# Avoid problem without man and info %define dont_compress 1 Name: acme Version: 1.0 Release: %mkrel 1 Summary: Letsencrypt perl client License: GPLv3+ Group: Development/Perl Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/?p=%{name} Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildArch: noarch Requires: php-json perl(LWP::Protocol::https) Provides: perl(Acme) %description This program allow you to configure, generate and automate letsencrypt certificate generation. %prep %setup -q -n %{name} %install # Install directories install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} install -d %{buildroot}%{perl_vendorlib} install -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} install -d %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1 # Install php script install -m644 www/acme-challenge.php %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/ # Install perl library install -m644 Acme.pm %{buildroot}%{perl_vendorlib}/Acme.pm # Install binaries install -m755 acmecert %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ install -m755 acmeconf %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ install -m755 acmecron %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ # Touch fake man to avoid error with man and info compression install -m644 acmecert.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/ install -m644 acmeconf.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/ install -m644 acmecron.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/ # Touch thumbprint file touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/thumbprint %files # Apache configuration files %doc www/example.com.conf www/acme.conf %config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/thumbprint %{_datadir}/%{name}/acme-challenge.php %{perl_vendorlib}/Acme.pm %{_bindir}/acmecert %{_bindir}/acmeconf %{_bindir}/acmecron %{_mandir}/man1/acmecert.1 %{_mandir}/man1/acmeconf.1 %{_mandir}/man1/acmecron.1