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Revision Log
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Sticky Revision: |
Rebuild for patchN deprecation
replace deprecated %%patchN with '%%patch -P N' (SILENT)
SILENT: Fix use of %%patch for duvel
Rebuild against new librpm
- use %%patch N instead of deprecated %%patchN
- rebuild for new rpm 4.19.0
- rebuild for new jsoncpp 1.9.5
SILENT: Switch to https URLs
- add patch to fix FTBFS - use %%make_install macro, thus fixing include install path
SILENT: cleanup
Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild
fix files list
- build without lua support for now as lua 5.4 isn't supported
rebuild for jsoncpp
Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild
- replace deprecated %%configure2_5x
rebuild for readline
- fix linking with lua 5.3 (& switch away from 5.2) - fix building wit rpm-4.15
explain from where came cm15 patch (there's a newer one there btw)
rebuild for rpm-4.15
- add aarch64 support
- clean .spec a bir (SILENT)
Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild
- rebuild for new readline
Rebuild for new jsoncpp
- fix build with gcc 7
- build with lua 5.2 for now
- patch39: fix build
SILENT convert -devel buildrequires into pkgconfig
Fix jsoncpp path
Rebuild for libjsoncpp changed soname
use std build macros; prevent commented out macros to break build
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
- rebuild because source rpm was missing
submit to core/release
rebuild for rpm-4.13
kill very old triggers
rebuild for rpm-4.13
- patch38: add support for xz-compressed
- increase cache limit in default config file for current large repositories
- patch37: fix potention buffer overflow in http method (CVE-2014-6273, bug #14112)
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
- patch36 and patch35: get synthesis parsing working again
adapt to new suggets tag (but it had better support recommends/enhances/...)
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
- SILENT remove defattr - SILENT remove clean section - SILENT remove variable definitions name, version, release
patch 33: fix build with lua-5.2 (from FC)
rebuild with lua-5.2
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
- add patch to fix jsoncpp #include
- drop major from devel pkg name
- remove some trailing spaces (SILENT)
- patch31: fix for broken rpmlib in mageia 3
updated RPM group
Mass Rebuild -
rebuild for new rpm
- patch30: fix build with glibc 2.16
build with lua5.1-devel not lua-5.2
rebuild for new rpm-4.10.0
- remove useless post sections
- fix building with rpm 4.9
Rebuild against rpm
add source URL
- better indentation in specfile - drop buildroot definition - drop old obsoletes and provides
imported package apt
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