/[packages]/cauldron/alsamixergui/current/SPECS/alsamixergui.spec |
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Revision Log
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Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild
SILENT: Switch to https URLs
fix description (SILENT)
move autoreconf call in %%prep (SILENT)
- switch to debian sources which are newer - drop merged patches - add debian patch - fix build with glibc-2.32 - note that upstream URL is dead
SILENT change make macro to make_build
Fix Comment= in .desktop file to stop referring to debug sources
Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild
- replace deprecated %%configure2_5x
- replace deprecated %%makeinstall_std
Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild
SILENT convert -devel buildrequires into pkgconfig
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
SILENT make use of autopatch
rebuild for new fltk
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
rebuild for Mageia 5 (missed Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild)
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
- SILENT remove %%{_real_vendor} - SILENT patches are now p1
Mass Rebuild - https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:Mageia3MassRebuild
- fix build with new automake
- Change group in line with new policy - correct license - correct grammar in description
- bump release to be updateable from Mandriva 2010
SILENT : try again to fix release
SILENT : try again to fix release
SILENT : try again to fix release
SILENT : try again to fix release
SILENT : fix release
- adapt .spec for Mageia
imported package alsamixergui
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