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Contents of /identity/CatDap/trunk/lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm

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Revision 1793 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 21 17:10:36 2011 UTC (12 years, 9 months ago) by misc
File size: 24501 byte(s)
let a user who is set as a owner of the group manage it
1 package CatDap::Controller::admin;
2 use Moose;
3 use namespace::autoclean;
4 use Data::UUID;
5 #use Data::Dumper;
6 use Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword;
8 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
10 =head1 NAME
12 CatDap::Controller::admin - Catalyst Controller
16 Catalyst Controller.
18 =head1 METHODS
20 =cut
22 =head2 auto
24 Ensure the user is logged in. In order to bind as the user, we use
25 CatDap::Model::User, which uses Catalyst::Model::LDAP::FromAuthentication,
26 which effectively requires calling $c->authenticate on every request.
28 To do this, we keep the password, encrypted with blowfish, using the
29 (for now), first 3 octets of IPv4 request address and a UUID string (stored in
30 a cookie) as the key. To access the password, an attacker would need:
31 - the first 3 octets of IPv4 request (not stored anywhere, but accessible
32 in server logs)
33 - the encrpyted password (only available server-side in the session variable)
34 - the UUID key portion (only available on the browser-side in a cookie)
36 So, if the user does "not exist", we authenticate them, if it succeeds we encrypt
37 the password and store it in the session.
39 If the user is logged in, we get the encrypted password from the session, decrypt
40 it (we need to handle failure to decrypt it better)
42 =cut
44 sub auto : Private {
45 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
46 my $cipher;
47 my $password;
48 my $mesg;
49 my $dn;
51 # TODO merge this code with the one in user.pm
52 my $keyprefix;
53 if ($c->req->address =~ m/:/) {
54 my $address = $c->req->address;
55 $address =~ s/\[\]://;
56 $keyprefix = sprintf( "%06x", $address >> 104 ); # if we shift right 104 bits from 128 we have 24 bits left or 3 bytes.
57 }
58 else {
59 $keyprefix = sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", split /\./, $c->req->address );
60 }
61 if ( !defined $c->user or not $c->req->cookie('key') ) {
62 $c->detach('/user/login')
63 if ( not $c->req->param('username')
64 or not $c->req->param('password') );
65 $c->log->debug("No session, logging user in");
66 if (
67 !$c->authenticate(
68 {
69 username => $c->req->param('username'),
70 password => $c->req->param('password')
71 || $c->req->param('key')
72 }
73 )
74 )
75 {
77 #TODO: ppolicy ....
78 $c->stash( errors => ['Incorrect username or password'] );
79 $c->stash( template => 'index.tt' );
80 $c->log->debug("Logging user in failed, forwarding to login page");
81 $c->visit('/user/login');
82 $c->detach;
83 return 1;
84 }
85 else {
87 #if (defined $c->user->pwdReset) {
88 # $c->res->redirect('/user');
89 #}
90 #$c->persist_user;
91 $c->log->debug('Logging user in to LDAP');
92 my $ug = Data::UUID->new;
93 my $key = $ug->create_str();
94 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
95 -key => $keyprefix . $key,
96 -cipher => 'Blowfish'
97 ) or die $!;
98 $c->session->{enc_password} =
99 $cipher->encrypt( $c->req->param('password')
100 || $c->req->param('key') );
101 $c->stash( pages => roles2pages( $c->user->roles ) );
102 $c->session->{dn} = $c->user->ldap_entry->dn;
103 $c->session->{user} = $c->req->param('username');
104 $password = $c->req->param('password') || $c->req->param('key');
105 return 1;
106 }
108 }
109 else {
110 my $key = $c->req->cookie('key')->value;
111 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
112 -key => $keyprefix . $key,
113 -cipher => 'Blowfish'
114 ) or die $!;
115 $password = $cipher->decrypt( $c->session->{enc_password} );
116 $c->log->debug( "Re-authenticating user " . $c->session->{user} );
117 $c->authenticate(
118 { username => $c->session->{user}, password => $password } )
119 or $c->view('/user/login');
