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Contents of /updates/1/perl/current/SPECS/perl.spec

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Revision 5247 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Jan 10 08:17:33 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by blino
Original Path: cauldron/perl/current/SPECS/perl.spec
File size: 21133 byte(s)
imported package perl
1 %define threading 1
2 %define debugging 0
4 #%%define _default_patch_fuzz 2
6 %if %threading
7 %define thread_arch -thread-multi
8 %else
9 %define thread_arch %{nil}
10 %endif
12 %define arch %(echo %{_arch} | sed -e "s/amd64/x86_64/")
13 %define full_arch %{arch}-%{_os}%{thread_arch}
14 # Don't change to %{_libdir} as perl is clean and has arch-dependent subdirs
15 %define perl_root %{_prefix}/lib/perl5
17 Name: perl
18 Version: 5.12.2
19 #Release: %mkrel 0.RC4.1
20 Release: %mkrel 5
21 Epoch: 2
23 %define rel %{nil}
24 #define rel -RC4
26 Summary: The Perl programming language
27 License: GPL+ or Artistic
28 Group: Development/Perl
29 Url: http://www.perl.org/
31 # ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/snap/perl@17574.tbz
32 #ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/src/perl-%{version}.tar.bz2
33 Source0: http://www.cpan.org/src/perl-%{version}%{rel}.tar.gz
34 Source1: perl-headers-wanted
35 Source2: perl-5.8.0-RC2-special-h2ph-not-failing-on-machine_ansi_header.patch
36 Patch6: perl-5.12.0-RC0-fix-LD_RUN_PATH-for-MakeMaker.patch
37 Patch14: perl-5.12.0-RC0-install-files-using-chmod-644.patch
38 Patch15: perl-5.10.1-RC1-lib64.patch
39 Patch16: perl-5.12.0-RC0-perldoc-use-nroff-compatibility-option.patch
40 #(peroyvind) use -fPIC in stead of -fpic or else compile will fail on sparc (taken from redhat)
41 Patch21: perl-5.8.1-RC4-fpic-fPIC.patch
42 Patch23: perl-5.12.0-patchlevel.patch
43 Patch29: perl-5.12.0-RC0-rpmdebug.patch
44 Patch32: perl-5.10.0-incversionlist.patch
45 Patch38: perl-donot-defer-sig11.patch
47 Patch43: perl-5.12.0-RC0-skip-tests-using-dev-log-for-iurt.patch
48 Patch44: perl-5.10.1-RC1-h2ph--handle-relative-include.patch
50 # mdvbz#34505, get rid of this patch as soon as possible :-/
51 Patch48: perl-5.10.0-workaround-segfault-freeing-scalar-a-second-time.patch
52 Patch49: perl-5.10.0-workaround-error-copying-freed-scalar.patch
53 # mdv#60956 - fix h2ph
54 Patch50: perl-5.12.2-fix-h2ph.patch
55 # (oe) http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74088
56 Patch51: 0001-perl-74088.patch
58 #
59 # fixes taken from debian
60 #
61 # Fix a segmentation fault occurring in the mod_perl2 test suite (debian #475498, perl #33807)
62 Patch65: local_symtab.diff
64 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}
66 Requires: perl-base = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
68 # the following modules are part of perl normally, but are shipped in
69 # separated rpm packages. let's require them in order to please people
70 # that think that installing "perl" will have a full perl as shipped by
71 # upstream. (cf tom christiansen and the lengthy thread:
72 # http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2009/08/msg149747.html)
73 Suggests: perl-Archive-Extract
74 Suggests: perl-Archive-Tar
75 Suggests: perl-CGI
76 Suggests: perl-CPANPLUS
77 Suggests: perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build
78 Suggests: perl-Digest-SHA
79 Suggests: perl-Module-Build
80 Suggests: perl-Module-CoreList
81 Suggests: perl-Time-Piece
83 Provides: perl(getopts.pl)
84 Provides: perl(ctime.pl)
85 Provides: perl(flush.pl)
86 Provides: perl(find.pl)
88 Provides: perl(attributes)
89 Provides: perl(fields)
90 Provides: perl(if)
91 Provides: perl(locale)
92 Provides: perl(subs)
94 Provides: perl-MIME-Base64 = 3.080.0
