%define _enable_debug_packages %{nil} %define debug_package %{nil} # # NOTE: rpm is unable to package filenames in an enocidng other than the # the one it is currently using; so this package has to be build with # an iso-8859-* locale; eg: LC_ALL=fr rpm -be specfile # %define src_ver 3.3-2 %define languageenglazy Romanian %define languagecode ro %define lc_ctype ro_RO Summary: %{languageenglazy} files for aspell Name: aspell-%{languagecode} Version: 3.3.2 Release: %mkrel 3 Group: System/Internationalization Source: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/ro/aspell5-ro-%{src_ver}.tar.bz2 URL: http://aspell.net/ License: Free BuildRequires: aspell >= 0.50 BuildRequires: make Requires: aspell >= 0.50 # Mageia Stuff Requires: locales-%{languagecode} Provides: aspell-dictionary Provides: aspell-%{lc_ctype} Provides: spell-%{languagecode} Autoreqprov: no %description A %{languageenglazy} dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. %prep %setup -q -n aspell5-ro-%{src_ver} %build # don't use configure macro ./configure %make %install %makeinstall_std #cp doc/README README.%{languagecode} chmod 644 README Copyright %files %doc README Copyright %{_libdir}/aspell-*/*