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Contents of /puppet/manifests/nodes.pp

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Revision 2100 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Dec 20 13:53:49 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by boklm
File size: 6886 byte(s)
add mageia website on www-test.mageia.org on champagne
1 # to not repeat the setting everywhere
2 Exec { path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin/" }
4 # svn, big important server
5 node valstar {
6 # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille)
7 #
8 # TODO:
9 # - GIT server
10 # - setup maintainers database (with web interface)
11 #
12 include common::default_mageia_server
13 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
14 include main_mirror
15 include openldap::master
16 include subversion::client
17 include subversion::server
18 include puppet::master
19 include ssh::auth
20 include ssh::auth::keymaster
21 include buildsystem::mainnode
22 include buildsystem::mgacreatehome
23 include buildsystem::sync20101
24 include buildsystem::release
25 include buildsystem::maintdb
26 include buildsystem::binrepo
27 include softwarekey::base
29 include access_classes::committers
30 include restrictshell::allow_git
31 include restrictshell::allow_svn
32 include restrictshell::allow_pkgsubmit
33 include restrictshell::allow_maintdb
34 include restrictshell::allow_upload_bin
35 # disabled the ldap key here instead of disabling for the
36 # whole module ( see r698 )
37 class { "openssh::ssh_keys_from_ldap":
38 symlink_users => ['schedbot', 'iurt']
39 }
41 include mirror::mdv2010spring
43 include repositories::subversion
44 include repositories::git
45 include repositories::sparkleshare
47 include websites::svn
49 subversion::snapshot { "/etc/puppet":
50 source => "svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/adm/puppet/"
51 }
53 mirror_cleaner::orphans { "cauldron":
54 base => "/distrib/bootstrap/distrib/",
55 }
57 }
59 # web apps
60 node alamut {
61 # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille)
62 #
63 # TODO:
64 # - Review board
65 # - api
66 # - wiki
67 # - pastebin
68 # - LDAP slave
69 #
70 include common::default_mageia_server_no_smtp
71 include postgresql::server
72 postgresql::tagged { "default": }
74 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
76 include catdap
77 include mga-mirrors
78 include epoll
79 include transifex
80 include bugzilla
81 include sympa::server
82 include postfix::primary_smtp
84 # temporary, just the time the vm is running there
85 host { 'friteuse':
86 ip => '',
87 host_aliases => [ "friteuse.$domain", "forums.$domain" ],
88 ensure => 'present',
89 }
91 # to create all phpbb database on alamut
92 phpbb::databases { $fqdn: }
94 apache::vhost_redirect_ssl { "forums.$domain": }
95 apache::vhost_redirect { "forum.$domain":
96 url => "https://forums.$domain/",
97 }
98 apache::vhost_redirect { "ssl_forum.$domain":
99 url => "https://forums.$domain/",
100 vhost => "forum.$domain",
101 use_ssl => true,
102 }
104 # connect to ssl so the proxy do not shoke if trying to
105 # enforce ssl ( note that this has not been tested, maybe this
106 # is uneeded )
107 apache::vhost_reverse_proxy { "ssl_forums.$domain":
108 url => "https://forums.$domain/",
109 vhost => "forums.$domain",
110 use_ssl => true,
111 }
113 include tld_redirections
115 include libvirtd::kvm
116 include lists
117 include dns::server
118 include repositories::svn_mirror
119 include viewvc
121 # disabled until fixed
122 #include repositories::git_mirror
123 include gitweb
125 include xymon::server
126 apache::vhost_simple { "xymon.$domain":
127 location => "/var/lib/xymon/www",
128 }
129 include youri-check::report
131 include wikis
132 }
134 # buildnode
135 node jonund {
136 # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille)
137 #
138 include common::default_mageia_server
139 include buildsystem::buildnode
140 include buildsystem::iurt20101
141 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
142 include shorewall
143 include shorewall::default_firewall
144 }
146 node ecosse {
147 # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille)
148 #
149 include common::default_mageia_server
150 include buildsystem::buildnode
151 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
152 }
154 # backup server
155 node fiona {
156 # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille)
157 #
158 # TODO:
159 # - buy the server
160 # - install the server in datacenter
161 # - install a backup system
162 include common::default_mageia_server
163 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
164 }
166 # gandi-vm
167 node krampouezh {
168 # Location: gandi VM
169 #
170 #
171 #include common::default_mageia_server
172 include common::default_mageia_server_no_smtp
173 include postfix::secondary_smtp
174 include blog::base
175 include blog::db_backup
176 include mysql::server
177 include dns::server
178 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
180 openldap::slave_instance { "1":
181 rid => 1,
182 }
184 # Other services running on this server :
185 # - meetbot
186 }
188 node champagne {
189 # Location: gandi VM
190 #
191 # TODO:
192 # - setup mageia.org web site
193 #
194 include common::default_mageia_server
195 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
196 include blog::files-bots
197 include blog::files_backup
198 include planet
199 include websites::static
200 include websites::hugs
201 include websites::releases
202 include websites::www_outage
203 include websites::www
204 include dashboard::base
205 include access_classes::web
206 include openssh::ssh_keys_from_ldap
207 }
209 node friteuse {
210 # Location: VM hosted by nfrance (toulouse)
211 #
213 include common::default_mageia_server
214 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
215 include forums
216 }
218 node rabbit {
219 # Location: Server offered by Dedibox (paris)
220 #
221 # - used to create isos ( and live, and so on )
222 #
223 include common::default_mageia_server
224 timezone::timezone { "Europe/Paris": }
225 include bcd::base
226 include bcd::web
227 include bcd::rsync
228 include draklive::base
229 include access_classes::iso_makers
230 include openssh::ssh_keys_from_ldap
231 include mirror::mageia
232 include mirror::newrelease
233 include releasekey::base
234 include youri-check::check
236 # for testing iso quickly
237 include libvirtd::kvm
238 libvirtd::group_access { "mga-iso_makers": }
240 # to ease the creation of test iso
241 $netinst_iso_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/netboot"
243 file { $netinst_iso_path:
244 ensure => directory,
245 }
247 libvirtd::storage { "netinst_iso":
248 path => $netinst_iso_path,
249 require => File[$netinst_iso_path],
250 }
252 include auto_installation::download
253 auto_installation::download::netboot_images { "mandriva":
254 path => $netinst_iso_path,
255 versions => ["2010.0","2010.1"],
256 archs => ['i586','x86_64'],
257 mirror_path => "ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/MandrivaLinux/official/%{version}/%{arch}/install/images/",
258 files => ['boot.iso'],
259 require => File[$netinst_iso_path],
260 }
262 # for testing pxe support of libvirt
263 libvirtd::network {"pxe_network":
264 network => "",
265 tftp_root => $auto_installation::variables::pxe_dir,
266 bridge_name => "virbr1",
267 }
269 include auto_installation::pxe_menu
270 auto_installation::mandriva_installation_entry { "pxe_test":
271 version => "2010.1",
272 arch => "i586",
273 }
274 }

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