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Contents of /updates/infra_5/glib2.0/current/SPECS/glib2.0.spec

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Revision 1044860 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Aug 6 15:39:29 2016 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by ngompa
File size: 10167 byte(s)
- Revert to using old mdv-specific file triggers for mga5
- Incorporate proyvind's patch to fix file triggers and build properly

1 # enable_gtkdoc: Toggle if gtkdoc stuff should be rebuilt
2 # 0 = no
3 # 1 = yes
4 %define enable_gtkdoc 0
6 # Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
7 %define api_version 2.0
8 %define lib_major 0
9 %define lib_name %mklibname %{name}_ %{lib_major}
10 %define libgio_name %mklibname gio%{api_version}_ %{lib_major}
11 %define develname %mklibname -d %name
12 %define staticname %mklibname -d -s %name
14 %define url_ver %(echo %{version}|cut -d. -f1,2)
16 Summary: A library of handy utility functions
17 Name: glib%{api_version}
18 Version: 2.48.1
19 Release: %mkrel 1
20 License: LGPLv2+
21 Group: System/Libraries
22 Source0: https://download.gnome.org/sources/glib/%{url_ver}/glib-%{version}.tar.xz
23 Source1: glib20.sh
24 Source2: glib20.csh
25 # (tmb) disable deprecated schema warnings on mga3 like we did for mga2
26 Patch0: glib-silence-deprecated-paths.patch
27 Patch1: glib-2.38.0-GIO-xfce4-terminal-support.patch
28 # patches from upstream bgo#730332 to fix mga#13407
29 Patch2: 0001-Bug-730332-glib-uses-wrong-timezone-transition-with-.patch
30 Patch3: 0002-Bug-730332-Guard-against-reading-past-the-end-of-a-t.patch
31 # patches from upstream bgo#7762994:
32 # upstream gobject introspection fix
33 URL: http://www.gtk.org
34 Requires: common-licenses
35 Requires: shared-mime-info >= 0.70
36 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpcre) >= 8.11
37 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib)
38 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dbus-1) >= 1.2.14
39 BuildRequires: gettext
40 BuildRequires: libtool
41 BuildRequires: locales-en
42 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libffi) >= 3.0.0
43 BuildRequires: xsltproc
44 BuildRequires: docbook-dtds
45 BuildRequires: docbook-xsl
46 BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
47 BuildRequires: libxml2-utils
48 # ovitters adds elf support to gresource binary, needed to determine
49 # gnome-shell requires
50 BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
51 %if %enable_gtkdoc
52 BuildRequires: gtk-doc >= 0.10
53 %endif
55 #gw this was required since 2.23.2 (new atomic OPs?)
56 %global __requires_exclude GLIBC_PRIVATE
58 %description
59 Glib is a handy library of utility functions. This C
60 library is designed to solve some portability problems
61 and provide other useful functionality which most
62 programs require.
64 Glib is used by GDK, GTK+ and many applications.
66 %package common
67 Summary: data files used by glib
68 Group: System/Libraries
70 %description common
71 Glib is a handy library of utility functions. This C
72 library is designed to solve some portability problems
73 and provide other useful functionality which most
74 programs require.
76 This package contains data used by glib library.
78 %package -n %{lib_name}
79 Summary: %{summary}
80 Group: %{group}
81 Provides: glib2 = %{version}-%{release}
82 Provides: libglib2 = %{version}-%{release}
83 Provides: lib%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
84 Conflicts: libglib1.3_13
86 %description -n %{lib_name}
87 Glib is a handy library of utility functions. This C
88 library is designed to solve some portability problems
89 and provide other useful functionality which most
90 programs require.
92 Glib is used by GDK, GTK+ and many applications.
93 You should install Glib because many of your applications
94 will depend on this library.
96 This package contains the library needed to run programs dynamically
97 linked with the glib.
