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Contents of /cauldron/kernel/current/SPECS/kernel.spec

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Revision 2139948 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Jan 19 23:41:27 2025 UTC (2 weeks, 6 days ago) by ghibo
File size: 68413 byte(s)
- Cleanup unused patches.
- Update BORE to release 5.9.6.

1 # Please rebuild drakx-installer-images once BS has built a new kernel (bump release & kernel version)
3 # -*- Mode: rpm-spec -*-
4 #
5 # NOTE !!!
6 # (tmb) Do NOT blindly backport this spec to Mageia 8 or older as packages
7 # are renamed and spec is reworked in several incompatible ways...
8 #
9 # This Specfile is based on kernel-tmb spec done by
10 # Thomas Backlund <tmb@mandriva.org>
11 #
12 # The mkflavour() macroization done by Anssi Hannula <anssi@mandriva.org>
13 #
14 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 # Consult this page for extra docs:
16 #
17 # https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Kernel_update_workflow
18 #
19 # (feel free to adjust the wiki-page when adding or removing features
20 # to the spec file).
21 #
22 # After building a new kernel, remember to push the following packages:
23 #
24 # kmod-virtualbox
25 # kmod-xtables-addons
26 # drakx-installer-images (both core and nonfree)
27 #
28 # and when a %%kernelversion or a %%patchlevel is bumped, please also update
29 # the following internals for newer modules:
30 #
31 # drakx/kernel/list_modules.pm
32 #
34 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 #
37 # Mageia kernels use kernel.org versioning
38 #
40 # Use %versionednamingscheme -> 1 to include versioning into package name, like in mga8 scheme
41 %define versionednamingscheme 1
43 %if !%{versionednamingscheme}
44 # kernel base name (for easy renaming of forked builds)
45 %define kname kernel
46 %endif
48 %define kernelversion 6
49 # WARNING: when patchlevel is bumped, please update drakx/kernel/list_modules.pm for new modules!!!
50 %define patchlevel 6
51 # sublevel is now used for -stable patches
52 %define sublevel 72
54 # Package release
55 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
56 %define mgarel 3
57 %else
58 %define rel 3
59 %endif
61 # kernel Makefile extraversion is substituted by
62 # rcX which are either 0 (empty), X (as in rcX)
63 %define rcX 0
65 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
66 # kernel base name (also name of srpm)
67 %define kname kernel
69 # Patch tarball tag
70 %define ktag mga
72 %define rpmtag %{distsuffix}%{mgaver}
73 %endif
75 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
76 %if %{rcX}
77 %define rpmrel %mkrel 0.rc%{rcX}.%{mgarel}
78 %else
79 %define rpmrel %mkrel %{mgarel}
80 %endif
81 %else
82 %if %{rcX}
83 %define rpmrel %mkrel 0.rc%{rcX}.%{rel}
84 %else
85 %define rpmrel %mkrel %{rel}
86 %endif
87 %endif
89 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
90 # fakerel and fakever never change, they are used to fool
91 # rpm/urpmi/smart and ensure the kernels are installed,
92 # not upgraded so old kernel is not overwritten or removed
93 %define fakever 1
94 %define fakerel %mkrel 1
95 %endif
97 # version defines
98 %define kversion %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
99 %define kverrel %{kversion}-%{rpmrel}
101 # When we are using a rcX patch, the tarball is a sublevel -1
102 %if %{rcX}
103 %if %sublevel
104 %define tar_ver %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
105 %else
106 %define tar_ver %{kernelversion}.%(expr %{patchlevel} - 1)
107 %endif
108 %else
109 %define tar_ver %{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}
110 %endif
112 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
113 # Used for not making too long names for rpms or search paths
114 %if %rcX
115 %define buildrpmrel 0.rc%{rcX}.%{mgarel}%{rpmtag}
116 %else
117 %define buildrpmrel %{mgarel}%{rpmtag}
118 %endif
119 %define buildrel %{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}
120 %endif
122 # Having different top level names for packges means that you have to remove
123 # them by hard :(
124 %define top_dir_name %{kname}-%{_arch}
126 %define build_dir ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{top_dir_name}
127 %define src_dir %{build_dir}/linux-%{tar_ver}
129 # Disable useless debug rpms...
130 %global _enable_debug_packages %{nil}
131 %global debug_package %{nil}
132 %global __debug_package %{nil}
133 %global __debug_install_post %{nil}
134 %global _build_id_links none
136 # no bytecompiling wanted as it breaks build on selftests we dont even ship
137 # for older buildsystems
138 %global _python_bytecompile_build 0
139 # for systems with >= rpm-mageia-setup-2.29-1.mga7
140 %global __brp_python_bytecompile %nil
142 # Speed-up package building
143 %global _binary_payload w9T0.zstdio
145 # Build defines
146 %define build_doc 1
147 %define build_uheaders 1
148 %define build_source 1
149 %define build_devel 1
151 %define build_debug 0
153 # Build desktop i586 / 4GB
154 %ifarch %{ix86}
155 %if %{mgaver} >= 10
156 %define build_desktop586 0
157 %else
158 %define build_desktop586 1
