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Contents of /cauldron/chromium-browser-stable/current/SPECS/chromium-browser-stable.spec

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Revision 893068 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Oct 20 19:55:09 2015 UTC (8 years, 6 months ago) by neoclust
File size: 10278 byte(s)
New version 46.0.2490.71
1 %define crname chromium-browser
2 %define _crdir %{_libdir}/%{crname}
4 # Set up Google API keys, see http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys
5 # Note: these are for Mageia use ONLY.
6 # For your own builds, please get your own set of keys.
7 %define google_api_key AIzaSyCV9AOzytWwWCtNE8f7ZV56fP1u9yWwhVU
8 %define google_default_client_id 1039996407057.apps.googleusercontent.com
9 %define google_default_client_secret mLT8XooDODav1OJG5G3bY61d
11 Name: chromium-browser-stable
12 Version: 46.0.2490.71
13 Release: %mkrel 1
14 Summary: A fast webkit-based web browser
15 Group: Networking/WWW
16 License: BSD, LGPL
17 URL: http://www.chromium.org/Home
18 # http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/
19 # http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/
20 Source0: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-official/chromium-%{version}.tar.xz
21 Source1: chromium-wrapper
22 Source2: chromium-browser.desktop
23 # (cjw) Don't disable deprecated APIs in ffmpeg header files, some of which change the ABI.
24 # From debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=763632
25 Patch5: fix_for_system_ffmpeg_ABI.patch
26 # (cjw) Recognize mimetypes for matroska (.mkv) and AVI (.avi) formats (video/x-matroska and audio/x-matroska, video/x-msvideo)
27 Patch6: chromium-40-matroska-avi.patch
28 # (cjw) Handle A52 "AC3" and DTS compressed audio.
29 Patch7: chromium-40-ac3-dts.patch
30 # (cjw) Do not use ffmpeg internal header(s)
31 Patch9: chromium-43-no-ffmpeg-internal.patch
32 # (cjw) disable external components -- this stops chromium from downloading hotword stuff, for example
33 Patch10: chromium-45-no-external-components.patch
34 # (debian) disable third party cookies by default
35 Patch11: chromium-third-party-cookies-off-by-default.patch
36 Provides: %{crname}
37 Obsoletes: chromium-browser-unstable < 26.0.1410.51
38 Obsoletes: chromium-browser-beta < 26.0.1410.51
39 Obsoletes: chromium-browser < 1:9.0.597.94
40 BuildRequires: bison
41 BuildRequires: flex
42 BuildRequires: gperf
43 BuildRequires: icu
44 BuildRequires: ninja
45 BuildRequires: yasm
46 BuildRequires: atk-devel
47 BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
48 BuildRequires: cups-devel
49 BuildRequires: dbus-glib-devel
50 BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
51 BuildRequires: expat-devel
52 BuildRequires: ffmpeg-devel
53 BuildRequires: glib2-devel
54 BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
55 BuildRequires: harfbuzz-devel
56 BuildRequires: jpeg-devel
57 BuildRequires: libalsa-devel
58 BuildRequires: libevent-devel
59 BuildRequires: libflac-devel
60 BuildRequires: libgnome-keyring-devel
61 BuildRequires: libgnutls-devel
62 BuildRequires: libicu-devel
63 BuildRequires: libmesagl-devel
64 BuildRequires: libmesaglu-devel
65 BuildRequires: libnspr-devel
66 BuildRequires: libnss-devel
67 BuildRequires: libpam-devel
68 BuildRequires: libpng-devel
69 BuildRequires: libpulseaudio-devel
70 BuildRequires: libvpx-devel
71 BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
72 BuildRequires: libxscrnsaver-devel
73 BuildRequires: libxslt-devel
74 BuildRequires: libxt-devel
75 BuildRequires: libxtst-devel
76 BuildRequires: libz-devel
77 BuildRequires: minizip-devel
78 BuildRequires: speech-dispatcher-devel
79 BuildRequires: snappy-devel
80 BuildRequires: speex-devel
81 BuildRequires: udev-devel
82 BuildRequires: perl-Switch
83 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libexif)
84 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpci)
85 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)
86 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libwebp)
87 BuildRequires: cap-devel
88 # Unused but building gn wants ot to be present
89 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)
90 ExclusiveArch: i586 x86_64 armel
92 %description
93 Chromium is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
94 technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
96 This is the stable channel Chromium browser. It offers a rock solid
97 browser which is updated with features and fixes once they have been
98 thoroughly tested. If you want the latest features, install the
99 chromium-browser-unstable package instead.
