class websites { class base { # FIXME : # We should be able to define this path on each host. # Maybe using Facter ? $webdatadir = '/srv/web1-dd0/www' file { "$webdatadir": ensure => directory, mode => 755, } } # should expire on June 2011 class donate { apache::vhost_other_app { "donate.$domain": vhost_file => "websites/vhost_donate.conf", } } # vhost to host static files used by web sites class static inherits base { $vhostdir = "$webdatadir/static.$domain" $svn_location = "svn://svn.$domain/svn/web/www/trunk/g/" apache::vhost_other_app { "static.$domain": vhost_file => 'websites/vhost_static.conf', } file { $vhostdir: ensure => directory, mode => 655, } subversion::snapshot { "$vhostdir/g": source => $svn_location } } class hugs inherits base { $vhostdir = "$webdatadir/hugs.$domain" $svn_location = "svn://svn.$domain/svn/web/hugs/public/" apache::vhost_base { "hugs.$domain": location => $vhostdir, } subversion::snapshot { "$vhostdir": source => $svn_location } } class releases inherits base { $vhostdir = "$webdatadir/releases.$domain" $svn_location = "svn://svn.$domain/svn/web/releases/" apache::vhost_base { "releases.$domain": location => $vhostdir, options => [ "FollowSymLinks" ] } apache::vhost_base { "ssl_releases.$domain": vhost => "releases.$domain", use_ssl => true, location => $vhostdir, options => [ "FollowSymLinks" ] } subversion::snapshot { "$vhostdir": source => $svn_location } } class svn { apache::vhost_redirect { "svn.$domain": url => "http://svnweb.$domain/", } } class forum_proxy { $web_domain = "forums.$domain" host { "$web_domain": ip => '', ensure => 'present', } apache::vhost_reverse_proxy { "$web_domain": url => "http://$web_domain/", } apache::vhost_reverse_proxy { "ssl_$web_domain": vhost => $web_domain, use_ssl => true, url => "http://$web_domain/", } } }