#TODO: # - add the creation of the user 'blog' in puppet class blog { include apache::mod_php include mysql package { ['wget','php-mysql']: ensure => installed } file { "check_new-blog-post": path => "/usr/local/bin/check_new-blog-post.sh", ensure => present, owner => blog, group => blog, mode => 755, content => template("blog/check_new-blog-post.sh") } file { "01_blogs_vhosts.conf": path => "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/", ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, content => template("blog/01_blogs_vhosts.conf") } file { "/var/lib/blog": ensure => directory, owner => blog, group => blog, mode => 644, } file { "/var/www/html/blog.mageia.org": ensure => directory, owner => blog, group => apache, mode => 644, } cron { blog: user => blog, minute => '*/15', command => "/usr/local/bin/check_new-blog-post.sh", require => File["check_new-blog-post"] } }