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Revision Log
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Sticky Revision: |
- new version 5.1.0
Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild
SILENT: Fix typos in package description
SILENT: Switch to https URLs
- rebuild for openssl 3.0.0
Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild
- replace deprecated %%configure2_5x
Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild
- add gentoo patch to fix build with openssl 1.1.0 (SILENT)
- new version: 5.0.0 - now libmajor is 12 - add gentoo patch to fix build with openssl 1.1.0 - remove old Obsoletes (SILENT) - use new rpm macros (SILENT)
SILENT convert -devel buildrequires into pkgconfig
Rebuild against new libosip2
Rebuild for openssl
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
SILENT restrict what libraries are matched with major numbers
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
- SILENT remove defattr - SILENT remove cleaning buildroot in install - SILENT remove clean section
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
update libmajor
new version 4.0.0
Mass Rebuild -
update libmajor
new version 3.6.0
update file list
rediff str fmt patch
new version 3.5.0
SILENT: we delete files in %%install
- don't ship .a, .la - drop old/unneeded scriptlets
imported package exosip
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