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Contents of /puppet/modules/mgasoft/manifests/init.pp

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Revision 2436 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Feb 18 17:17:15 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misc
File size: 1029 byte(s)
some cleaning ( ie, do not repeat default values ), some puppet-lint compliance
1 class mgasoft(
2 $anonsvn_soft = 'svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft',
3 $pubinfodir = '/var/lib/mgasoft/infos',
4 $pubmirrordir = '/distrib/mirror/software',
5 $svn_soft_publish = 'file:///svn/soft_publish',
6 $mgasoft_login = 'mgasoft'
7 ) {
8 group { $mgasoft_login: }
10 user { $mgasoft_login:
11 comment => 'System user to publish software',
12 managehome => true,
13 home => "/var/lib/$mgasoft_login",
14 gid => $mgasoft_login,
15 require => Group[$mgasoft_login],
16 }
18 package { 'mgasoft-publish': }
20 file { '/etc/mgasoft.conf':
21 content => template('mgasoft/mgasoft.conf'),
22 }
24 subversion::snapshot { $pubinfodir:
25 source => $svn_soft_publish,
26 user => $mgasoft_login,
27 refresh => '0',
28 require => User[$mgasoft_login],
29 }
31 cron { "mgasoft-publish":
32 command => '/usr/bin/mgasoft-publish',
33 user => $mgasoft_login,
34 minute => '*/5',
35 require => User[$mgasoft_login],
36 }
37 }

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