99 %package -n %{libgio_name}
100 Summary: GIO is the input, output and streaming API of glib
101 Group: %{group}
102 Requires: %{lib_name} = %{version}
103 Requires(post): %{lib_name} = %{version}
104 Recommends: %{mklibname glib-networking-gnutls}
106 %description -n %{libgio_name}
107 GIO is the input, output and streaming API of glib. It on the one hand
108 provides a set of various streaming classes to access data from different
109 sources in a convenient way and on the other hand it provides a high level
110 file system abstraction to access file and directories not only local but also
111 on the network. For the latter you need to install gvfs.
113 %package -n %develname
114 Summary: Static libraries and header files of %{name}
115 Group: Development/C
116 Provides: glib2-devel = %{version}-%{release}
117 Provides: libglib2-devel = %{version}-%{release}
118 Provides: lib%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
119 Requires: %{lib_name} = %{version}
120 Requires: %{libgio_name} = %{version}
121 Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}
122 Requires: glib-gettextize >= %{version}
123 Conflicts: libglib1.3_13-devel
124 #gw for %{_datadir}/glib-%{api_version}/gdb
125 Conflicts: glib-gettextize < 2.25.3
126 Obsoletes: %mklibname -d %{name}_ 0
128 %description -n %develname
129 Header files for the support library for the GIMP's X libraries, which are
130 available as public libraries. GLIB includes generally useful data structures.
132 %package -n %staticname
133 Summary: Static libraries and header files of %{name}
134 Group: Development/C
135 Requires: %develname = %{version}-%{release}
136 Provides: glib2-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
137 Provides: libglib2-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
138 Provides: lib%{name}-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
139 Conflicts: %develname < 2.28.6-2
141 %description -n %staticname
142 Static libraries and files for the support library for the GIMP's X libraries,
143 which are available as public libraries. GLIB includes generally useful data
144 structures.
146 %package -n glib-gettextize
147 Summary: Gettextize replacement
148 Group: Development/Other
150 %description -n glib-gettextize
151 %{name} package is designed to replace gettextize completely.
152 Various gettext related files are modified in glib and gtk+ to
153 allow better and more flexible i18n; however gettextize overwrites
154 them with its own copy of files, thus nullifying the changes.
155 If this replacement of gettextize is run instead, then all gnome
156 packages can potentially benefict from the changes.
158 %prep
159 %setup -n glib-%{version} -q
160 %autopatch -p1
162 %build
163 autoreconf -vfi
164 %configure2_5x \
165 --with-pcre=system \
166 --enable-static \
167 --disable-selinux \
168 --disable-fam \
169 --disable-systemtap \
170 %if !%enable_gtkdoc
171 --enable-gtk-doc=no
172 %endif
174 %make
176 %check
177 #gw http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440544
178 #make check
180 %install
181 %makeinstall_std
183 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d
184 install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/50glib20.sh
185 install -m 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/50glib20.csh
187 %find_lang glib20
189 mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gio-querymodules $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gio-querymodules-%{__isa_bits}
191 #ghost files
192 touch %buildroot%_libdir/gio/modules/giomodule.cache \
193 %buildroot%_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled
195 # don't ship .a files for gio modules
196 rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/gio/modules/lib*a
198 # we don't want these
199 find %{buildroot} -name "*.la" -delete
200 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/glib-2.0/gdb/*.{pyc,pyo}
201 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/glib-2.0/codegen/*.{pyc,pyo}
203 # automatic gschema compilation on rpm installs/removals
204 # (see http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Rpm_filetriggers)
205 install -d %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers
207 cat > %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/glib-compile-schemas.filter << EOF
208 ^.%_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/[^/]*\.xml$