120 $c->res->cookies->{'key'} = {value => $key, expires => '+10m'};
121 $c->stash( pages => roles2pages( $c->user->roles ) );
122 $c->log->info($@) if $@;
123 return 1;
124 }
125 }
127 sub account : Local {
128 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
129 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
130 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
131 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
132 my @errors;
133 return
134 if not defined $c->req->param('attribute')
135 and not defined $c->req->param('value');
137 #my $attribute =~ m/^([\w\d]*)/,$c->req->param('attribute');
138 my $attribute = $c->req->param('attribute');
139 $c->log->debug("Searching for account using attribute $attribute");
141 #my $value =~ /^[\w\d]*/,$c->req->param('attribute');
142 my $value = $c->req->param('value');
143 my $mesg =
144 $c->model('user')
145 ->search("(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)($attribute=$value))");
146 my @orig_entries = $mesg->entries;
147 my @entries;
148 foreach my $entry (@orig_entries) {
149 my %new_entry;
150 foreach my $attr ($entry->attributes) {
151 $new_entry{$attr} = Encode::decode_utf8($entry->get_value($attr));
152 }
153 push @entries, \%new_entry;
154 }
155 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
156 $c->stash( entries => \@entries );
157 $c->stash( errors => \@errors );
158 }
160 sub account_promote : Local {
161 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
162 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
163 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
164 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
165 my @errors;
166 my @promoted;
167 if ( defined $c->req->param('gid') and defined $c->req->param('username') )
168 {
169 my $gid = $c->req->param('gid');
170 foreach my $uid ( $c->req->param('username') ) {
171 $c->log->info("Promoting user $uid with gid $gid");
172 my $mesg =
173 $c->model('user')
174 ->search(
175 "(&(uid=$uid)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(!(objectClass=posixAccount)))"
176 );
177 if ( $mesg->entries gt 1 ) {
178 push @errors, "More than one account matched user $uid";
180 #TODO forward to error page
181 }
182 my $entry = $mesg->entry;
183 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(objectclass=sambaUnixIdPool)");
184 if ( $mesg->entries gt 1 ) {
185 push @errors, $c->loc("More than one ID Pool");
187 #TODO forward to error page
188 }
189 my $idpool = $mesg->entry;
190 my $uidnum = $idpool->uidNumber;
191 my $newuidnum = $uidnum+1;
192 $entry->add(
193 objectclass => [ 'posixAccount', 'ldapPublicKey' ],
194 loginShell => '/bin/bash',
195 gidNumber => $c->req->param('gid'),
196 uidNumber => $uidnum,
197 homeDirectory => "/home/$uid",
198 );
199 $idpool->replace( uidNumber => $newuidnum );
201 $idpool->update;
202 $mesg = $entry->update;
203 if ($mesg->code) {
204 $c->log->info('LDAP update failed: ' . $mesg->error);
205 push @errors, $mesg->error;
206 #reverse idpool update
207 $idpool->replace( uidNumber => $uidnum );
208 $mesg = $idpool->update;
209 $c->log->info("ERROR IdPool could not be reset to $uidnum: ", $mesg->error) if $mesg->code;
210 } else {
211 push @promoted, $uid;
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 my $mesg =
216 $c->model('user')
217 ->search("(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(!(objectClass=posixAccount)))");
218 my @orig_entries = $mesg->entries;
219 my @entries;
220 foreach my $entry (@orig_entries) {
221 my %new_entry;
222 foreach my $attr($entry->attributes) {
223 $new_entry{$attr} = Encode::decode_utf8($entry->get_value($attr));
224 }
225 push @entries, \%new_entry;
226 }
227 @entries = sort { $a->{'uid'} cmp $b->{'uid'} } @entries;
229 $c->stash( entries => \@entries );
230 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
231 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(objectClass=posixGroup)");
232 my @groups = $mesg->entries;
233 $c->stash( groups => \@groups );
234 $c->stash( errors => \@errors );
235 $c->stash( promoted => \@promoted );
236 }
