# ========= # ssh::auth # ========= # # The latest official release and documentation for ssh::auth can always # be found at http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/Recipes/ModuleSSHAuth . # # Version: 0.3.2 # Release date: 2009-12-29 class ssh::auth { $keymaster_storage = "/var/lib/keys" Exec { path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin" } Notify { withpath => false } ########################################################################## # ssh::auth::key # Declare keys. The approach here is just to define a bunch of # virtual resources, representing key files on the keymaster, client, # and server. The virtual keys are then realized by # ssh::auth::{keymaster,client,server}, respectively. The reason for # doing things that way is that it makes ssh::auth::key into a "one # stop shop" where users can declare their keys with all of their # parameters, whether those parameters apply to the keymaster, server, # or client. The real work of creating, installing, and removing keys # is done in the private definitions called by the virtual resources: # ssh_auth_key_{master,server,client}. define key ($ensure = "present", $filename = "", $force = false, $group = "puppet", $home = "", $keytype = "rsa", $length = 2048, $maxdays = "", $mindate = "", $options = "", $user = "") { ssh_auth_key_namecheck { "${title}-title": parm => "title", value => $title } # apply defaults $_filename = $filename ? { "" => "id_${keytype}", default => $filename } $_length = $keytype ? { "rsa" => $length, "dsa" => 1024 } $_user = $user ? { "" => regsubst($title, '^([^@]*)@?.*$', '\1'), default => $user, } $_home = $home ? { "" => "/home/$_user", default => $home } ssh_auth_key_namecheck { "${title}-filename": parm => "filename", value => $_filename } @ssh_auth_key_master { $title: ensure => $ensure, force => $force, keytype => $keytype, length => $_length, maxdays => $maxdays, mindate => $mindate, } @ssh_auth_key_client { $title: ensure => $ensure, filename => $_filename, group => $group, home => $_home, user => $_user, } @ssh_auth_key_server { $title: ensure => $ensure, group => $group, home => $_home, options => $options, user => $_user, } } ########################################################################## # ssh::auth::keymaster # # Keymaster host: # Create key storage; create, regenerate, and remove key pairs class keymaster { # Set up key storage file { $ssh::auth::keymaster_storage: ensure => directory, owner => puppet, group => puppet, mode => 644, } # Realize all virtual master keys Ssh_auth_key_master <| |> } # class keymaster ########################################################################## # ssh::auth::client # # Install generated key pairs onto clients define client ($ensure = "", $filename = "", $group = "", $home = "", $user = "") { # Realize the virtual client keys. # Override the defaults set in ssh::auth::key, as needed. if $ensure { Ssh_auth_key_client <| title == $title |> { ensure => $ensure } } if $filename { Ssh_auth_key_client <| title == $title |> { filename => $filename } } if $group { Ssh_auth_key_client <| title == $title |> { group => $group } } if $user { Ssh_auth_key_client <| title == $title |> { user => $user, home => "/home/$user" } } if $home { Ssh_auth_key_client <| title == $title |> { home => $home } } realize Ssh_auth_key_client[$title] } # define client ########################################################################## # ssh::auth::server # # Install public keys onto clients define server ($ensure = "", $group = "", $home = "", $options = "", $user = "") { # Realize the virtual server keys. # Override the defaults set in ssh::auth::key, as needed. if $ensure { Ssh_auth_key_server <| title == $title |> { ensure => $ensure } } if $group { Ssh_auth_key_server <| title == $title |> { group => $group } } if $options { Ssh_auth_key_server <| title == $title |> { options => $options } } if $user { Ssh_auth_key_server <| title == $title |> { user => $user, home => "/home/$user" } } if $home { Ssh_auth_key_server <| title == $title |> { home => $home } } realize Ssh_auth_key_server[$title] } # define server } # class ssh::auth ########################################################################## # ssh_auth_key_master # # Create/regenerate/remove a key pair on the keymaster. # This definition is private, i.e. it is not intended to be called directly by users. # ssh::auth::key calls it to create virtual keys, which are realized in ssh::auth::keymaster. define ssh_auth_key_master ($ensure, $force, $keytype, $length, $maxdays, $mindate) { Exec { path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin" } File { owner => puppet, group => puppet, mode => 600, } $keydir = "${ssh::auth::keymaster_storage}/${title}" $keyfile = "${keydir}/key" file { "$keydir": ensure => directory, mode => 644; "$keyfile": ensure => $ensure; "${keyfile}.pub": ensure => $ensure, mode => 644; } if $ensure == "present" { # Remove the existing key pair, if # * $force is true, or # * $maxdays or $mindate criteria aren't met, or # * $keytype or $length have changed $keycontent = file("${keyfile}.pub", "/dev/null") if $keycontent { if $force { $reason = "force=true" } if !