101 %package -n chromium-browser
102 Summary: A fast webkit-based web browser (transition package)
103 Epoch: 1
104 Group: Networking/WWW
105 Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
107 %description -n chromium-browser
108 Chromium is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
109 technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
111 This is a transition package that installs the stable channel Chromium
112 browser. If you prefer the dev channel browser, install the
113 chromium-browser-unstable package instead.
115 %prep
116 %setup -q -n chromium-%{version}
117 %autopatch -p1
119 # files we do not want from upstream source bundles
120 rm -rf breakpad/src/processor/testdata/
121 rm -rf chrome/app/test_data/dlls/
122 rm -rf chrome/common/extensions/docs/
123 rm -rf chrome/test/data/
124 rm -rf chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux/
125 rm -rf components/test/data/component_updater/jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf/component1.dll
126 rm -rf content/test/data/
127 rm -rf net/data/
128 rm -rf ppapi/examples/
129 rm -rf ppapi/native_client/tests/
130 rm -rf third_party/apache-win32/
131 rm -rf third_party/binutils/
132 rm -rf third_party/expat/files/
133 rm -rf third_party/ffmpeg/*/*
134 rm -rf third_party/ffmpeg/*.[ch]
135 rm -rf third_party/flac/include
136 rm -rf third_party/flac/src
137 rm -rf third_party/icu/android
138 rm -rf third_party/icu/linux
139 rm -rf third_party/icu/mac
140 rm -rf third_party/icu/patches
141 rm -rf third_party/icu/public
142 rm -rf third_party/icu/source
143 rm -rf third_party/icu/windows
144 rm -rf third_party/lcov
145 rm -rf third_party/libevent/*/*
146 rm -rf third_party/libevent/*.[ch]
147 rm -rf libexif/sources
148 rm -rf libjpeg/*.[ch]
149 rm -rf libjpeg_turbo
150 rm -rf libpng/*.[ch]
151 rm -rf libxslt/libexslt
152 rm -rf libxslt/libxslt
153 rm -rf libxslt/linux
154 rm -rf libxslt/mac
155 rm -rf libxslt/win32
156 rm -rf mesa/src/src
157 rm -rf swig
158 rm -rf third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/
159 rm -rf third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/
160 rm -rf third_party/xdg-utils/tests/
161 rm -rf third_party/yasm/source/
162 rm -rf tools/gyp/test/
163 rm -rf v8/test/
165 # Hard code extra version
166 FILE=chrome/common/chrome_version_info_posix.cc
167 sed -i.orig -re 's/char\s*\*(.*)getenv\("CHROME_VERSION_EXTRA"\)/char const *\1"%{product_vendor} %{product_version}"/' $FILE
168 cmp $FILE $FILE.orig && exit 1
170 %build
171 # TODO -Duse_system_libsrtp=1 -Duse_system_jsoncpp=1
172 # These don't do anything: -Duse_system_libexif=1 -Duse_system_mesa=1
173 %define system_gyp_flags -Duse_system_ffmpeg=1 -Duse_system_sqlite=0 -Duse_system_libxml=1 -Duse_system_zlib=1 -Duse_system_bzip2=1 -Duse_system_xdg_utils=1 -Duse_system_libpng=1 -Duse_system_libjpeg=1 -Duse_system_libevent=1 -Duse_system_flac=1 -Duse_system_libvpx=1 -Duse_system_icu=1 -Duse_system_libusb=0 -Duse_system_minizip=1 -Duse_system_protobuf=0 -Duse_system_opus=1 -Duse_system_snappy=1 -Duse_system_speex=1 -Duse_system_yasm=1 -Duse_system_harfbuzz=1 -Duse_system_expat=1 -Duse_system_libxslt=1 -Duse_system_libwebp=1
175 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gyp_files.py %{system_gyp_flags}
177 export GYP_GENERATORS=ninja
178 build/gyp_chromium --depth=. \
179 -D linux_sandbox_path=%{_crdir}/chrome-sandbox \
180 -D linux_sandbox_chrome_path=%{_crdir}/chrome \
181 -D linux_link_gnome_keyring=0 \
182 -D use_gconf=0 \
183 %{system_gyp_flags} \
184 -D werror='' \
185 -D use_allocator=none \
186 -D disable_nacl=1 \
187 -D linux_use_gold_flags=1 \
188 -D disable_fatal_linker_warnings=1 \
189 -D clang=0 \
190 -D proprietary_codecs=1 \
191 %ifarch i586
192 -D disable_sse2=1 \
193 -D release_extra_cflags="-march=i586 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE=1" \
194 %else
195 -D release_extra_cflags="-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE=1" \
196 %endif