159 %endif
160 %endif
162 # Build desktop (i686 / 64GB) / x86_64 / arm / aarch64
163 %define build_desktop 1
165 # Build server (i686 / 64GB)/x86_64 / aarch64
166 %ifnarch %{arm}
167 %define build_server 1
168 %else
169 %define build_server 0
170 %endif
172 # build cpupower
173 %ifnarch %{arm} aarch64
174 %define build_cpupower 1
175 %else
176 %define build_cpupower 0
177 %endif
179 # build perf
180 %define build_perf 1
182 # bpf
183 %define build_bpftool 1
184 %define build_libbpf 1
186 # compress modules with xz
187 %ifnarch %{arm}
188 %define build_modxz 1
189 %else
190 %define build_modxz 0
191 %endif
192 # End of user definitions
194 # buildtime override flags
195 %{?_without_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 0}
196 %{?_without_desktop: %global build_desktop 0}
197 %{?_without_server: %global build_server 0}
198 %{?_without_doc: %global build_doc 0}
199 %{?_without_uheaders: %global build_uheaders 0}
200 %{?_without_source: %global build_source 0}
201 %{?_without_devel: %global build_devel 0}
202 %{?_without_debug: %global build_debug 0}
203 %{?_without_perf: %global build_perf 0}
204 %{?_without_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 0}
205 %{?_without_bpftool: %global build_bpftool 0}
206 %{?_without_libbpf: %global build_libbpf 0}
207 %{?_without_modxz: %global build_modxz 0}
209 %{?_with_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 1}
210 %{?_with_desktop: %global build_desktop 1}
211 %{?_with_server: %global build_server 1}
212 %{?_with_doc: %global build_doc 1}
213 %{?_with_uheaders: %global build_uheaders 1}
214 %{?_with_source: %global build_source 1}
215 %{?_with_devel: %global build_devel 1}
216 %{?_with_debug: %global build_debug 1}
217 %{?_with_perf: %global build_perf 1}
218 %{?_with_cpupower: %global build_cpupower 1}
219 %{?_with_bpftool: %global build_bpftool 1}
220 %{?_with_libbpf: %global build_libbpf 1}
221 %{?_with_modxz: %global build_modxz 1}
223 # For the .nosrc.rpm
224 %define build_nosrc 0
225 %{?_with_nosrc: %global build_nosrc 1}
227 # choose kernel level of verbosity
228 %global verbosity_level 1
229 #global verbosity_level 2
230 #global verbosity_level 12
232 # force no silent make everywhere
233 %global force_nosilent 0
234 #global force_nosilent 1
236 %if %{force_nosilent}
237 %global make_silent_flag --no-silent
238 %else
239 %global make_silent_flag -s
240 %endif
242 # redefine _make_verbose to support also V=2, V=12
243 # V=1: verbose build
244 # V=2: give reason for rebuild of target
245 # V=12: V=1 and V=2 can be combined together
246 %global _make_verbose V=%{verbosity_level} VERBOSE=%{verbosity_level}
248 %if %(if [ -z "$CC" ] ; then echo 0; else echo 1; fi)
249 %define kmake %make_build CC="$CC"
250 %else
251 %define kmake %make_build
252 %endif
253 # there are places where parallel make don't work
254 %define smake make %{_make_verbose}
256 # Parallelize xargs invocations on smp machines
257 %define kxargs xargs %([ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] \\\
258 && RPM_BUILD_NCPUS="`/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`"; \\\
259 [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -gt 1 ] && echo "-P $RPM_BUILD_NCPUS")
261 # arm(64) arch matching
262 %define target_arch %(echo %{_arch} | sed -e 's/arm.*/arm/' -e 's/aarch64/arm64/')
265 #
266 # SRC RPM description
267 #
268 Summary: Linux kernel built for Mageia
269 Name: %{kname}
270 Version: %{kversion}
271 Release: %{rpmrel}
272 License: GPLv2
273 Group: System/Kernel and hardware
274 ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64
275 ExclusiveOS: Linux
276 URL: https://www.kernel.org/
278 ####################################################################
279 #
280 # Sources
281 #
282 ### This is for full SRC RPM
283 Source0: https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%{kernelversion}.x/linux-%{tar_ver}.tar.xz
284 Source1: https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%{kernelversion}.x/linux-%{tar_ver}.tar.sign
285 ### This is for stripped SRC RPM
286 %if %build_nosrc
287 NoSource: 0
288 %endif
289 # This is for disabling *config, mrproper, prepare, scripts on -devel rpms
290 Source2: disable-mrproper-in-devel-rpms.patch
292 Source4: README.kernel-sources
294 # for creating stable queue patchlist
295 Source5: generate-patchlist.sh
297 # copy to patched source tree along with the defconfigs and run it
298 Source10: defconfig-updater.sh
299 Source09: defconfig-updater-simple.sh
300 # x86_64 defconfigs
301 Source11: defconfig-x86_64-desktop
302 Source12: defconfig-x86_64-server
303 # i386 defconfigs
304 Source13: defconfig-i386-desktop586
305 Source14: defconfig-i386-desktop
306 Source15: defconfig-i386-server
307 # arm64 defconfigs
308 Source16: defconfig-arm64-desktop
309 Source17: defconfig-arm64-server
310 # arm defconfigs
311 Source18: defconfig-arm-desktop
313 # config and systemd service file from fedora
314 Source50: cpupower.service
315 Source51: cpupower.config
317 ####################################################################
318 #
319 # Patches
321 #
322 # Patch0 to Patch10 are for core kernel upgrades.
