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add mageia website on on champagne
add temporary redirect of to blog post
enable wikis
disable wikis for now
add wikis on alamut
add test sparkleshare repository
disable testvm module, not used
allow upload-bin on valstar
include binrepo module
enable cleaning of the mirror
clean old comments
- do not include include timezone in common::default_mageia_server, not needed - set the timezone for fiona node Patch by Sébastien Kurtzemann
disable mirror, as the cron job is incorrect, will be fixed later
install gitweb on alamut
mirror git on alamut
rename mirrors to svn_mirrors, so we can have git_mirrors too
allow maintdb access
enable maintdb class on valstar
deploy the tld redirection
add dashboard on champagne
alamut is the default sql server, and so should gather database creation
fix syntax
add symlink on authorized_keys for schedbot and iurt users
enable key from ldap on svn
remove donate ( set to be expired on june, according to comment )
drop the "mirror" prefix of the class, as it is already n the module name
mirror newrelease on rabbit
deploy ldap slave as a test on krampouezh
add release scripts in /root/release
add shell access to mga-web group on champagne
add on champagne
add hugs on champagne
add script to copy 2010.1 rpms on valstar
add rsync on rabbit
include rsyncd module in main_mirror
add a type to fetch remote databases for forums
add software key in its own module
add iurt2010.1 script
fix variable declaration
- fix missing commas preventing rabbit from updating
- deploy pxe_menu on rabbit ( as I cannot test virtualisation on a vm in a vm ), with mandriva installer as a test
move the download class to auto_installation, as it doesn't belong to libvirt module
add bcd web directory
Store youri-check results in pgsql, and generate the reports from there on alamut
use the new module for servers
move this to nodes.pp, to prepare move of common to deployment
add backup for blog files
- fix require, and create the directory
deploy boot.iso on rabbit, with a dedicated storage to create vm for testing upgrade
Add an empty website for check
Run youri-check on rabbit
change class name
add Mandriva 2010.1 mirror on valstar (with --dry-run for testing)
add db backup and update class names to be more explicit
fix syntax
redirect (in http and https) to
redirect http forums to https
add draklive on rabbit and allow iso makers to run it
create release key on rabbit
fix include
creation of the user 'blog'
error spotted by boklm on 'include'
add 'mysql' on 'krampouezh' for 'blog'
Add a simple vhost for xymon for now
Add missing colon
Run xymon server on alamut
- also connect to the ssl version of the forum on the reverse proxy ( so we can safely force the usage of https for login with fiddling )
- fix url, add trailing slash ( or the url is concatened to domain name, and thus incorrect )
- add a proxy on alamut for friteuse
- no longer mirror bootstrap on rabbit
- deploy the forums as a module
- fix variable declaration
- deploy phpbb on friteuse
add static vhost on champagne
oops, fix previous commit
- give access to people who create iso so they can start iso on the server directly
use the proper libvirt submodule, otherwise it does nothing
- ad libvirtd on rabbit, so we can see if iso boot without downloading
- deploy the redirect to viewvc from svn on valstar
add planet to nodes.pp for champagne
add a git repository for forum handling
deploy the secondary smtp on krampouezh
- add viewvc to alamut
- deploy svn mirror on alamut
also make sure that alamut is running libvirtd
add friteuse to /etc/hosts
deploy our README on the mirror
include bcd::base on rabbit
add mirrormageia class
mirror bootstrap on rabbit
include mirror::base on rabbit
split mirror class in mirror::base and mirror::main
- reenable keys from ldap
- remove the ssh keys from ldap, as it break root login
disable the ldap keys on valstar to be able to renable it on rabbit
rename access_class to access_classes ( better from a grammatical point of view )
- fetch keys from ldap
- enable access to rabbit for iso_makers and sysadmin
move the type of access_class to deployment ( as this is tied to our group name )
move dns zone to a module in deployment
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