238 sub account_modify : Local {
239 my ( $self, $c, $user ) = @_;
240 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
241 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
242 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
243 my @errors;
244 my $mesg;
245 if ( $user eq '' ) {
246 $c->forward( $c->uri_for('/account') );
247 $c->detach;
248 }
249 my $schemaldap = Net::LDAP->new( ${ $c->config }{'Model::Proxy'}{'host'} )
250 or warn "LDAP bind failed: $!";
251 $schemaldap->start_tls if ${ $c->config }{'Model::Proxy'}{'start_tls'};
252 $schemaldap->bind;
253 my $schema = $schemaldap->schema or die("Searching schema failed: $!");
254 my $attrdef;
256 my $entry;
257 $c->log->debug("Searching for user $user");
258 $mesg =
259 $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
260 $entry = $mesg->entry;
262 # Handle adding attributes immediately here, forwarding back to ourselves
263 if ( $c->req->param('operation') eq 'add' ) {
264 $entry->add( $c->req->param('attribute') => $c->req->param('value') );
265 $mesg = $entry->update;
266 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
267 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( $c->req->uri ) . "/$user" );
268 }
270 my %mods;
271 my %params = %{ $c->req->parameters };
272 my $update = 0;
273 foreach my $req ( keys %params ) {
274 next if $req !~ /(.+)_new/;
275 my $attrname = $1;
276 next if $params{ $attrname . '_new' } eq $params{ $attrname . '_old' };
277 $c->log->debug("Received update request for attribute $attrname");
278 $update = 1;
279 $attrdef = $schema->attribute($attrname)
280 or die("getting schema failed: $!");
281 if ( $$attrdef{'single-value'} ) {
282 $entry->replace( $attrname => $params{ $attrname . '_new' } )
283 or $c->log->info($!);
284 }
285 else {
286 $entry->delete( $attrname => $params{ $attrname . '_old' } );
287 $entry->add( $attrname => $params{ $attrname . '_new' } );
288 }
289 if ($update) {
290 $mesg = $entry->update;
291 push @{ ${ $c->stash }{'errors'} }, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
292 }
293 }
295 $mesg =
296 $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
297 $c->log->debug( $mesg->error ) if $mesg->code;
298 $entry = $mesg->entry;
299 $c->log->debug( $mesg->error ) if $mesg->code;
301 my @values;
302 my @attributes = $entry->attributes;
303 my @may;
304 my @addable_attrs = @attributes;
305 my @ocs;
306 my @must;
307 @ocs = $entry->get_value("objectClass");
308 foreach my $oc (@ocs) {
309 foreach my $attr ( $schema->must($oc) ) {
310 push @must, $$attr{'name'} if not grep /$$attr{'name'}/, @must;
311 }
312 }
314 foreach my $attr ( sort @attributes ) {
315 next if ( $attr eq "objectClass" );
316 next
317 if grep /$attr/,
318 @{ ${ $c->config }{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'} };
319 my @vals = $entry->get_value($attr);
320 foreach (@vals) { $_ = Encode::decode_utf8( $_ ); }
321 $attrdef = $schema->attribute($attr)
322 or die("getting schema failed: $!");
323 my %valhash = (
324 name => $attr,
325 values => \@vals,
326 desc => $$attrdef{'desc'},
327 );
328 if ( !grep /^$attr$/,
329 @{ ${ $c->config }{'Controller::User'}{'uneditable_attrs'} } )
330 {
331 $valhash{'editable'} = 1;
332 }
333 if ( !$$attrdef{'single-value'} && $valhash{'editable'} ) {
334 $valhash{'addable'} = 1;
335 }
336 if ( !grep /$attr/, @must ) { $valhash{'removable'} = 1; }
337 push @values, \%valhash;
338 }
339 foreach my $oc (@ocs) {
340 foreach my $attrdef ( $schema->may($oc) ) {
341 my $attrname = $$attrdef{'name'};
342 grep /$attrname/, @may
343 or grep /$attrname/, @attributes
344 or grep /$attrname/,
345 @{ ${ $c->config }{'Controller::User'}{'uneditable_attrs'} }
346 or grep /$attrname/,
347 @{ ${ $c->config }{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'} }
348 or push @may, $attrname;
349 }
350 }
351 @may = sort @may;
352 my @available_ocs = $schema->all_objectclasses;
353 my @offer_ocs;
354 foreach my $oc (@available_ocs) {
355 my $ocname = $$oc{name};
356 next if grep /$ocname/, @ocs;
357 next if not $$oc{auxiliary};
358 push @offer_ocs, $ocname;
359 }
