class apache { class base { # number of time the log file are rotated before being removed $httpdlogs_rotate = "24" $apache_user = 'apache' $apache_group = 'apache' package { "apache-mpm-prefork": alias => apache, } package { "apache-conf": } service { httpd: alias => apache, subscribe => [ Package['apache-mpm-prefork'] ], } exec { "service httpd configtest": refreshonly => true, notify => Service["apache"], } apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/customization.conf": content => template("apache/customization.conf"); "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/00_default_vhosts.conf": content => template("apache/00_default_vhosts.conf"); } file { "/etc/logrotate.d/httpd": content => template("apache/logrotate") } } class mod_php inherits base { $php_date_timezone = "UTC" package { "apache-mod_php": } apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_php.conf": content => template('apache/mod_php.conf'), } } class mod_perl inherits base { package { "apache-mod_perl": } } class mod_fcgid inherits base { package { "apache-mod_fcgid": } } class mod_fastcgi inherits base { package { "apache-mod_fastcgi": } } class mod_ssl inherits base { file { "/etc/ssl/apache/": ensure => directory } package { "apache-mod_ssl": } apache::config { '/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/01_default_ssl_vhost.conf': content => template("apache/01_default_ssl_vhost.conf"); "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf": content => template("apache/ssl.conf"); } } class mod_wsgi inherits base { package { "apache-mod_wsgi": } file { "/usr/local/lib/wsgi": ensure => directory, } apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_wsgi.conf": content => template('apache/mod_wsgi.conf'), } } class mod_proxy inherits base { package { "apache-mod_proxy": } } class mod_public_html inherits base { package { "apache-mod_public_html": } } class mod_deflate inherits base { package { "apache-mod_deflate": } } class mod_geoip inherits base { package { "apache-mod_geoip": } } define vhost_base($content = '', $location = '/dev/null', $use_ssl = false, $vhost = false, $aliases = {}, $server_aliases = [], $access_logfile = false, $error_logfile = false, $options = [], $enable_public_html = false) { include apache::base $httpd_logdir = "/var/log/httpd" if ! $vhost { $real_vhost = $name } else { $real_vhost = $vhost } if ! $access_logfile { $real_access_logfile = "$httpd_logdir/${real_vhost}-access_log" } else { $real_access_logfile = $access_logfile } if ! $error_logfile { $real_error_logfile = "$httpd_logdir/${real_vhost}-error_log" } else { $real_error_logfile = $error_logfile } if $use_ssl { include apache::mod_ssl if $wildcard_sslcert != 'true' { openssl::self_signed_cert{ "$real_vhost": directory => "/etc/ssl/apache/", before => File["$filename"], } } } if $enable_public_html { include apache::mod_public_html } $filename = "$name.conf" apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/$filename": content => template("apache/vhost_base.conf") } } define vhost_redirect_ssl() { vhost_base { "redirect_ssl_$name": vhost => $name, content => template("apache/vhost_ssl_redirect.conf") } } define vhost_catalyst_app($script, $location = '', $process = 4, $use_ssl = false, $vhost = false) { include apache::mod_fastcgi vhost_base { $name: vhost => $vhost, use_ssl => $use_ssl, content => template("apache/vhost_catalyst_app.conf"), } } define vhost_django_app($module = false, $module_path = false, $use_ssl = false, $aliases= {}) { include apache::mod_wsgi vhost_base { $name: use_ssl => $use_ssl, content => template("apache/vhost_django_app.conf"), aliases => $aliases, } # module is a ruby reserved keyword, cannot be used in templates $django_module = $module file { "$name.wsgi": path => "/usr/local/lib/wsgi/$name.wsgi", mode => 755, notify => Service['apache'], content => template("apache/django.wsgi"), } } define vhost_wsgi($wsgi_path, $aliases = {}, $server_aliases = []) { include apache::mod_wsgi vhost_base { $name: aliases => $aliases, server_aliases => $server_aliases, content => template("apache/vhost_wsgi.conf"), } } define vhost_other_app($vhost_file) { include apache::base apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/$name.conf": content => template($vhost_file), } } define vhost_simple($location) { include apache::base vhost_base { $name: location => $location, } } define vhost_redirect($url, $vhost = false, $use_ssl = false) { include apache::base vhost_base { $name: use_ssl => $use_ssl, vhost => $vhost, content => template("apache/vhost_redirect.conf"), } } define vhost_reverse_proxy($url, $vhost = false, $use_ssl = false) { include apache::mod_proxy vhost_base { $name: use_ssl => $use_ssl, vhost => $vhost, content => template("apache/vhost_reverse_proxy.conf") } } define webapp_other($webapp_file) { include apache::base $webappname = $name apache::config { "/etc/httpd/conf/webapps.d/$webappname.conf": content => template($webapp_file), } } }