323 #
325 %if %sublevel
326 Patch1: https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%{kernelversion}.x/patch-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}.xz
327 %endif
328 %if %{rcX}
329 # (tmb) Created with:
330 # wget https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/p/v5.10-rc7/v5.9 -O patch-5.10-rc7
331 # xz -6e patch-5.10-rc7
332 Patch2: patch-%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}-rc%{rcX}.xz
333 %endif
335 ###
336 ### Stable Queue coalesced in one single Patch
337 ###
338 Patch0100: stable-queue-coalesced-6.6-20250120.patch
340 ###
341 ### Stable Queue can be big
342 ### Patches from 100-999
343 ###
345 ### add patches here by copying contents of kernel matching queue-x.y from:
346 ### https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/stable-queue.git/tree/
347 ### to SOURCES, generate patchlist with generate-patchlist.sh and paste it here
348 ###
350 ###
351 ### Arch
352 ### Patches from 1000
353 ###
355 # laptop needing pci=assign-busses (#18989, needs to be submitted upstream)
356 Patch1000: x86-pci-toshiba-equium-a60-assign-busses.patch
358 # If users choose a bad video mode, allow to jump to
359 # a working one (TTL: forever)
360 Patch1001: x86-boot-video-80x25-if-break.patch
362 # Allow poweroff on UP machines running SMP kernels
363 Patch1005: x86-default_poweroff_up_machines.patch
365 # raise vmalloc to fix https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=904
366 Patch1010: x86-increase-default-minimum-vmalloc-area-by-64MB-to-192MB.patch
368 # slows down boot
369 Source1015: Revert-cpufreq-pcc-Enable-autoload-of-pcc-cpufreq-fo.patch
371 # AMD
373 ###
374 ### ACPI
375 ###
377 # CLEVO M360S acpi irq workaround
378 Patch1100: acpi-CLEVO-M360S-disable_acpi_irq.patch
380 # Clevo M720SR freezes with C3
381 Patch1105: acpi-processor-M720SR-limit-to-C2.patch
383 ###
384 ### Block
385 ###
387 # FIXME: Don't know know why this is needed
388 Patch1200: scsi-megaraid-new-sysfs-name.patch
390 # adds aliases to support upgrade from old dm-raid45 patch
391 Patch1215: dm-raid-aliases.patch
393 # [disable floppy autoloading (mga #4696)]
394 # disable this patch as breaks resume from suspend (see bug #31695)
395 Source1220: block-floppy-disable-pnp-modalias.patch
397 ###
398 ### bpf
399 ###
401 ###
402 ### Crypto
403 ###
405 ###
406 ### cpufreq
407 ###
409 ###
410 ### dma
411 ###
413 ###
414 ### File-system
415 ###
417 # jbd2
419 ###
420 ### FireWire
421 ###
423 # adding module aliases to ease upgrade from ieee1394
424 Patch1400: firewire-ieee1394-module-aliases.patch
426 ###
427 ### Firmware
428 ###
430 ###
431 ### GPU/DRM
432 ###
434 # mga compat option
435 Source1500: 0001-Reintroduce-nokmsboot-option-as-an-alias-for-nomodes.patch
437 # Fix problems with DRM an libvibrant (https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32235)
438 # (to be reviewed since 6.6.9)
439 Source1501: 0001-Revert-drm-amd-display-don-t-enable-DRM-CRTC-degamma.patch
441 # amdgpu
442 # switch SI and CIK from radeon to amdgpu
443 Patch1520: drm-amdgpu-SI-and-CIK-enabled-by-default.patch
445 # i915
446 # new Q57 Host Bridge id
447 Patch1530: char-agp-intel-new-Q57-id.patch
449 # https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206653#c19
450 Patch1552: i2c_nvidia_gpu-change-err-into-info.patch
452 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2071209
453 Patch1553: 0001-drivers-firmware-skip-simpledrm-if-nvidia-drm.modese.patch
455 # EVDI DisplayLink patchset (from https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi)
456 Patch1560: 0001-import-evdi-driver-1.14.7.patch
458 ###
459 ### gpio
460 ###
462 ###
463 ### hwmon
464 ###
466 ###
467 ### i2c
468 ###
470 ###
471 ### io_uring
472 ###
474 ###
475 ### iommu
476 ###
478 ###
479 ### Input
480 ###
482 ###
483 ### HID
484 ###
486 # surface bits
487 # https://github.com/linux-surface/kernel/
489 # amd_sfh
490 Patch1800: hid-amd_sfh-check-that-sensors-are-enabled-before-set-get-report.patch
492 ###
493 ### kernel
494 ###
496 ###
497 ### MFD
498 ###
500 ###
501 ### misc
502 ###
504 ###
505 ### MM
506 ###
508 ###
509 ### Network
510 ###
512 # SiS 190 fixes
513 Patch1900: net-sis190-fix-list-usage.patch
515 # netfilter IFWLOG support
516 Patch1910: net-netfilter-IFWLOG.patch
517 Patch1911: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-mdv.patch
518 Patch1912: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-2.6.35-buildfix.patch
519 Patch1913: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-2.6.37-buildfix.patch
520 Patch1914: net-ipv4-netfilter-ipt_IFWLOG-3.6-buildfix.patch
521 Patch1915: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-3.7-buildfix.patch
522 Patch1916: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-remove-unused-label.patch
523 Patch1917: net-netfilter-ipt_IFWLOG-4.12-buildfix.patch
524 Patch1918: net-netfilter-IFWLOG-5.0-buildfix.patch
526 # netfilter psd support
527 Patch1920: net-netfilter-psd.patch
528 Patch1921: net-netfilter-psd-mdv.patch
529 Patch1922: net-netfilter-psd-2.6.35-buildfix.patch
530 Patch1923: net-netfilter-psd-fix-redefines.patch
532 # rtw88 wifi
533 # add alias for the replaced r8822be staging driver
534 Patch1930: net-wireless-rtw88-add-r8822be-alias.patch
535 # add alias for the replaced 8723de 3rdparty driver
536 Patch1931: net-wireless-rtw88-add-8723de-alias.patch
538 # iwlfiwi
539 Patch1980: net-wireless-iwlwifi-add-new-pci-id-for-6235.patch
540 Patch1981: wifi-iwlwifi-pcie-add-support-for-AX101NGW.patch
541 Source1982: iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch
543 ###
544 ### PCI
545 ###
547 ###
548 ### pinctrl
549 ###
551 ###
552 ### Platform
553 ###
555 # Allow access to Shuttle WMI interface controls
556 # (Mainly allow turning on/off webcam and wireless on Shuttle DA18IE and DA18IM)
557 Patch2050: platform-x86-add-shuttle-wmi-driver.patch
558 Patch2051: platform-x86-shuttle-wmi-drop-devinit-exit.patch
559 Patch2052: platform-x86-shuttle-wmi-4.2-buildfix.patch
560 Patch2053: platform-x86-shuttle-wmi-4.13-buildfix.patch
561 Patch2054: platform-x86-shuttle-wmi-kernel-5.5.patch
563 ###
564 ### PM
565 ###
567 ###
568 ### Sound
569 ###
571 ###
572 ### SPI
573 ###
575 ###
576 ### Staging
577 ###
579 # add rtl8812 support (mga#21043)
580 # from https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au.git
581 Patch2200: staging-rtl8812au.patch
582 Patch2201: staging-rtl8812au-rename.patch
583 Patch2202: staging-rtl8812au-Kconfig-Makefile.patch
584 Patch2203: staging-rtl8812au-20231117.patch
585 # bug mga#31965
586 Patch2204: 0001-Pull-device-0x0821-from-list-of-device-supported-by-.patch
587 Patch2205: 0122-Fix-change_beacon-for-kernel-6.7.patch
588 Patch2206: 0123-Update-os_intfs.c-for-kernel-6.8.patch
589 Patch2207: 0124-Update-usb_intf.c-for-kernel-6.8.patch
590 Patch2208: 0128-Update-ioctl_cfg80211.c-support-for-kernel-6.9.patch
591 #
592 Patch2209: 0001-rtl8812au-add-missing-prototypes.patch
593 Patch2210: 0002-rtl8812au-add-suggested-braces-around-empty-body.patch
595 ###
596 ### Thermal
597 ###
599 ###
600 ### Thunderbolt
601 ###
603 ###
604 ### tpm
605 ###
607 ###
608 ### USB
609 ###
611 Patch2300: hid-usbhid-IBM-BladeCenterHS20-quirk.patch
613 Patch2310: usb-storage-unusual_devs-add-id.patch
614 Patch2311: usb-storage-unusual_devs-add-id-2.6.37-buildfix.patch
616 ###
617 ### Bluetooth
618 ###
620 ###
621 ### V4L
622 ###
624 # pwc driver name in /proc/bus/devices, /sys fix and "advertisement" removal
625 Patch2400: media-usb-pwc-lie-in-proc-usb-devices.patch
627 ###
628 ### Video
629 ###
631 # Mageia framebuffer boot logo
632 Patch2500: video-mageia-logo.patch
634 ###
635 ### Virt
636 ###
638 # fix gcc-10 build
639 Patch2550: KVM-squelch-uninitialized-variable-warning.patch
641 ###
642 ### Tools
643 ###
645 # wipe powerpc reference so we can nuke dangling symlinks (mga#17676)
646 # to be reviewed since 6.6.9
647 Source2600: tools-testing-selftest-Makefile-remove-powerpc-reference.patch
649 # fix perf build
650 # to be reviewed since 6.6.9
651 Source2605: tools-perf-ui-include-slang.patch
653 ###
654 ### UAPI
655 ###
657 # This patch requires inotify-tools package to be fixed accordingly
658 # using '.__kernel_val' instead of '.val' in __kernel_fd_set structure.
