class openssh::ssh_keys_from_ldap($symlink_users = [], $config = '') inherits server { # root account authorized_keys will be symlinked # if you want to add symlink on other accounts, use $symlink_users parameter File ['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'] { content => template('openssh/sshd_config','openssh/sshd_config_ldap') } package { 'python-ldap': } $pubkeys_directory = '/var/lib/pubkeys' file { $pubkeys_directory: ensure => directory, } file { "$pubkeys_directory/root": ensure => directory, mode => '0700', } file { "$pubkeys_directory/root/authorized_keys": ensure => link, target => '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', mode => '0700', } symlink_user { $symlink_users: } $ldap_pwfile = '/etc/ldap.secret' $ldap_servers = get_ldap_servers() local_script { '': content => template('openssh/'), require => Package['python-ldap'] } cron { 'sshkey2file': command => '/usr/local/bin/', hour => '*', minute => '*/10', user => 'root', environment => 'MAILTO=root', require => Local_script[''], } }