class sympa { class variable { $vhost = "ml.$domain" } class server inherits variable { # perl-CGI-Fast is needed for fast cgi # perl-Socket6 is required by perl-IO-Socket-SSL # (optional requirement) package { ['sympa', 'sympa-www', 'perl-CGI-Fast', 'perl-Socket6']: } # sympa script start 5 differents script, I am not # sure that puppet will correctly handle this service { "sympa": subscribe => [ Package["sympa"], File['/etc/sympa/sympa.conf']] } $pgsql_password = extlookup("sympa_pgsql",'x') $ldap_password = extlookup("sympa_ldap",'x') postgresql::remote_db_and_user { 'sympa': password => $pgsql_password, description => "Sympa database", } File { require => Package['sympa'], } file { '/etc/sympa/sympa.conf': # should be cleaner to have it root owned, but puppet do not support acl # and in any case, config will be reset if it change owner => sympa, group => apache, mode => 640, content => template("sympa/sympa.conf"), } file { '/etc/sympa/auth.conf': content => template("sympa/auth.conf"), notify => Service['httpd'], } include apache::mod_fcgid apache::webapp_other{"sympa": webapp_file => "sympa/webapp_sympa.conf", } apache::vhost_redirect_ssl { "$vhost": } apache::vhost_base { "$vhost": use_ssl => true, content => template("sympa/vhost_ml.conf"), } subversion::snapshot { "/etc/sympa/web_tt2": source => "svn://" } file { ["/etc/sympa/lists_xml/", "/etc/sympa/scenari/", "/etc/sympa/data_sources/", "/etc/sympa/search_filters/"]: ensure => directory, purge => true, recurse => true, force => true, } file { "/etc/sympa/scenari/subscribe.open_web_only_notify": source => "puppet:///modules/sympa/scenari/open_web_only_notify"; "/etc/sympa/scenari/unsubscribe.open_web_only_notify": source => "puppet:///modules/sympa/scenari/open_web_only_notify"; "/etc/sympa/scenari/send.subscriber_moderated": source => "puppet:///modules/sympa/scenari/subscriber_moderated"; "/etc/sympa/scenari/create_list.forbidden": source => "puppet:///modules/sympa/scenari/forbidden"; "/etc/sympa/topics.conf": source => "puppet:///modules/sympa/topics.conf"; } define ldap_search_filter { file { "/etc/sympa/search_filters/$name.ldap": content => template('sympa/search_filters/group.ldap') } } define ldap_group_datasource { file { "/etc/sympa/data_sources/$name.incl": content => template('sympa/data_sources/ldap_group.incl') } } # add each group that could be used in a sympa ml either as # - owner # - editor ( moderation ) ldap_group_datasource { "mga-sysadmin": } ldap_group_datasource { "mga-ml_moderators": } # directory that will hold the list data # i am not sure of the name ( misc, 09/12/10 ) file { "/var/lib/sympa/expl/": ensure => directory, owner => sympa, } } }