659 # (see) https://svnweb.mageia.org/packages?view=revision&revision=2101961
660 Patch2700: uapi-avoid-namespace-conflict-in-linux-posix_types.h.patch
662 ###
663 ### Python fixes
664 ###
665 Patch4000: linux-6.5-python3.patch
667 ###
668 ### TTY
669 ###
671 # broken rtla cleaner
672 Patch6000: hack-broken-rtla-cleaner.patch
674 # build binder_linux as module instead of builtin (from debian)
675 Patch6001: android-enable-building-ashmem-and-binder-as-modules.patch
676 Patch6002: export-symbols-needed-by-android-drivers.patch
677 # still export some missed symbol for binder_linux
678 Patch6003: export-symbols-needed-by-android-drivers-ipc-ns.patch
680 ### Fixes from FC kernel
681 # Inspur Advantech PCI ids
682 Patch7000: 0001-scsi-smartpqi-add-inspur-advantech-ids.patch
683 # Vulcan AHCI PCI bar (aarch64)
684 Patch7001: 0001-Vulcan-AHCI-PCI-bar-fix-for-Broadcom-Vulcan-early-si.patch
686 ###
687 ### Potpourri fixes from other distro kernels
688 ###
690 ### misc
691 Patch20301: 0001-Use-BFQ-as-elevator-for-SQ-devices.patch
693 ### from opensuse
694 Patch29000: ACPI-video-Add-backlight-native-DMI-quirk-for-Lenovo.patch
695 Patch29001: Input-elan_i2c-Add-deny-list-for-Lenovo-Yoga-Slim-7.patch
696 Patch29003: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Add-notification-support-into-compo.patch
697 Patch29004: ALSA-hda-realtek-Support-ACPI-Notification-framework.patch
698 Patch29005: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Support-mute-notifications-for-CS35.patch
699 Patch29006: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Add-read-only-ALSA-control-for-forc.patch
700 Patch29007: ASoC-cs35l41-Make-use-of-dev_err_probe.patch
701 Patch29008: ASoC-cs35l41-Use-modern-pm_ops.patch
702 Patch29009: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Consistently-use-dev_err_probe.patch
703 Patch29010: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Use-reset-label-to-get-GPIO-for-HP-.patch
704 Patch29011: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Assert-reset-before-system-suspend.patch
705 Patch29012: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Assert-Reset-prior-to-de-asserting-.patch
706 Patch29013: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Run-boot-process-during-resume-call.patch
707 Patch29014: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Force-a-software-reset-after-hardwa.patch
708 Patch29015: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Do-not-unload-firmware-before-reset.patch
709 Patch29016: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Check-CSPL-state-after-loading-firm.patch
710 Patch29017: ASoC-cs35l41-Detect-CSPL-errors-when-sending-CSPL-co.patch
711 Patch29018: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-mark-cs35l41_verify_id-static.patch
712 Patch29019: ALSA-hda-cs35l41-Fix-missing-error-code-in-cs35l41_s.patch
714 ### debian/ubuntu
715 Patch30005: 2838-ata-ahci-Add-Intel-Alder-Lake-P-AHCI-controller-to-l.patch
716 Patch30006: 2905-ASoC-Intel-soc-acpi-intel-rpl-match-add-rt711-l0-rt1.patch
717 Patch30007: 2923-ASoC-Intel-soc-acpi-intel-mtl-match-add-rt713-rt1316.patch
718 Patch30008: 2925-ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw_rt712_sdca-construct-cards-compon.patch
719 Patch30009: 2926-ASoC-Intel-soc-acpi-rt713-rt1316-no-sdw-dmic-config.patch
720 Patch30010: 3376-drm-i915-rpl-Update-pci-ids-for-RPL-P-U.patch
722 ### from fedora kernel
723 Patch31000: 0575-ACPI-APEI-arm64-Ignore-broken-HPE-moonshot-APEI-supp.patch
724 Source31001: 0577-ACPI-irq-Workaround-firmware-issue-on-X-Gene-based-m.patch
725 Source31002: 0578-aarch64-acpi-scan-Fix-regression-related-to-X-Gene-U.patch
726 Patch31003: 0582-ahci-thunderx2-Fix-for-errata-that-affects-stop-engi.patch
727 Patch31004: 0584-ipmi-do-not-configure-ipmi-for-HPE-m400.patch
728 Patch31005: 0585-iommu-arm-smmu-workaround-DMA-mode-issues.patch
729 Patch31006: 0586-Add-efi_status_to_str-and-rework-efi_status_to_err.patch
730 Patch31007: 0587-Make-get_cert_list-use-efi_status_to_str-to-print-er.patch
731 Source31008: 0593-Input-rmi4-remove-the-need-for-artificial-IRQ-in-cas.patch
732 Patch31009: 3929-scsi-sd-Add-probe_type-module-parameter-to-allow-syn-rediff.patch
734 ### from popos kernel
735 Patch32000: 0014-Mixer-Maps-Add-alternate-ALC4080.patch
736 Patch32002: 0016-ALSA-hda-Improve-3.5mm-hotplug-w-ROG-strix-B550.patch
737 Patch32003: 0017-ALSA-hda-conexant-add-a-new-hda-codec-CX11970.patch
738 Patch32004: 0001-Revert-PCI-ACPI-Call-_REG-when-transitioning-D-state.patch
740 ### BORE scheduler for better latency on desktop (https://github.com/firelzrd/bore-scheduler)
741 Patch40000: 0001-linux6.6.67-bore5.9.6.patch
742 # Add 500 Hz timer frequency for desktop (alternative to 1000 Hz or 300 Hz)
743 Patch40001: 0001-add-500-Hz-timer-frequency.patch
745 #
746 #END
747 ####################################################################
749 # Defines for the things that are needed for all the kernels
750 #
751 %define common_desc_kernel The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your \
752 Mageia operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions \
753 of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device \
754 input and output, etc.
