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Contents of /puppet/modules/youri-check/manifests/init.pp

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Revision 1486 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Apr 5 23:22:00 2011 UTC (13 years, 6 months ago) by pterjan
File size: 1784 byte(s)
not defining hour is not enough to remove it from current cron
1 class youri-check {
2 class base {
3 $vhost = "check.$domain"
4 $user = 'youri'
5 $config = '/etc/youri/cauldron.conf'
6 $outdir = '/var/www/youri-check'
7 $home = '/var/tmp/youri'
9 user { $user:
10 comment => 'Youri Check',
11 ensure => present,
12 managehome => true,
13 home => $home,
14 }
16 $pgsql_server = "$vhost"
17 $pgsql_db = 'youri_check'
18 $pgsql_user = 'youri'
19 $pgsql_password = extlookup('youri_pgsql','x')
20 postgresql::remote_user { $pgsql_user:
21 password => $pgsql_password,
22 }
23 postgresql::remote_database { $pgsql_db:
24 description => "Youri Check results",
25 user => $pgsql_user,
26 }
28 file { "$config":
29 ensure => present,
30 owner => $user,
31 mode => 640,
32 content => template("youri-check/check.conf"),
33 }
34 }
36 class check inherits base {
37 package { ['perl-Youri-Media', 'youri-check', 'perl-DBD-Pg'] :
38 ensure => installed
39 }
41 cron { 'check':
42 command => "youri-check -c $config test",
43 hour => "*",
44 minute => 4,
45 user => "$user",
46 }
47 }
49 class report inherits base {
50 file { "$outdir":
51 ensure => directory,
52 owner => youri,
53 mode => 755
54 }
56 package { ['youri-check', 'perl-DBD-Pg'] :
57 ensure => installed
58 }
60 cron { 'check':
61 command => "youri-check -c $config report",
62 hour => "*",
63 minute => 10,
64 user => "$user",
65 }
67 apache::vhost_simple { $vhost:
68 location => $outdir,
69 }
70 }
71 }

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