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new snapshot 19762
Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild
SILENT: Switch to https URLs & fix typos
- rebuild for openssl 3.0.0
revert glibc-2.32-sysctl.h patch removal
- new snapshot 19718 - drop patch fixed upstream
change sysctl headers for glibc 2.32
- new version 3.2.0-3.19717 - drop qtcontribs, hbide and hbdbu as not ported to Qt-5.15 yet but - leave re-introduction possible by making qt optional in spec. - add script to create harbour core with contribs tarball - minor corrections to files lists and spec tidy - patches from attempts to build qtcontribs will be uploaded - later for possible future use.
SILENT change make macro to make_build
Switch URLs from http: to https:
Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild
Qt5 Rebuild
- enable debug pkgs
- remove unwanted change from hb_env (SILENT)
- new snapshot - add patches to fix build with new mariadb and qt5 - use mageia compiler flags
Update postgresql BuildRequires
Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild
- rebuild for new mariadb
SILENT convert -devel buildrequires into pkgconfig
Rebuild against allegro4
change BR for firebird (BR pkgconfig(fbclient))
Rebuild for openssl
- new snapshots from vcs - dont use bundled pcre - switch to qt5 - patch sslbio bug - drop qtwebkit module for qt-5.6.0 - clean BuildRequires for qt5 - clean up files list
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild
- SILENT restrict what libraries are matched with major numbers - SILENT make use of autopatch
correct name of patch
- really remove lzo sources - fix %files typos
- Dont build embedded minilzo or provide it Mga#15806 - create -devel packages for all libs -remove and obsolete harbour-bundle adding reccomends to main package - dont make libs require main package
- rebuilt for libgd-2.1.1
- define HB_QTPATH to fix build in some situations - use current version of postgresql library (9.4)
Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
adjust file list
rebuild for bogus file deps
Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
- patch to update bundled minilzo to 2.8 - fixes security issue CVE-2014-4607 mga#13934
- new snapshot - updated file list
- move libhbdebug.a to core - simplify build defines
- new snapshot - include static libs to fix debug - include slang - add major trap
Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild
- new snapshot - added hbdbu package - reverted to svn style revision for harbour git revision numbering - added option in hb_mk_tar to update hb git and hbqt svn when making snapshot tarballs - copy all contrib .ch headers to system include so they can be found
- new snapshot - new hb-mk-tar script since harbour core moved to git - revision now uses hbgitdate.qtsvnrev - Patch0 no longer required
rebuild for new libpng
- rebuilt against
Mass Rebuild -
SILENT: fix typo
SILENT: hbplist patch missed from sources
- new snapshot - dynamic build - changed tarball structure - added bundle package suggesting all contribs and IDE to ease installation
- new snapshot - script hb_mk_tar to build tarball from Harbour core svn and qtcontribs svn - sorted large file lists alphabetically to ease searching - removed one patch fixed upstream and updated one other
- changed defines handling for clarity - more spec cleaning
- fix folder incorrectly owned by sub-packages - fix typo in qt lib name and obsolete old one - more spec cleaning - added require on base package in hbide package
- moved all static libs to static-devel rpms - obsoleted original contrib packages with static libs - added freeimage - more spec cleaning
Fix missing dir
SILENT: missing BR - postgresql9.1-devel
- added hbide sub package with desktop file - corrected doc directory location - added examples and tests directories
SILENT: bump rel
- removed ads sections as we cant distribute ads - added sub package harbour-pgsql
Corrected sub package groups
imported package harbour
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