756 %define common_desc_kernel_smp This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
757 mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
758 processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
760 ### Global Requires/Provides
761 %define requires1 bootloader-utils >= 1.16-1
762 %define requires2 dracut >= 046-2
763 %define requires3 kmod >= 12-2
764 %define requires4 sysfsutils >= 2.1.0-16
765 %define requires5 kernel-firmware >= 20190603-1
766 # ldetect-lst with SI/CIK swich from radeon to amdgpu
767 %define requires6 ldetect-lst >= 0.6.25-1
769 %define kprovides1 %{kname} = %{kverrel}
770 %define kprovides2 kernel = %{tar_ver}
771 %define kprovides3 alsa = 1.0.26
772 %define kprovides_server drbd-api = 88
774 # conflict dkms packages that dont support kernel-6.2
775 %define kconflicts1 dkms-broadcom-wl <
776 %define kconflicts2 dkms-nvidia-current < 525.89.02-1
777 %define kconflicts3 dkms-nvidia470 < 470.161.03-2
778 # EOL upstream 12/2022
779 %define kconflicts4 dkms-nvidia390 < 390.157-2
780 %define kconflicts5 dkms-virtualbox < 7.0.6-1
781 %define kconflicts6 dkms-xtables-addons < 3.23-2
782 # (tmb) conflict older btrfs-progs to get the new in same transaction and in initrd
783 %define kconflicts7 btrfs-progs < 6.2.2-1
784 # (tmb) conflict too old radeon-firmware to get the uvd firmwares in initrd
785 %define kconflicts8 radeon-firmware < 20230310-1
786 # (tmb) conflict old firmware to get the firmwares in initrd
787 %define kconflicts9 kernel-firmware-nonfree < 20230320-1
788 # (tmb) conflict old microcode to get updated ones in initrd for early loading
789 %define kconflicts10 microcode < 0.20230214-1
790 # (tmb) conflict old theme to get mga8 theme in initrd
791 %define kconflicts11 mageia-gfxboot-theme <
792 # (tmb) conflict too old grub2(-efi)
793 %define kconflicts12 grub2 < 2.02.0-15
794 %define kconflicts13 grub2-efi < 2.02.0-15
795 # (tmb) conflict too old efibootmgr
796 %define kconflicts14 efibootmgr < 16-3
797 # (tmb) force new theme in initrd
798 %define kconflicts15 mageia-theme < 8.0-2
799 # dkms-anbox < 0.0.3-5 can't coexist with builtin one
800 %define kconflicts16 dkms-anbox < 0.0.3-5
802 Autoreqprov: no
804 BuildRequires: gcc >= 12.2.1-0.20230121.1
805 BuildRequires: binutils >= 1:2.40-1
806 BuildRequires: kmod >= 12-2
807 BuildRequires: bc
808 BuildRequires: gawk >= 5.2.0-4
809 # for crypto stuff
810 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl)
811 # since 4.16
812 BuildRequires: bison
813 BuildRequires: diffutils
814 BuildRequires: dwarves
815 BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
816 %if %{mgaver} >= 10
817 BuildRequires: elfutils-libdebuginfod-devel
818 %endif
819 BuildRequires: flex
820 # for headers_install
821 BuildRequires: rsync
822 # for cpupower
823 %if %{build_cpupower}
824 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpci)
825 %endif
826 # for perf
827 %if %{build_perf}
828 BuildRequires: audit-devel
829 BuildRequires: binutils-devel
830 BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
831 BuildRequires: libunwind-devel
832 BuildRequires: newt-devel
833 BuildRequires: python3-devel
834 BuildRequires: zlib-devel
835 BuildRequires: asciidoc
836 BuildRequires: xmlto-notex
837 BuildRequires: perl-devel
838 BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
839 BuildRequires: babeltrace-devel
840 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
841 BuildRequires: numa-devel
842 %endif
843 %endif
844 %if %{build_bpftool}
845 BuildRequires: python3-docutils
846 BuildRequires: cap-devel
847 %endif
849 %description
850 %common_desc_kernel
851 %ifnarch %{arm}
852 %common_desc_kernel_smp
853 %endif
855 # mkflavour() name flavour processor
856 # name: the flavour name in the package name
857 # flavour: first parameter of CreateKernel()
858 %define mkflavour() \
859 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
860 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
861 Version: %{fakever} \
862 Release: %{fakerel} \
863 %else \
864 %package -n %{kname}-%{1} \
865 Version: %{kversion} \
866 Release: %{rpmrel} \
867 %endif \
868 Summary: %{expand:%{summary_%(echo %{1} | sed -e "s/-/_/")}} \
869 Group: System/Kernel and hardware \
870 Provides: should-restart = system \
871 Provides: installonlypkg(kernel) \
872 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
873 Provides: %{kname}-%{1} \
874 Recommends: %{kname}-%{1}-latest \
875 %else \
876 Provides: %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel} \
877 %endif \
878 Provides: %kprovides1 %kprovides2 %kprovides3 \
879 %{expand:%%{?kprovides_%{1}:Provides: %{kprovides_%{1}}}} \
880 Requires(pre): %requires1 %requires2 %requires3 %requires4 \
881 Requires: %requires2 %requires5 %requires6 \
882 Conflicts: %kconflicts1 %kconflicts2 %kconflicts3 \
883 Conflicts: %kconflicts4 %kconflicts5 %kconflicts6 \
884 Conflicts: %kconflicts7 %kconflicts8 %kconflicts9 \
885 Conflicts: %kconflicts10 %kconflicts11 %kconflicts12 \
886 Conflicts: %kconflicts13 %kconflicts14 %kconflicts15 \
887 Conflicts: %kconflicts16 \
888 %ifarch %{ix86} \
889 Conflicts: arch(x86_64) \
890 %endif \
891 Recommends: iw cpupower microcode \
892 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
893 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
894 %else \
895 %description -n %{kname}-%{1} \
896 %endif \
897 %common_desc_kernel %{expand:%{info_%(echo %{1} | sed -e "s/-/_/")}} \
898 %ifnarch %{arm} \
899 %common_desc_kernel_smp \
900 %endif \
901 \
902 %if %build_devel \
903 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
904 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} \
905 Version: %{fakever} \
906 Release: %{fakerel} \
907 Summary: The kernel-devel files for %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
908 %else \
909 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
910 Version: %{kversion} \
911 Release: %{rpmrel} \
912 Summary: The kernel-devel files for %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel} \
913 %endif \
914 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
915 Provides: %{kname}-devel = %{kverrel} \
916 Provides: %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
917 Recommends: %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest \
918 %else \
919 Provides: installonlypkg(kernel) \
920 Provides: kernel-devel = %{kverrel} \
921 Provides: %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{kverrel} \
922 %endif \