95 Obsoletes: perl-MIME-Base64 < 3.080.0
96 Provides: perl-libnet
97 Provides: perl-Storable = 2.200.0
98 Obsoletes: perl-Storable < 2.200.0
99 Provides: perl-Digest-MD5 = 2.390.0
100 Obsoletes: perl-Digest-MD5 < 2.390.0
101 Provides: perl-Time-HiRes = 1:1.971.900
102 Obsoletes: perl-Time-HiRes < 1:1.971.900
103 Provides: perl-Locale-Codes
104 Provides: perl-Test-Simple = 0.920.0
105 Obsoletes: perl-Test-Simple < 0.920.0
106 Provides: perl-Test-Builder-Tester = 1.180.0
107 Obsoletes: perl-Test-Builder-Tester < 1.180.0
109 Provides: perl(version) = 1:0.74
110 Provides: perl-version = 1:0.74
111 Obsoletes: perl-version < 1:0.74
112 Provides: perl-File-Fetch = 0.14
113 Obsoletes: perl-File-Fetch < 0.14
114 Provides: perl-CPAN = 1.9205
115 Obsoletes: perl-CPAN < 1.9205
116 Provides: perl-IO-Zlib = 1.07
117 Obsoletes: perl-IO-Zlib < 1.07
118 Provides: perl-Pod-Simple = 3.05
119 Obsoletes: perl-Pod-Simple < 3.05
120 Conflicts: perl-Parse-RecDescent < 1.80-6mdk
121 Conflicts: perl-Filter < 1.28-6mdk
122 Conflicts: apache-mod_perl <= 1.3.24_1.26-1mdk
123 %define _requires_exceptions Mac\\|VMS\\|perl >=\\|perl(Errno)\\|perl(Fcntl)\\|perl(IO)\\|perl(IO::File)\\|perl(IO::Socket::INET)\\|perl(IO::Socket::UNIX)\\|perl(Tk)\\|perl(Tk::Pod)\\|perlapi-
125 # for NDBM
126 BuildRequires: db4-devel
127 BuildRequires: gdbm-devel
128 %if "%{_lib}" == "lib64"
129 BuildRequires: devel(libgdbm_compat(64bit))
130 %else
131 BuildRequires: devel(libgdbm_compat)
132 %endif
133 BuildRequires: rpm-mandriva-setup-build >= 1.8
135 BuildRequires: man
137 %package base
138 Version: %{version}
139 Summary: The Perl programming language (base)
140 Provides: perl(v5.6.0) perl(base) perl(bytes) perl(constant) perl(integer) perl(lib) perl(overload) perl(strict) perl(utf8) perl(vars) perl(warnings) perl(Carp::Heavy)
141 Group: Development/Perl
142 Url: http://www.perl.org/
143 Provides: perlapi-5.12.0
144 Provides: perlapi-5.12.1
145 Provides: perlapi-5.12.2
146 # explicit file provides
147 Provides: /usr/bin/perl
148 # perlapi-xxx didn't exist for 5.8.8, so we need to put the more important conflicts:
149 Conflicts: perl-URPM < 3.07-2
150 Conflicts: perl-RPM4 < 0.23-4
151 Conflicts: perl-Locale-gettext < 1.05-6
152 Conflicts: perl-Digest-SHA1 < 2.11-4
153 Conflicts: perl-Net-DBus < 0.33.5-2
154 Conflicts: perl-XML-Parser < 2.35
155 Conflicts: drakxtools-backend < 10.6.4
156 # perl-suid is gone is perl 5.12
157 Obsoletes: perl-suid
159 %package devel
160 Version: %{version}
161 Summary: The Perl programming language (devel)
162 Group: Development/Perl
163 Url: http://www.perl.org/
164 # for each package linked against libperl.so, rpm will
165 # add an automatic dependency on devel(libperl) for
166 # the corresponding devel package, but rpm will not
167 # automatically provides it, as libperl.so is not in
168 # standard library path
169 %ifarch %ix86
170 Provides: devel(libperl)
171 %endif
172 %ifarch x86_64
173 Provides: devel(libperl(64bit))
174 %endif
175 Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
177 %package doc
178 Version: %{version}
179 Summary: The Perl programming language (documentation)
180 Group: Development/Perl
181 Url: http://www.perl.org/
182 Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
183 Requires: groff-for-man
184 Requires: perl(Pod::Perldoc)
186 %description
187 Perl is a high-level programming language with roots in C, sed, awk
188 and shell scripting. Perl is good at handling processes and files,
189 and is especially good at handling text. Perl's hallmarks are
190 practicality and efficiency. While it is used to do a lot of
191 different things, Perl's most common applications (and what it excels
192 at) are probably system administration utilities and web programming.
