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Sticky Revision: |
Fix requires (mga#14996)
add ugly workaround dependency on .so library (mga#14996)
- Update to upstream 2.6.5 to fix #14865
put .so in devel package
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
- Without dconf, gnucash doesn't backup preferences !
- Update to upstream 2.6.4
rebuild for missing pythoneggs deps
fix excludes
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
auto convert _exclude_files_from_autoreq
SILENT clean buildrequirements
SILENT Updated buildrequirements
Rebuild for new Python
new version 2.6.1
SILENT: update file list
2.6.0 stable
Rebuild for new libofx
bump rel
update file list
new version 2.5.8
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
update file list
update file list
disable check as it failed with test-load-module
add locales en for testing
add locales-fr for testing
disable check for now
gconf is not used any more
add more requires
new version 2.5.6
use make check
drop dup br
update file list
new version 2.5.5
SILENT: drop correct file
update file list
finally cleanup spec
update file list
update file list
update file list
update lang file
br guile runtime
new version 2.5.4 to run with guile 2.0
new version 2.4.13
Mass Rebuild -
- Fix group
- Fix for _libdir != _libexecdir
update file list
more linkage fix
fix linkage
apply svn patch
autoreconf not needed now
rebuild for new aqbanking
new version 2.4.11
requires guile1.8 also
do not force regenerate swig files
revert build with guile 2.0 to 1.8, as it is not suggested upstream, nor working
really force regenerate swig interface files
do not promote useless png files when building from tarball
force regenerate swig bindings as suggested by rh#704527
add description on the issue. SILENT
more specific filter
fix regexp usage
do not provides devel also
move all .so files into lib package, so that it won't fail when dlopen them
fix guile lib loading (1st try on bug#4882)
drop merged patch
new version 2.4.10
rebuild for new ofx
there is no info file now
new version 2.4.9
- BR gettext-devel (SILENT)
- add patches from fedora to support new guile 2.0 - sync sources with fedora - clean .spec a bit
fix build with latest glib
add br
br scrollkeeper
br python-devel
br slib
bump rel
cleanup spec
new version 2.4.8
drop post section
drop .la files
add submodule for python binding
fix BR add a comment regarding obsoletes
enable python binding, and simplify the Requires
fix %post
new version 2.4.7
- Update to 2.6.5
Rebuild against new webkit
Update to 2.4.5
SILENT fix BR name
SILENT fix version of BR
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