17 |
include rsyncd |
include rsyncd |
18 |
include mirror |
include mirror |
19 |
include openldap::master |
include openldap::master |
20 |
include subversion::client |
21 |
22 |
23 |
# for puppet svn checkout |
subversion::snapshot { "/etc/puppet": |
24 |
package {"subversion": |
source => "svn://vm-gandi.mageia.org/adm/puppet/" |
ensure => "installed" |
} |
# svn spam log with |
# Oct 26 13:30:01 valstar svn: No worthy mechs found |
# without it, source http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-users/2008/11/23/msg008706.html |
# |
package {"lib64sasl2-plug-anonymous": |
ensure => "installed" |
} |
# update the puppet snapshot |
cron { puppet_update: |
command => "cd /etc/puppet && /usr/bin/svn update -q", |
user => root, |
minute => '*/5' |
} |
exec { puppet_etc: |
cwd => "/etc/", |
command => "/usr/bin/svn co svn://vm-gandi.mageia.org/adm/puppet/", |
user => "root", |
creates => "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp" |
25 |
} |
} |
26 |
27 |
file { "extdata": |
file { "extdata": |