193 A large proportion of the CGI scripts on the web are written in Perl.
194 You need the perl package installed on your system so that your
195 system can handle Perl scripts.
197 You need perl-base to have a full perl.
199 %description base
200 This is the base package for %{name}.
202 %description devel
203 This is the devel package for %{name}.
205 %description doc
206 This is the documentation package for %{name}.
207 It contains also the 'perldoc' program.
209 %prep
210 %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{rel}
211 %patch6 -p0
212 %patch14 -p0
213 %patch15 -p1
214 %patch16 -p0
215 %patch21 -p1 -b .peroyvind
216 %patch23 -p0
217 %patch29 -p0
218 %patch32 -p1
219 %patch38 -p0
220 %patch43 -p0
221 %patch44 -p0
222 %patch48 -p0
223 %patch49 -p1
224 %patch50 -p1
225 %patch51 -p1
227 %patch65 -p1
229 remove_from_lists() {
230 perl -ni -e "m!^\Q$1! or print" MANIFEST
231 perl -ni -e "m!^\Q$1! or print" utils.lst
232 }
233 remove_files() {
234 rm -r $1
235 remove_from_lists $1
236 }
237 remove_files_all() {
238 rm -r $1*
239 remove_from_lists $1
240 }
241 remove_util() {
242 perl -pi -e "/^pl(extract)?\s/ and s/\s$1\b//" utils/Makefile.SH
243 }
245 chmod u+w -R *
246 # perl-Archive-Tar
247 remove_files cpan/Archive-Tar/
248 remove_files_all utils/ptar.PL
249 remove_files_all utils/ptardiff.PL
250 remove_util ptar
251 remove_util ptardiff
252 # perl-Digest-SHA
253 remove_files cpan/Digest-SHA/
254 remove_files_all utils/shasum
255 remove_util shasum
256 # perl-CPANPLUS
257 remove_files cpan/CPANPLUS/
258 remove_files_all utils/cpan2dist.PL
259 remove_files_all utils/cpanp-run-perl.PL
260 remove_files_all utils/cpanp.PL
261 remove_util cpan2dist
262 remove_util cpanp-run-perl
263 remove_util cpanp
264 # perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build
265 remove_files cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/
266 # perl-Module-CoreList
267 remove_files dist/Module-CoreList/
268 remove_files_all utils/corelist.PL
269 remove_util corelist
270 # perl-Module-Build
271 remove_files cpan/Module-Build/
272 remove_files_all utils/config_data.PL
273 remove_util config_data
274 # perl-CGI
275 remove_files cpan/CGI/
276 # perl-Archive-Extract
277 remove_files cpan/Archive-Extract/
278 # perl-Time-Piece
279 remove_files cpan/Time-Piece/
280 # perl-Pod-Perldoc
281 remove_files dist/Pod-Perldoc/
282 remove_files_all utils/perldoc.PL
283 remove_util perldoc
285 %build
286 %ifarch ppc
287 RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"|sed -e 's/-O2/-O1/g'`
288 %endif
290 sh Configure -des \
291 -Dinc_version_list="5.12.1 5.12.1/%{full_arch} 5.12.0 5.12.0/%{full_arch} 5.10.1 5.10.0 5.8.8 5.8.7 5.8.6 5.8.5 5.8.4 5.8.3 5.8.2 5.8.1 5.8.0 5.6.1 5.6.0" \
292 -Darchname=%{arch}-%{_os} \
293 -Dcc='%{__cc}' \
294 %if %debugging
295 -Doptimize=-g -DDEBUGGING \
296 %else
297 -Doptimize="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" -DDEBUGGING=-g \
298 %endif
299 -Dprefix=%_prefix -Dvendorprefix=%_prefix \
300 -Dsiteprefix=%_prefix -Dsitebin=%_prefix/local/bin \
301 -Dsiteman1dir=%_prefix/local/share/man/man1 \
302 -Dsiteman3dir=%_prefix/local/share/man/man3 \
303 -Dman3ext=3pm \
304 -Dcf_by=Mandriva -Dmyhostname=localhost -Dperladmin=root@localhost -Dcf_email=root@localhost \
305 -Ud_csh \
306 -Duseshrplib \
307 %if %threading
308 -Duseithreads \
309 %endif
310 %ifarch %{sunsparc}
311 -Ud_longdbl \
312 %endif
313 -Di_db \
314 -Di_ndbm \
315 -Di_gdbm \
317 %make
319 %check
320 # for test, building a perl with no rpath
321 # for test, unset RPM_BUILD_ROOT so that the MakeMaker trick is not triggered
322 rm -f perl
323 %define nbprocs %(/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
324 RPM_BUILD_ROOT="" TEST_JOBS=%{nbprocs} make test_harness_notty CCDLFLAGS=
325 rm -f perl
326 make perl
328 %install
329 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
331 %makeinstall_std
333 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_root}/vendor_perl/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto
335 # We prefer 0755 instead of 0555
336 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name "*.so" | xargs chmod 0755
338 cp -f utils/h2ph utils/h2ph_patched
339 cat %{SOURCE2} | patch -p1
341 # LD_PRELOAD doesn't work... why?
342 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ./perl -Ilib utils/h2ph_patched -a -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch} `cat %{SOURCE1}` > /dev/null ||:
344 (
345 # i don't like hardlinks, having symlinks instead:
346 cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
347 ln -sf perl5 perl
348 ln -s perl%{version} perl5
349 )
