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Contents of /backports/4/ipython/current/SPECS/ipython.spec

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Revision 638764 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Jun 22 22:15:26 2014 UTC (10 years, 4 months ago) by joequant
File size: 4310 byte(s)
redo python3 removal

1 %define name ipython
2 %define version 2.1.0
3 %define release %mkrel 3
5 Summary: An interactive computing environment for Python
6 Name: %{name}
7 Version: %{version}
8 Release: %{release}
9 Source0: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/i/ipython/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
10 License: BSD
11 Group: Development/Python
12 Url: http://ipython.org
13 BuildArch: noarch
14 Requires: python-pexpect >= 2.2
15 Requires: python-mglob
16 Requires: python-simplegeneric
17 Suggests: python-mpi4py
18 Suggests: wxPython, python-qt4, pyside >= 1.0.3
19 Suggests: python-pygments
20 Suggests: python-pyzmq >= 2.1.11
21 #notebook requires tornado and jinja2
22 Suggests: python-tornado >= 3.1
23 Suggests: python-jinja2
24 Suggests: python-matplotlib
25 BuildRequires: python-devel
26 BuildRequires: python-simplegeneric
27 BuildRequires: python-setuptools
28 BuildRequires: python-pygments
29 BuildRequires: python-sphinx
30 BuildRequires: python-jinja2
31 BuildRequires: python-pyzmq >= 2.1.11
32 BuildRequires: python-pexpect >= 2.2
33 BuildRequires: python-tornado >= 3.1
34 BuildRequires: python-matplotlib
35 BuildRequires: python-numpydoc
37 %description
38 The goal of IPython is to create a comprehensive environment for
39 interactive and exploratory computing. To support this goal, IPython
40 has two main components:
42 * An enhanced interactive Python shell.
43 * An architecture for interactive parallel computing.
45 The enhanced interactive Python shell has the following main features:
47 * Comprehensive object introspection.
48 * Input history, persistent across sessions.
49 * Caching of output results during a session with automatically
50 generated references.
51 * Readline based name completion.
52 * Extensible system of 'magic' commands for controlling the
53 environment and performing many tasks related either to IPython or
54 the operating system.
55 * Configuration system with easy switching between different setups
56 (simpler than changing $PYTHONSTARTUP environment variables every
57 time).
58 * Session logging and reloading.
59 * Extensible syntax processing for special purpose situations.
60 * Access to the system shell with user-extensible alias system.
61 * Easily embeddable in other Python programs and wxPython GUIs.
62 * Integrated access to the pdb debugger and the Python profiler.
64 The parallel computing architecture has the following main features:
66 * Quickly parallelize Python code from an interactive Python/IPython
67 session.
68 * A flexible and dynamic process model that be deployed on anything
69 from multicore workstations to supercomputers.
70 * An architecture that supports many different styles of parallelism,
71 from message passing to task farming.
72 * Both blocking and fully asynchronous interfaces.
73 * High level APIs that enable many things to be parallelized in a few
74 lines of code.
75 * Share live parallel jobs with other users securely.
76 * Dynamically load balanced task farming system.
77 * Robust error handling in parallel code.
79 %package doc
80 Summary: An Enhanced Interactive Python Shell documentation
81 Group: Development/Python
83 %description doc
84 IPython provides a replacement for the interactive python (Python)
85 interpreter with extra functionality.
87 This package contains comprehensive documentation for IPython in
88 html format, as well as examples of usage.
90 %prep
91 %setup -q
92 # delete bundling libs
93 pushd IPython/external
95 # use decorators of numpy
96 rm decorators/_decorators.py
98 # other packages exist in Mageia
99 rm simplegeneric/_simplegeneric.py
100 rm pexpect/_pexpect.py
102 popd
104 # Get rid of library shebangs
105 find . -type f -name "*.py" -exec sed -i '/#!\/usr\/bin\/env/d' {} \;
107 %build
108 %{__python} setup.py build
110 %install
111 %{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
113 chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/*.1*
114 find %{buildroot} -name .buildinfo -exec rm -f {} \;
115 find %{buildroot} -name .git_commit_info.ini -exec rm -rf {} \;
117 # make docs
118 pushd docs
119 PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:%{buildroot}%{python_sitelib} make html
120 rm build/html/.buildinfo
121 popd
123 %files
124 %{_bindir}/ipython
125 %{_bindir}/ipcluster
126 %{_bindir}/ipcontroller
127 %{_bindir}/ipengine
128 %{_bindir}/iptest
129 %{_bindir}/ipython2
130 %{_bindir}/ipcluster2
131 %{_bindir}/ipcontroller2
132 %{_bindir}/ipengine2
133 %{_bindir}/iptest2
135 %{python_sitelib}/*
137 %files doc
138 %doc examples docs/build/html
139 %{_mandir}/man1/*

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