923 Group: Development/Kernel \
924 Requires: glibc-devel ncurses-devel make gcc perl \
925 Requires: gcc \
926 %ifarch x86_64 \
927 Requires: pkgconfig(libelf) \
928 %endif \
929 %ifarch %{ix86} \
930 Conflicts: arch(x86_64) \
931 %endif \
932 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
933 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} \
934 %else \
935 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
936 %endif \
937 This package contains the kernel files (headers and build tools) \
938 that should be enough to build additional drivers for \
939 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
940 use with %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}. \
941 %else \
942 use with %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel}. \
943 %endif \
944 \
945 If you want to build your own kernel, you need to install the full \
946 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
947 %{kname}-source-%{buildrel} rpm. \
948 %else \
949 %{kname}-source rpm. \
950 %endif \
951 %endif \
952 \
953 %if %build_debug \
954 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
955 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo \
956 Version: %{fakever} \
957 Release: %{fakerel} \
958 Summary: Files with debuginfo for %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
959 %else \
960 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-debuginfo \
961 Version: %{kversion} \
962 Release: %{rpmrel} \
963 Summary: Files with debuginfo for %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel} \
964 %endif \
965 Group: Development/Debug \
966 Provides: kernel-debug = %{kverrel} \
967 %ifarch %{ix86} \
968 Conflicts: arch(x86_64) \
969 %endif \
970 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
971 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo \
972 This package contains the files with debuginfo to aid in debug tasks \
973 when using %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}. \
974 %else \
975 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-debuginfo \
976 This package contains the files with debuginfo to aid in debug tasks \
977 when using %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel}. \
978 %endif \
979 \
980 If you need to look at debug information or use some application that \
981 needs debugging info from the kernel, this package may help. \
982 %endif \
983 \
984 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest \
985 Version: %{kversion} \
986 Release: %{rpmrel} \
987 Summary: Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1} \
988 Group: System/Kernel and hardware \
989 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
990 Requires: %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
991 %else \
992 Requires: %{kname}-%{1}-%{kverrel} \
993 %endif \
994 %ifarch %{ix86} \
995 Conflicts: arch(x86_64) \
996 %endif \
997 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
998 Obsoletes: vboxadditions-kernel-%{1}-latest \
999 Obsoletes: kernel-tmb-%{1}-latest \
1000 %endif \
1001 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest \
1002 This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
1003 latest %{kname}-%{1} installed... \
1004 \
1005 %if %build_devel \
1006 %package -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest \
1007 Version: %{kversion} \
1008 Release: %{rpmrel} \
1009 Summary: Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
1010 Group: Development/Kernel \
1011 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1012 Requires: %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} \
1013 %else \
1014 Requires: %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{kverrel} \
1015 %endif \
1016 %ifarch %{ix86} \
1017 Conflicts: arch(x86_64) \
1018 %endif \
1019 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1020 Provides: %{kname}-devel-latest \
1021 %endif \
1022 %description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest \
1023 This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
1024 latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel installed... \
1025 %endif \
1026 \
1027 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1028 %posttrans -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-posttrans \
1029 %postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-postun \
1030 %else \
1031 %posttrans -n %{kname}-%{1} -f kernel_files.%{1}-posttrans \
1032 %postun -n %{kname}-%{1} -f kernel_files.%{1}-postun \
1033 %endif \
1034 \
1035 %if %build_devel \
1036 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1037 %post -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-post \
1038 %preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-preun \
1039 %postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-postun \
1040 %else \
1041 %post -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-post \
1042 %preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-preun \
1043 %postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-postun \
1044 %endif \
1045 %endif \
1046 \
1047 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1048 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1} \
1049 %else \
1050 %files -n %{kname}-%{1} -f kernel_files.%{1} \
1051 %endif \
1052 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest \
1053 \
1054 %if %build_devel \
1055 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1056 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1} \
1057 %else \
1058 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel -f kernel_devel_files.%{1} \
1059 %endif \
1060 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest \
1061 %endif \
1062 \
1063 %if %build_debug \
1064 %if %{versionednamingscheme} \
1065 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}-debuginfo -f kernel_debug_files.%{1} \
1066 %else \
1067 %files -n %{kname}-%{1}-debuginfo -f kernel_debug_files.%{1} \
1068 %endif \
1069 %endif
1071 %ifarch %{ix86}
1072 #
1073 # kernel-desktop586: i586, smp-alternatives, 4GB
1074 #
1075 %if %build_desktop586
1076 %define summary_desktop586 Linux kernel for desktop use with i586 and less than 4GB RAM
1077 %define info_desktop586 This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
1078 multiple i586 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 4GB RAM (usually 3-3.5GB \
1079 detected, if you need/want to use all 4GB or more, install kernel-server), \
1080 using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