360 @offer_ocs = sort @offer_ocs;
361 my @groups;
362 if ( grep /posixAccount/, @offer_ocs ) {
363 my $mesg = $c->model('user')->search('objectclass=posixGroup');
364 foreach my $group ( $mesg->entries ) {
365 push @groups,
366 {
367 name => $group->cn,
368 gidNumber => $group->gidNumber,
369 };
370 }
371 }
373 $c->stash(
374 {
375 username => $user,
376 values => \@values,
377 attrdef => $attrdef,
378 may => \@may,
379 must => \@must,
380 offer_ocs => \@offer_ocs,
381 dn => $entry->dn,
382 uid => $entry->uid,
383 }
384 );
385 $c->stash( 'groups' => \@groups ) if (@groups);
386 }
388 sub account_modifydel : Local {
389 my ( $self, $c, $uid, $attr, $value ) = @_;
390 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
391 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
392 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
393 my @errors;
394 my $mesg;
395 $mesg =
396 $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$uid))");
397 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
398 $mesg = $mesg->entry->delete( $attr => $value )->update;
399 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
400 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for('/admin/account_modify') . "/$uid" );
401 }
403 sub account_group : Local {
404 my ( $self, $c, $uid ) = @_;
405 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
406 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
407 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
408 $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/admin/account')) if $uid eq '';
409 my (@errors,@newgroups,@groups);
410 my ($mesg,$entry,$dn);
412 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgperson)(uid=$uid))");
413 $entry = $mesg->entry;
414 $dn = $entry->dn;
415 if (defined $c->req->param('op')) {
416 my $group = $c->req->param('group');
417 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(cn=$group))");
418 $entry = $mesg->entry;
419 $entry->delete(member => $dn) if ($c->req->param('op') eq 'delete');
420 $entry->add(member => $dn) if ($c->req->param('op') eq 'add');
421 $mesg = $entry->update if ($entry->changes);
422 push @errors,$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
423 }
426 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member=$dn))");
427 @groups = $mesg->entries;
428 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(!(member=$dn)))");
429 @newgroups = $mesg->entries;
430 $c->stash(
431 uid => $uid,
432 groups => \@groups,
433 newgroups => \@newgroups,
434 );
435 }
437 sub account_addoc : Local {
438 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
439 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
440 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
441 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
442 my $objectclass = $c->req->param('objectclass')
443 or $c->detach('/admin/group');
444 my $dn = $c->req->param('dn');
445 my $uid = $c->req->param('uid');
446 my ( @errors, @must, @may );
447 my $mesg;
448 my $schemaldap = Net::LDAP->new( ${ $c->config }{'Model::Proxy'}{'host'} )
449 or warn "LDAP bind failed: $!";
450 $mesg = $schemaldap->start_tls
451 if ${ $c->config }{'Model::Proxy'}{'start_tls'};
452 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
453 $schemaldap->bind;
454 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
455 my $schema = $schemaldap->schema or die("Searching schema failed: $!");
456 $mesg =
457 $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$uid))");
458 $c->log->debug( $mesg->error ) if $mesg->code;
459 my $entry = $mesg->entry;
460 $c->log->debug( $mesg->error ) if $mesg->code;
462 foreach my $attr ( $schema->must($objectclass) ) {
463 push @must, $$attr{name} if not $entry->get_value( $$attr{name} );
464 }
465 foreach my $attr ( $schema->may($objectclass) ) {
466 push @may, $$attr{name} if not $entry->get_value( $$attr{name} );
467 }
469 # if we have all the musts as params
470 my $haveall = 1;
471 foreach my $addattr (@must) {
472 if ( defined $c->req->param($addattr) ) {
473 $entry->add( $addattr => $c->req->param($addattr) );
474 }
