Name: manaplus Version: Release: %mkrel 4 Summary: A client for Evol Online and The Mana World: 2D MMORPG Group: Games/Other License: GPLv2+ Url: Source0:{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 # upstream patches from git:// branch "mageiabranch" format-patched against v1.1.5.1 Patch0001: 0001-Fix-monsters-selection-if-monster-added-to-priority-.patch Patch0002: 0002-Fix-chat-tab-size-issue-if-enabled-hiding-chat-input.patch Patch0003: 0003-Improved-algorithm-for-cleaning-sdltext-cache.patch Patch0004: 0004-Change-client-display-version-to- Patch0005: 0005-Add-spanish-help-translation.patch BuildRequires: SDL-devel BuildRequires: SDL_mixer-devel Buildrequires: SDL_net-devel BuildRequires: SDL_ttf-devel BuildRequires: SDL_gfx-devel BuildRequires: physfs-devel BuildRequires: curl-devel BuildRequires: guichan-devel BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: libpng-devel BuildRequires: gettext-devel Provides: evolonline-client = %{version}-%{release} Provides: manaworld-client = %{version}-%{release} Suggests: mumble %description ManaPlus is extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World and similar servers based on eAthena fork. As a 2D style game, Evol Online aims to create a friendly environment where people can escape reality and interact with others while enjoying themselves through a fantasy style game. The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world. %prep %setup -q -n manaplus %apply_patches %build autoreconf -i %configure2_5x --bindir=%{_gamesbindir} \ --datadir=%{_gamesdatadir} \ --disable-rpath %make %install rm -rf %{buildroot} %makeinstall_std %find_lang %{name} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING docs/*.txt NEWS README %{_gamesbindir}/%{name} %{_gamesdatadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}.png %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %{_mandir}/man6/%{name}*