1081 %mkflavour desktop586
1082 %endif
1083 %endif
1085 #
1086 # kernel-desktop: i686, smp-alternatives, 64 GB / x86_64 / arm / aarch64
1087 #
1088 %if %build_desktop
1089 %ifarch %{ix86}
1090 %define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with i686 and up to 64GB RAM
1091 %define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
1092 multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and up to 64GB RAM, using HZ_1000, \
1093 voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
1094 %else
1095 %define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with %{_arch}
1096 %define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
1097 multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using HZ_1000, voluntary preempt, \
1098 CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
1099 %endif
1100 %mkflavour desktop
1101 %endif
1103 #
1104 # kernel-server: i686, smp-alternatives, 64 GB / x86_64 / aarch64
1105 #
1106 %if %build_server
1107 %ifarch %{ix86}
1108 %define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with i686 & 64GB RAM
1109 %define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
1110 multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and up to 64GB RAM using PAE, using \
1111 no preempt, HZ_100, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
1112 %else
1113 %define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with %{_arch}
1114 %define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
1115 multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using no preempt, HZ_100, \
1116 CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
1117 %endif
1118 %mkflavour server
1119 %endif
1121 #
1122 # kernel-source
1123 #
1124 %if %build_source
1125 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1126 %package -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
1127 Version: %{fakever}
1128 Release: %{fakerel}
1129 %else
1130 %package -n %{kname}-source
1131 Version: %{kversion}
1132 Release: %{rpmrel}
1133 Summary: The Linux source code for %{kname}
1134 Group: Development/Kernel
1135 Obsoletes: %{kname}-source-latest < %{kverrel}
1136 %endif
1137 Requires: glibc-devel, ncurses-devel, make, gcc, perl, diffutils
1138 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1139 Summary: The Linux source code for %{kname}-%{buildrel}
1140 Group: Development/Kernel
1141 Provides: kernel-source = %{kverrel}
1142 %endif
1143 Autoreqprov: no
1144 Buildarch: noarch
1146 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1147 %description -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
1148 %else
1149 %description -n %{kname}-source
1150 %endif
1151 The %{kname}-source package contains the source code files for the Mageia
1152 kernel. Theese source files are only needed if you want to build your
1153 own custom kernel that is better tuned to your particular hardware.
1155 If you only want the files needed to build 3rdparty (nVidia, Ati, dkms-*,...)
1156 drivers against, install the *-devel-* rpm that is matching your kernel.
1158 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1159 #
1160 # kernel-source-latest: virtual rpm
1161 #
1162 %package -n %{kname}-source-latest
1163 Version: %{kversion}
1164 Release: %{rpmrel}
1165 Summary: Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-source
1166 Group: Development/Kernel
1167 Requires: %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
1168 Buildarch: noarch
1170 %description -n %{kname}-source-latest
1171 This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the
1172 latest %{kname}-source installed...
1173 %endif
1174 %endif
1176 #
1177 # kernel-doc: documentation for the Linux kernel
1178 #
1179 %if %build_doc
1180 %package -n %{kname}-doc
1181 Version: %{kversion}
1182 Release: %{rpmrel}
1183 Summary: Various documentation bits found in the %{kname} source
1184 Group: Documentation
1185 Buildarch: noarch
1187 %description -n %{kname}-doc
1188 This package contains documentation files from the %{kname} source.
1189 Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the device drivers
1190 shipped with it are documented in these files. You also might want install
1191 this package if you need a reference to the options that can be passed to
1192 Linux kernel modules at load time.
1193 %endif
1195 #
1196 # kernel userspace-headers
1197 #
1198 %if %{build_uheaders}
1199 %package -n %{kname}-userspace-headers
1200 Version: %{kversion}
1201 Release: %{rpmrel}
1202 Summary: Linux kernel header files for userspace
1203 Group: System/Kernel and hardware
1204 %rename linux-userspace-headers
1205 Provides: kernel-headers = 1:%{version}-%{release}
1207 %description -n %{kname}-userspace-headers
1208 C header files from the Linux kernel. The header files define structures
1209 and constants that are needed for building most standard programs.
1211 This package is not suitable for building kernel modules.
1212 %endif
1214 #
1215 # kernel/tools
1216 #
1217 %if %{build_perf}
1218 %package -n perf
1219 Version: %{kversion}
1220 Release: %{rpmrel}
1221 Summary: perf tool and the supporting documentation
1222 Group: System/Kernel and hardware
1224 %description -n perf
1225 the perf tool and the supporting documentation.
1226 %endif
1228 %if %{build_cpupower}
1229 %package -n cpupower
1230 Version: %{kversion}
1231 Release: %{rpmrel}
1232 Summary: the cpupower tools
1233 Group: System/Kernel and hardware
1234 Requires(post): rpm-helper >= 0.24.8-1
1235 Requires(preun): rpm-helper >= 0.24.8-1
1237 %description -n cpupower
1238 the cpupower tools.
1240 %post -n cpupower
1241 %_post_service cpupower
1243 %preun -n cpupower
1244 %_preun_service cpupower
1246 %package -n cpupower-devel
1247 Version: %{kversion}
1248 Release: %{rpmrel}
1249 Summary: devel files for cpupower
1250 Group: Development/Kernel
1251 Requires: cpupower = %{kversion}-%{rpmrel}
1252 Conflicts: %{_lib}cpufreq-devel
1254 %description -n cpupower-devel
1255 This package contains the development files for cpupower.
1256 %endif
1258 %if %{build_bpftool}
1259 %package -n bpftool
1260 %if !%{versionednamingscheme}
1261 Version: %{kversion}
1262 Release: %{rpmrel}
1263 %endif
1264 Summary: Inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps
1265 Group: System/Kernel and hardware
1267 %description -n bpftool
1268 This package contains the bpftool, which allows inspection and simple
1269 manipulation of eBPF programs and maps.
