandir}/man8/dkms.8*
220 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dkms
221 # these dirs are for plugins - owned by other packages
222 %{_sysconfdir}/kernel/postinst.d/%{name}
223 %{_sysconfdir}/kernel/prerm.d/%{name}
224 %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name}
225 %{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d/%{name}.conf

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