475 else {
476 $c->log->debug("Missing attribute $addattr");
477 $haveall = 0;
478 }
479 }
480 if ($haveall) {
481 $entry->add( objectClass => [$objectclass] );
482 $c->log->debug("About to push updates to $dn");
483 #$c->log->debug( Dumper( \$entry->changes ) );
484 $mesg = $entry->update;
485 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
486 $c->stash( template => 'admin/account.tt', errors => @errors );
488 #$c->detach('account_modify');
489 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for('/admin/account_modify') . "/" . $uid );
490 $c->detach;
491 }
492 $c->stash(
493 may => \@may,
494 must => \@must,
495 oc => $objectclass,
496 dn => $dn,
497 uid => $uid,
498 );
499 }
501 sub password : Local {
502 my ($self,$c,$uid) = @_;
503 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
504 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
505 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
506 my (@errors,@mail);
507 my ($mesg,$entry,$newpass);
508 $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/admin/account')) if $uid eq '';
510 # Find the user so we have their email now for confirmation, or can easily
511 # set password if reset has been confirmed
512 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("uid=$uid");
513 push @errors,$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
514 if ($mesg->entries gt 1) {
515 push @errors, $c->loc('More than one entry matched');
516 $c->detach;
517 }
518 $entry = $mesg->entry;
519 @mail = $entry->mail;
521 if (!$c->req->param('txnid')) {
522 my $txnid = Data::UUID->new->create_str();
523 $c->session(txnid => $txnid);
524 $c->stash( uid => $uid, txnid => $txnid, mails => @mail);
525 return 1;
526 }
527 if ($c->req->param('txnid') ne $c->session->{txnid}) {
528 push @errors, $c->loc('Transaction ID mismatch');
529 $c->detach;
530 }
531 $newpass = Data::UUID->new->create_str();
532 my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new;
533 $mesg = $entry->replace( userPassword => $newpass,pwdReset => 'TRUE' )->update;
534 if ($mesg->code) {
535 push @errors, $c->loc("Password reset failed: ") . $mesg->error;
536 $c->detach;
537 }
538 my $email = join(',',@mail);
539 # send the mail in the users preferred language
540 my @oldlang = $c->languages;
541 if ($entry->preferredLanguage) {
542 #$c->log->debug("Setting languages to: " . Dumper($entry->preferredLanguage));
543 $c->languages([$entry->preferredLanguage]);
544 }
545 $c->stash(
546 email => {
547 'to' => $email,
548 'subject' => $c->config->{apptitle} . " - "
549 . $c->loc('password reset'),
550 'from' => $c->config->{emailfrom},
551 'template' => 'admin/password.tt',
552 'content_type' => 'text/plain',
553 },
554 entry => $entry,
555 url => $c->uri_for('/user/firstlogin') . "?username=$uid&key=$newpass",
556 );
557 $c->forward( $c->view('Email::Template') );
558 $c->languages(@oldlang);
559 if ( @{ $c->error } ) {
560 my $errors = join "\n",@{ $c->error };
561 $c->log->info("Sending reset mail to $email failed: $errors");
562 $c->response->body($c->loc('An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: [_1]', $errors));
563 $c->error(0); # Reset the error condition if you need to
564 }
565 push @errors,$c->loc('Password reset and email sent');
566 $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/admin/account_modify') . "/$uid");
567 }
570 sub group : Local {
571 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
572 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
573 my $mainrole;
574 if ( $c->check_user_roles('Account Admins') ) {
575 $mainrole = 'account';
576 }
577 elsif ( $c->check_user_roles('Group Admins') ) {
578 $mainrole = 'group';
579 }
580 else {
581 $c->res->forward('/user');
582 }
583 #$c->assert_any_user_role({['Account Admins','Group Admins']});
584 #$mainrole = 'account' if $c->check_user_roles('Account Admins');
585 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages($mainrole) );
586 my @errors;
587 my ($attribute,$value);
588 if ( not $c->req->param('attribute') and not $c->req->param('value') ) {
589 $attribute = 'owner';
