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Revision Log
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Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild
SILENT: Switch to https URLs
- Version 0.0.25b
- Version 0.0.25
Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild
Version 0.0.23b
Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild
Alpha 23
Alpha 22
Alpha 21
new release
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
Drop alpha-like release tag to match main 0ad package (SILENT)
Alpha 19
Alpha 18 Rhododactylos
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
Alpha 17 Quercus
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
SILENT clean/update specfile
new version alpha 15
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
new version alpha 14
new version: alpha 13
Mass Rebuild -
- new version 0.0.12 - update %%version to follow upstream version
new version alpha11
- fix specfile to user 'gamesdatadir' - fix specfile to better untar data and make the game playable
new version alpha 10 rev 11863
break circular dependency on binary package
new alpha version
Update tarball to Alpha 7 Geronium ( revision 10288) - Fix license - fix minor rpmlint errors (remove tabs & add a %build section) - remove %clean section
imported package 0ad-data
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