197 -D google_api_key=%{google_api_key} \
198 -D google_default_client_id=%{google_default_client_id} \
199 -D google_default_client_secret=%{google_default_client_secret} \
200 -D python_ver=2.7 \
201 -D system_libdir=%{_lib} \
203 ninja -C out/Release chrome chrome_sandbox
205 %install
206 ls out/Release
207 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
208 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/locales
209 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/themes
210 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/default_apps
211 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
212 install -m 755 %{_sourcedir}/chromium-wrapper %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
213 install -m 755 out/Release/chrome %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
214 install -m 4755 out/Release/chrome_sandbox %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/chrome-sandbox
215 install -m 644 out/Release/chrome.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/%{crname}.1
216 install -m 644 out/Release/chrome_100_percent.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
217 install -m 644 out/Release/resources.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
218 install -m 644 out/Release/natives_blob.bin %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
219 install -m 644 out/Release/snapshot_blob.bin %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
220 install -m 644 out/Release/content_resources.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
221 install -m 644 out/Release/keyboard_resources.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
222 install -m 755 out/Release/mksnapshot %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/
223 install -m 644 out/Release/locales/*.pak %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/locales/
224 install -m 644 chrome/browser/resources/default_apps/* %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/default_apps/
225 ln -s %{_crdir}/chromium-wrapper %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{crname}
227 find out/Release/resources/ -name "*.d" -exec rm {} \;
228 cp -r out/Release/resources %{buildroot}%{_crdir}
230 # desktop file
231 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
232 install -m 644 %{_sourcedir}/%{crname}.desktop %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/
234 # symlink to ICU data file
235 ICUDATADIR=$(icuinfo | grep \"icudata.path\" | sed -re 's/^.*>(.*)<.*$/\1/')
236 ICUDATANAME=$(icuinfo | grep \"icudata.name\" | sed -re 's/^.*>(.*)<.*$/\1/')
237 ICUDATAFILE=$(realpath --relative-to=%{_crdir}/ ${ICUDATADIR}/${ICUDATANAME}.dat)
238 ln -s ${ICUDATAFILE} %{buildroot}%{_crdir}/icudtl.dat
240 # icon
241 for i in 22 24 48 64 128 256; do
242 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps
243 install -m 644 chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$i.png \
244 %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/%{crname}.png
245 done
247 for i in 16 26 32; do
248 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps
249 install -m 644 chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$i.png \
250 %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/%{crname}.png
251 done
253 %files -n chromium-browser
255 %files
256 %{_bindir}/%{crname}
257 %dir %{_crdir}
258 %{_crdir}/chromium-wrapper
259 %{_crdir}/chrome
260 %attr(4755,root,root) %{_crdir}/chrome-sandbox
261 %{_crdir}/icudtl.dat
262 %{_crdir}/locales
263 %{_crdir}/natives_blob.bin
264 %{_crdir}/snapshot_blob.bin
265 %{_crdir}/chrome_100_percent.pak
266 %{_crdir}/content_resources.pak
267 %{_crdir}/keyboard_resources.pak
268 %{_crdir}/resources.pak
269 %{_crdir}/resources
270 %{_crdir}/mksnapshot
271 %{_crdir}/themes
272 %{_crdir}/default_apps
273 %{_mandir}/man1/%{crname}*
274 %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
275 %{_iconsdir}/hicolor/*/apps/%{crname}.png

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