351 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/perlivp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/perlivp.1
353 %ifarch ppc
354 perl -ni -e 'print if !/sub __syscall_nr/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/unistd.ph
355 %endif
357 %ifarch ppc
358 perl -ni -e 'print unless m/sub __syscall_nr/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/unistd.ph
359 %endif
361 # call spec-helper before creating the file list
362 # (spec-helper removes some files, and compress some others)
363 %define dont_strip 1
364 %{?__spec_helper_post}
365 %undefine dont_strip
367 (
368 cat > perl-base.list <<EOF
369 %{_bindir}/perl
370 %{_bindir}/perl5
371 %{_bindir}/perl%{version}
372 %dir %{perl_root}
373 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}
374 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/File
375 %{perl_root}/%{version}/File/Basename.pm
376 %{perl_root}/%{version}/File/Find.pm
377 %{perl_root}/%{version}/File/Path.pm
378 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/Getopt
379 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Getopt/Long.pm
380 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Getopt/Std.pm
381 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/Time
382 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Time/Local.pm
383 %{perl_root}/%{version}/AutoLoader.pm
384 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/Carp
385 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Carp.pm
386 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Carp/Heavy.pm
387 %{perl_root}/%{version}/DirHandle.pm
388 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Errno.pm
389 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/Exporter
390 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Exporter/Heavy.pm
391 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Exporter.pm
392 %{perl_root}/%{version}/FileHandle.pm
393 %{perl_root}/%{version}/PerlIO.pm
394 %{perl_root}/%{version}/SelectSaver.pm
395 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Symbol.pm
396 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/Tie
397 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Tie/Hash.pm
398 %{perl_root}/%{version}/XSLoader.pm
399 %{perl_root}/%{version}/base.pm
400 %{perl_root}/%{version}/bytes.pm
401 %{perl_root}/%{version}/bytes_heavy.pl
402 %{perl_root}/%{version}/constant.pm
403 %{perl_root}/%{version}/feature.pm
404 %{perl_root}/%{version}/integer.pm
405 %{perl_root}/%{version}/overload.pm
406 %{perl_root}/%{version}/strict.pm
407 %{perl_root}/%{version}/utf8.pm
408 %{perl_root}/%{version}/utf8_heavy.pl
409 %{perl_root}/%{version}/unicore/To/Lower.pl
410 %{perl_root}/%{version}/unicore/To/Fold.pl
411 %{perl_root}/%{version}/unicore/To/Upper.pl
412 %{perl_root}/%{version}/vars.pm
413 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/warnings
414 %{perl_root}/%{version}/warnings/register.pm
415 %{perl_root}/%{version}/warnings.pm
416 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}
417 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/lib.pm
418 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Cwd.pm
419 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/File/Spec.pm
420 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/File/Spec/Unix.pm
421 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/File/Spec
422 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Fcntl.pm
423 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO.pm
424 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO
425 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO/File.pm
426 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO/Handle.pm
427 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO/Seekable.pm
428 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO/Select.pm
429 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/IO/Socket.pm
430 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto
431 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Cwd
432 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Cwd/Cwd.so
433 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/DynaLoader
434 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/DynaLoader/dl_findfile.al
435 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Data
436 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Data/Dumper
437 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so
438 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Fcntl
439 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Fcntl/Fcntl.so
440 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/File
441 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/File/Glob