590 $value = $c->user->ldap_entry->dn;
591 $c->stash( heading => $c->loc('Groups you manage'));
592 }
593 else {
594 $attribute = $c->req->param('attribute');
595 $attribute =~ s/[^\w\d]//g;
596 $value = $c->req->param('value');
597 $value =~ s/[^\w\d\* ]//g;
598 $c->stash( heading => $c->loc('Groups matching search criteria'));
599 }
600 my $mesg =
601 $c->model('user')
602 ->search("(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)($attribute=$value))");
603 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
604 my @entries = $mesg->entries if ($mesg->entries ge 1);
605 push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
606 $c->stash( entries => \@entries ) if (@entries);
607 $c->stash( errors => \@errors);
608 }
610 sub group_modify : Local {
611 my ( $self, $c, $group, $op, $attr, $value ) = @_;
613 $c->detach('/user/login') if not $c->user;
615 my $mainrole = 'account';
616 $mainrole = 'group' if (not $c->check_user_roles('Account Admins'));
617 $c->stash( subpages => gensubpages($mainrole) );
619 my @errors;
620 my @entries;
621 my $mesg;
623 $c->detach('/admin/group') if $group eq '';
624 if ( $group !~ /^[-\w\d ]*$/ ) {
625 push @errors, $c->loc('Group contains illegal characters');
626 $c->detach('/admin/group');
627 }
629 my $mesg_group = $c->model('user')->search("(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=$group))");
630 if ( $mesg_group->entries gt 1 ) {
631 push @errors, $c->loc('More than one entry matched');
632 $c->detach('/admin/group');
633 }
635 #FIXME I am sure that the code can be smaller and leaner
636 @entries = $mesg_group->entries;
637 @entries = $entries[0]->get_value('owner');
638 my $is_owner = grep { $_ eq $c->user->ldap_entry->dn } @entries;
640 if ( ! $is_owner and ! $c->check_user_roles('Account Admins') and ! $c->check_user_roles('Group Admins')) {
641 $c->forward('/user');
642 }
644 if (defined $op and $op eq 'delete') {
645 @entries = $mesg_group->entries;
646 $entries[0]->delete( $attr => $value)->update;
647 $c->res->redirect("/admin/group_modify/$group");
648 }
650 if ( defined $op and $op eq 'add' ) {
651 my $member = $c->req->param('member');
652 $mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(uid=$member)");
653 if ( $mesg->code ) {
654 $c->stash({ errors => $mesg->error});
655 $c->detach('/admin/group');
656 }
657 if ( $mesg->entries ne 1 ) {
658 $c->detach('/admin/group');
659 }
660 @entries = $mesg->entries;
661 my $dn = $entries[0]->dn;
662 @entries = $mesg_group->entries;
663 $entries[0]->add( 'member' => $dn )->update;
664 $c->res->redirect("/admin/group_modify/$group");
665 }
667 $c->stash( group => $mesg_group->entry );
668 }
670 =head2 index
672 =cut
674 sub index : Path : Args(0) {
675 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
676 $c->detach('/index') if not $c->user;
677 $c->assert_user_roles('Account Admins');
678 $c->stash( pages => roles2pages( $c->user->roles ) );
680 #$c->response->body("Matched CatDap::Controller::admin in admin, roles $rolelist");
681 }
683 sub roles2pages : Private {
684 my @roles = @_;
685 my @pages;
686 foreach my $role ( sort @roles ) {
687 if ( $role =~ /^(\w+) ?(\w*) (Admin|User)s$/ ) {
688 my $page = lc("/$3/$1$2");
689 push @pages, { page => lc("/$3/$1$2"), title => "$1 $2 $3" };
690 }
691 }
692 return \@pages;
693 }
695 sub gensubpages : Private {
696 my ($type) = @_;
697 my @subpagenames;
698 if ( $type eq 'account' ) {
699 @subpagenames = (
700 { page => 'account', title => "Users" },
701 { page => 'account_promote', title => "Promote" },
702 #{ page => 'account_unlock', title => "Unlock" },
703 { page => 'group', title => "Groups" },
704 );
705 }
706 if ( $type eq 'group' ) {
707 @subpagenames = (
708 { page => 'group', title => "Groups" },
709 );
710 }
711 return \@subpagenames;
712 }
714 =head1 AUTHOR
716 Buchan Milne
718 =head1 LICENSE
720 This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
721 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
723 =cut
725 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
727 1;

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