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Contents of /puppet/modules/pam/manifests/base.pp

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Revision 2935 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Dec 11 18:56:35 2012 UTC (12 years, 2 months ago) by boklm
File size: 690 byte(s)
Make pam::multiple_ldap_access a class instead of a define

pam::multiple_ldap_access can only be included once. If it is included
multiple time, the value of the variable $access_classes used in
templates/system-auth is random. As it can only be included once, it
should be a parameterized class and not a defined resource.
1 class pam::base {
2 include pam::multiple_ldap_access
3 package { ['pam_ldap','nss_ldap','nscd']: }
5 service { 'nscd':
6 require => Package['nscd'],
7 }
9 file {
10 '/etc/pam.d/system-auth':
11 content => template('pam/system-auth');
12 '/etc/nsswitch.conf':
13 content => template('pam/nsswitch.conf');
14 '/etc/ldap.conf':
15 content => template('pam/ldap.conf');
16 '/etc/openldap/ldap.conf':
17 content => template('pam/openldap.ldap.conf');
18 }
20 $ldap_password = extlookup("${::fqdn}_ldap_password",'x')
21 file { '/etc/ldap.secret':
22 mode => '0600',
23 content => $ldap_password
24 }
25 }

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