442 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/File/Glob/Glob.so
443 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/File/Glob.pm
444 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/IO
445 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/IO/IO.so
446 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/POSIX
447 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/POSIX/POSIX.so
448 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix
449 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/POSIX/load_imports.al
450 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/POSIX/tmpfile.al
451 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Socket
452 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Socket/Socket.so
453 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable
454 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/Storable.so
455 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/autosplit.ix
456 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/store.al
457 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/_store.al
458 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/retrieve.al
459 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/Storable/_retrieve.al
460 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/re
461 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/auto/re/re.so
462 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Config.pm
463 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Config_heavy.pl
464 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/DynaLoader.pm
465 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/POSIX.pm
466 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Socket.pm
467 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/Storable.pm
468 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/re.pm
469 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE
470 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/libperl.so
471 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm
472 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/bits
473 %dir %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/sys
474 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/unistd.ph
475 %ifarch %mips
476 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/sgidefs.ph
477 %endif
478 %ifarch ia64
479 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/break.ph
480 %endif
481 %ifarch x86_64
482 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/bits/wordsize.ph
483 %endif
484 %ifarch %ix86 x86_64
485 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/unistd_32.ph
486 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm/unistd_64.ph
487 %endif
488 %ifarch ppc64
489 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm-ppc/unistd.ph
490 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/asm-ppc64/unistd.ph
491 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/bits/wordsize.ph
492 %endif
493 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/bits/syscall.ph
494 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/sys/syscall.ph
495 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/_h2ph_pre.ph
496 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/syscall.ph
497 EOF
499 cat > perl.list <<EOF
500 %doc README
501 %doc Artistic
502 %{_bindir}/a2p
503 %{_bindir}/perlbug
504 %{_bindir}/perlthanks
505 %{_bindir}/find2perl
506 %{_bindir}/pod2man
507 %{_bindir}/pod2html
508 %{_bindir}/pod2text
509 %{_bindir}/pod2latex
510 %{_bindir}/splain
511 %{_bindir}/s2p
512 EOF
514 cat > perl-devel.list <<EOF
515 %{_bindir}/cpan
516 %{_bindir}/pstruct
517 %{_bindir}/piconv
518 %{_bindir}/dprofpp
519 %{_bindir}/c2ph
520 %{_bindir}/h2xs
521 %{_bindir}/enc2xs
522 %{_bindir}/instmodsh
523 %{_bindir}/libnetcfg
524 %{_bindir}/h2ph
525 %{_bindir}/pl2pm
526 %{_bindir}/podchecker
527 %{_bindir}/podselect
528 %{_bindir}/pod2usage
529 %{_bindir}/psed
530 %{_bindir}/prove
531 %{_bindir}/xsubpp
532 %{perl_root}/%{version}/Encode/encode.h
533 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/EXTERN.h
534 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/INTERN.h
535 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/XSUB.h
536 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/av.h
537 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/cc_runtime.h
538 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/cop.h
539 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/cv.h
540 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/dosish.h
