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Annotation of /puppet/modules/mga-mirrors/manifests/init.pp

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Revision 3433 - (hide annotations) (download)
Fri Apr 4 11:46:45 2014 UTC (10 years, 6 months ago) by pterjan
File size: 1108 byte(s)
Attempt to support alias in catalyst_app
1 nanardon 100 class mga-mirrors {
3 misc 2658 $vhost = "mirrors.$::domain"
5 misc 2227 package { 'mga-mirrors': }
6 nanardon 100
7 misc 2707 apache::vhost::catalyst_app { $vhost:
8 misc 2658 script => '/usr/bin/mga_mirrors_fastcgi.pl',
9 boklm 1620 require => Package['mga-mirrors'],
10 pterjan 3433 aliases => {
11     '/status' => '/var/www/mirrors/status.html',
12     }
13 boklm 1618 }
15 boklm 3304 apache::vhost::base { "ssl_$vhost":
16 boklm 3301 vhost => $vhost,
17     use_ssl => true,
18 boklm 3304 aliases => {
19 pterjan 3432 '/status' => '/var/www/mirrors/status.html',
20 boklm 3304 '/' => '/usr/bin/mga_mirrors_fastcgi.pl/',
21     },
22 boklm 3301 }
24 misc 2658 $pgsql_password = extlookup('mga_mirror_pgsql','x')
25 misc 625
26 misc 1356 postgresql::remote_db_and_user { 'mirrors':
27 misc 2658 password => $pgsql_password,
28     description => 'Mirrors database',
29 misc 625 }
30 misc 2658
31     file { '/etc/mga-mirrors.ini':
32     group => 'apache',
33     mode => '0640',
34     content => template('mga-mirrors/mga-mirrors.ini'),
35 misc 504 require => Package['mga-mirrors']
36 misc 110 }
37 boklm 1911
38 misc 2658 file { '/etc/cron.d/mga_mirrors':
39     content => template('mga-mirrors/cron-mga_mirrors'),
40 boklm 1911 require => Package['mga-mirrors']
41     }
42 nanardon 100 }

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