$reason and $mindate and generate("/usr/bin/find", $keyfile, "!", "-newermt", "${mindate}") { $reason = "created before ${mindate}" } if !$reason and $maxdays and generate("/usr/bin/find", $keyfile, "-mtime", "+${maxdays}") { $reason = "older than ${maxdays} days" } if !$reason and $keycontent =~ /^ssh-... [^ ]+ (...) (\d+)$/ { if $keytype != $1 { $reason = "keytype changed: $1 -> $keytype" } else { if $length != $2 { $reason = "length changed: $2 -> $length" } } } if $reason { exec { "Revoke previous key ${title}: ${reason}": command => "rm $keyfile ${keyfile}.pub", before => Exec["Create key $title: $keytype, $length bits"], } } } # Create the key pair. # We "repurpose" the comment field in public keys on the keymaster to # store data about the key, i.e. $keytype and $length. This avoids # having to rerun ssh-keygen -l on every key at every run to determine # the key length. exec { "Create key $title: $keytype, $length bits": command => "ssh-keygen -t ${keytype} -b ${length} -f ${keyfile} -C \"${keytype} ${length}\" -N \"\"", user => "puppet", group => "puppet", creates => $keyfile, require => File[$keydir], before => File[$keyfile, "${keyfile}.pub"], } } # if $ensure == "present" } # define ssh_auth_key_master ########################################################################## # ssh_auth_key_client # # Install a key pair into a user's account. # This definition is private, i.e. it is not intended to be called directly by users. define ssh_auth_key_client ($ensure, $filename, $group, $home, $user) { File { owner => $user, group => $group, mode => 600, require => [ User[$user], File[$home]], } $key_src_file = "${ssh::auth::keymaster_storage}/${title}/key" # on the keymaster $key_tgt_file = "${home}/.ssh/${filename}" # on the client $key_src_content_pub = file("${key_src_file}.pub", "/dev/null") if $ensure == "absent" or $key_src_content_pub =~ /^(ssh-...) ([^ ]+)/ { $keytype = $1 $modulus = $2 file { $key_tgt_file: ensure => $ensure, content => file($key_src_file, "/dev/null"); "${key_tgt_file}.pub": ensure => $ensure, content => "$keytype $modulus $title\n", mode => 644; } } else { notify { "Private key file $key_src_file for key $title not found on keymaster; skipping ensure => present": } } } # define ssh_auth_key_client ########################################################################## # ssh_auth_key_server # # Install a public key into a server user's authorized_keys(5) file. # This definition is private, i.e. it is not intended to be called directly by users. define ssh_auth_key_server ($ensure, $group, $home, $options, $user) { # on the keymaster: $key_src_dir = "${ssh::auth::keymaster_storage}/${title}" $key_src_file = "${key_src_dir}/key.pub" # on the server: $key_tgt_file = "${home}/.ssh/authorized_keys" File { owner => $user, group => $group, require => User[$user], mode => 600, } Ssh_authorized_key { user => $user, target => $key_tgt_file, } if $ensure == "absent" { ssh_authorized_key { $title: ensure => "absent" } } else { $key_src_content = file($key_src_file, "/dev/null") if ! $key_src_content { notify { "Public key file $key_src_file for key $title not found on keymaster; skipping ensure => present": } } else { if $ensure == "present" and $key_src_content !~ /^(ssh-...) ([^ ]*)/ { err("Can't parse public key file $key_src_file") notify { "Can't parse public key file $key_src_file for key $title on the keymaster: skipping ensure => $ensure": } } else { $keytype = $1 $modulus = $2 ssh_authorized_key { $title: ensure => "present", type => $keytype, key => $modulus, options => $options ? { "" => undef, default => $options }, } }} # if ... else ... else } # if ... else } # define ssh_auth_key_server ########################################################################## # ssh_auth_key_namecheck # # Check a name (e.g. key title or filename) for the allowed form define ssh_auth_key_namecheck ($parm, $value) { if $value !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]/ { fail("ssh::auth::key: $parm '$value' not allowed: must begin with a letter or digit") } if $value !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_.:@-]+$/ { fail("ssh::auth::key: $parm '$value' not allowed: may only contain the characters A-Za-z0-9_.:@-") } } # define namecheck