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542 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/embedvar.h
543 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/fakesdio.h
544 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/fakethr.h
545 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/form.h
546 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/gv.h
547 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/handy.h
548 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/hv.h
549 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/intrpvar.h
550 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/iperlsys.h
551 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/keywords.h
552 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/malloc_ctl.h
553 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/mg.h
554 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/nostdio.h
555 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/op.h
556 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/opcode.h
557 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/opnames.h
558 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/overload.h
559 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/pad.h
560 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/parser.h
561 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/patchlevel.h
562 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perlapi.h
563 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perlio.h
564 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perliol.h
565 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perlsdio.h
566 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perlsfio.h
567 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perlvars.h
568 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/perly.h
569 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/pp.h
570 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/pp_proto.h
571 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/proto.h
572 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/reentr.h
573 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/regcharclass.h
574 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/regcomp.h
575 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/regexp.h
576 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/regnodes.h
577 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/scope.h
578 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/sv.h
579 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/thread.h
580 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/uconfig.h
581 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/unixish.h
582 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/utf8.h
583 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/utfebcdic.h
584 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/util.h
585 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/uudmap.h
586 %{perl_root}/%{version}/%{full_arch}/CORE/warnings.h
587 EOF
589 rel_perl_root=`echo %{perl_root} | sed "s,/,,"`
590 rel_mandir=`echo %{_mandir} | sed "s,/,,"`
591 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; find $rel_perl_root/%{version} "(" -name "*.pod" -o -iname "Changes*" -o -iname "ChangeLog*" -o -iname "README*" ")" -a -not -name perldiag.pod -printf "%%%%doc /%%p\n") >> perl-doc.list
592 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; find $rel_mandir/man1 ! -name "perlivp.1*" ! -type d -printf "/%%p\n") >> perl.list
593 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; find $rel_mandir/man3 ! -type d ! -name "Pod::Perldoc*" -printf "/%%p\n") >> perl.list
594 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; find $rel_perl_root/%{version} ! -type d -printf "/%%p\n") >> perl.list
595 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; find $rel_perl_root/%{version} -type d -printf "%%%%dir /%%p\n") >> perl.list
597 perl -ni -e 'BEGIN { open F, "perl-base.list"; $s{$_} = 1 foreach <F>; } print unless $s{$_}' perl.list
598 perl -ni -e 'BEGIN { open F, "perl-devel.list"; $s{$_} = 1 foreach <F>; } print unless $s{$_}' perl.list
599 perl -ni -e 'BEGIN { open F, "perl-doc.list"; s/^.doc //, $s{$_} = 1 foreach <F>; } print unless $s{$_}' perl.list
600 )
602 %clean
603 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
605 %files -f perl.list
606 %defattr(-,root,root)
608 %files base -f perl-base.list
609 %defattr(-,root,root)
610 %{perl_root}/vendor_perl
612 %files devel -f perl-devel.list
613 %defattr(-,root,root)
615 %files doc -f perl-doc.list
616 %defattr(-,root,root)

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