5 |
Version: 0.10b1 |
Version: 0.10b1 |
6 |
Release: %mkrel -c r6348 1 |
Release: %mkrel -c r6348 1 |
7 |
License: GPLv2 and LGPL and LGPLv2.1 and BSD |
License: GPLv2 and LGPL and LGPLv2.1 and BSD |
8 |
Group: Video |
Group: Video/Editors and Converters |
9 |
URL: http://handbrake.fr/ |
URL: http://handbrake.fr/ |
10 |
# Main sources are only available from SVN repo right now |
# Main sources are only available from SVN repo right now |
11 |
# svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake/trunk |
# svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake/trunk |
101 |
%{_bindir}/ghb |
%{_bindir}/ghb |
102 |
%{_bindir}/HandBrakeCLI |
%{_bindir}/HandBrakeCLI |
103 |
%{_datadir}/applications/ghb.desktop |
%{_datadir}/applications/ghb.desktop |
104 |
%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/hb-icon.svg |
%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/scalable/apps/hb-icon.svg |