209 ^.%_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/[^/]*\.override$
210 EOF
212 cat > %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/glib-compile-schemas.script << EOF
213 #!/bin/sh
214 if [ -x /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas ]; then
215 /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas --allow-any-name %_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/
216 fi
217 EOF
219 chmod 755 %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/glib-compile-schemas.script
221 # automatic update of gio module cache
222 cat > %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/gio-querymodules.filter << EOF
223 ^.%{_libdir}/gio/modules/*.so\$
224 EOF
226 cat > %buildroot%{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/gio-querymodules.script <<EOF
227 #!/bin/sh
228 %{_bindir}/gio-querymodules-%{__isa_bits} %{_libdir}/gio/modules
229 EOF
232 %post -n %{libgio_name}
233 %if %_lib != lib
234 %{_bindir}/gio-querymodules-64 %{_libdir}/gio/modules
235 %else
236 %{_bindir}/gio-querymodules-32 %{_libdir}/gio/modules
237 %endif
239 %files common -f glib20.lang
240 %doc README
241 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/*
242 %_datadir/bash-completion/completions/gapplication
243 %_datadir/bash-completion/completions/gdbus
244 %_datadir/bash-completion/completions/gsettings
245 %_datadir/bash-completion/completions/gresource
246 %{_bindir}/gapplication
247 %{_bindir}/gdbus
248 %{_bindir}/gresource
249 %{_bindir}/glib-compile-schemas
250 %{_bindir}/glib-compile-resources
251 %{_bindir}/gsettings
252 %{_mandir}/man1/gio-querymodules.1*
253 %_mandir/man1/glib-compile-schemas.1*
254 %_mandir/man1/glib-compile-resources.1*
255 %_mandir/man1/gsettings.1*
256 %{_mandir}/man1/gapplication.1*
257 %{_mandir}/man1/gdbus.1*
258 %{_mandir}/man1/gresource.1*
259 %dir %_datadir/glib-2.0/
260 %dir %_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/
261 %_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/gschema.dtd
262 %ghost %_datadir/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled
263 %_datadir/gettext/its/
264 %{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/glib-compile-schemas.*
265 %{_var}/lib/rpm/filetriggers/gio-querymodules.*
267 %files -n %{lib_name}
268 %doc README
269 %{_libdir}/libglib-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}
270 %{_libdir}/libglib-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}.*
271 %{_libdir}/libgmodule-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}
272 %{_libdir}/libgmodule-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}.*
273 %{_libdir}/libgthread-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}
274 %{_libdir}/libgthread-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}.*
275 %{_libdir}/libgobject-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}
276 %{_libdir}/libgobject-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}.*
278 %files -n %{libgio_name}
279 %_bindir/gio-querymodules-*
280 %{_libdir}/libgio-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}
281 %{_libdir}/libgio-%{api_version}.so.%{lib_major}.*
282 %dir %_libdir/gio/
283 %dir %_libdir/gio/modules/
284 %ghost %_libdir/gio/modules/giomodule.cache
286 %files -n %develname
288 %doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/*
289 %{_libdir}/lib*.so
290 %{_libdir}/glib-%{api_version}
291 %{_datadir}/glib-%{api_version}/codegen
292 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*
293 %{_includedir}/*
294 %{_mandir}/man1/glib-genmarshal.1*
295 %{_mandir}/man1/glib-mkenums.1*
296 %{_mandir}/man1/gobject-query.1*
297 %{_mandir}/man1/gtester-report.1*
298 %{_mandir}/man1/gtester.1*
299 %{_mandir}/man1/gdbus-codegen.1*
300 %{_datadir}/aclocal/glib-%{api_version}.m4
301 %{_datadir}/aclocal/gsettings.m4
302 %{_bindir}/glib-genmarshal
303 %{_bindir}/glib-mkenums
304 %{_bindir}/gobject-query
305 %{_bindir}/gtester*
306 %{_bindir}/gdbus-codegen
307 %{_datadir}/gdb/auto-load%{_libdir}/lib*-gdb.py*
308 %{_datadir}/glib-%{api_version}/gdb
310 %files -n glib-gettextize
311 %{_bindir}/glib-gettextize
312 %_mandir/man1/glib-gettextize.1*
313 %{_datadir}/aclocal/glib-gettext.m4
314 %{_datadir}/glib-%{api_version}/gettext
316 %files -n %staticname
317 %{_libdir}/lib*.a

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