1270 %endif
1272 %if %{build_libbpf}
1273 %define bpfmajor 1
1274 %package -n %{_lib}bpf%{bpfmajor}
1275 %if !%{versionednamingscheme}
1276 Version: %{kversion}
1277 Release: %{rpmrel}
1278 %endif
1279 Summary: The bpf library from kernel source
1280 Group: System/Libraries
1282 %description -n %{_lib}bpf%{bpfmajor}
1283 This package contains the kernel source bpf library.
1285 %package -n %{_lib}bpf-devel
1286 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1287 Version: %{kversion}
1288 Release: %{rpmrel}
1289 %endif
1290 Summary: Developement files for the bpf library from kernel source
1291 Group: Development/Kernel
1292 Requires: %{_lib}bpf%{bpfmajor}
1294 %description -n %{_lib}bpf-devel
1295 This package includes libraries and header files needed for development
1296 of applications which use bpf library from kernel source.
1297 %endif
1299 #
1300 # End packages - here begins build stage
1301 #
1302 %prep
1303 %setup -q -n %top_dir_name -c
1305 cd %src_dir
1307 %autopatch -p1
1309 # PATCH END
1311 #
1312 # Setup Begin
1313 #
1315 # install x86 defconfigs
1316 install -m 644 %{SOURCE11} %{SOURCE12} %{SOURCE13} %{SOURCE14} %{SOURCE15} arch/x86/configs/
1317 # install arm64 defconfigs
1318 install -m 644 %{SOURCE16} %{SOURCE17} arch/arm64/configs/
1319 # install arm defconfigs
1320 install -m 644 %{SOURCE18} arch/arm/configs/
1322 # make sure the kernel has the sublevel we know it has...
1323 LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{sublevel}/" Makefile
1325 # get rid of unwanted files
1326 find . -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.append' | %kxargs rm -f
1328 # fix missing exec flag on file introduced in 4.14.10-rc1
1329 chmod 755 tools/objtool/sync-check.sh
1331 %build
1332 # Common target directories
1333 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1334 %define _kerneldir /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}
1335 %endif
1336 %define _bootdir /boot
1337 %define _modulesdir /lib/modules
1338 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1339 %define _srcdir /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}
1340 %define _efidir %{_bootdir}/efi/mageia
1341 %else
1342 %define _srcdir /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-%{rpmrel}
1343 %endif
1345 # Directories definition needed for building
1346 %define temp_root %{build_dir}/temp-root
1347 %define temp_boot %{temp_root}%{_bootdir}
1348 %define temp_modules %{temp_root}%{_modulesdir}
1349 %define temp_source %{temp_root}%{_srcdir}
1351 PrepareKernel() {
1352 name=$1
1353 extension=$2
1355 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1356 echo "Make config for kernel $extension"
1357 %else
1358 echo "Make config for kernel %{kversion}-$extension"
1359 %endif
1361 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} %{make_silent_flag} mrproper
1363 if [ "%{target_arch}" == "i386" -o "%{target_arch}" == "x86_64" ]; then
1364 conf_dir=arch/x86/configs
1365 else
1366 conf_dir=arch/%{target_arch}/configs
1367 fi
1368 if [ -z "$name" ]; then
1369 cp $conf_dir/defconfig-%{target_arch}-desktop .config
1370 else
1371 cp $conf_dir/defconfig-%{target_arch}-$name .config
1372 fi
1374 # make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
1375 LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -$extension/" Makefile
1377 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} oldconfig
1378 }
1380 BuildKernel() {
1381 KernelVer=$1
1383 echo "Building kernel $KernelVer"
1385 %kmake ARCH=%{target_arch} %{make_silent_flag} all
1387 # Start installing stuff
1388 install -d %{temp_boot}
1389 install -m 644 System.map %{temp_boot}/System.map-$KernelVer
1390 install -m 644 .config %{temp_boot}/config-$KernelVer
1391 xz -c Module.symvers > %{temp_boot}/symvers-$KernelVer.xz
1393 %ifarch %{arm}
1394 IMAGE=zImage
1395 %else
1396 %ifarch aarch64
1397 IMAGE=Image.gz
1398 %else
1399 IMAGE=bzImage
1400 %endif
1401 %endif
1402 cp -f arch/%{target_arch}/boot/$IMAGE %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
1404 %ifarch %{arm} aarch64
1405 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1406 install -d %{temp_root}%{_libdir}/linux-$KernelVer/
1407 find arch/%{target_arch}/boot/dts/ -name *.dtb -execdir install -D -m644 {} %{temp_root}%{_libdir}/linux-$KernelVer/{} \;
1408 %else
1409 install -d %{temp_modules}/$KernelVer/dtb
1410 %{make} ARCH=%{target_arch} dtbs INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=%{temp_modules}/$KernelVer/dtb
1411 %{make} ARCH=%{target_arch} dtbs_install INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=%{temp_modules}/$KernelVer/dtb
1412 %endif
1413 %endif
1415 # modules
1416 install -d %{temp_modules}/$KernelVer
1417 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{temp_root} KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer modules_install
1418 }
1420 SaveDevel() {
1421 devel_flavour=$1
1423 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1424 DevelRoot=/usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1425 %else
1426 DevelRoot=/usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1427 %endif
1428 TempDevelRoot=%{temp_root}$DevelRoot
1430 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot
1431 for i in $(find . -name 'Makefile*'); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
1432 for i in $(find . -name 'Kconfig*' -o -name 'Kbuild*'); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
1433 cp -fR include $TempDevelRoot
1434 cp -fR scripts $TempDevelRoot
1435 cp -fR kernel/bounds.c $TempDevelRoot/kernel
1436 cp -fR tools/include $TempDevelRoot/tools/
1437 # needed for selinux
1438 cp -R --parents security/selinux/include/*.h $TempDevelRoot
1439 %ifarch %{arm}
1440 cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/tools $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/
1441 cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/signal.h $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/
1442 %endif
1443 %ifarch aarch64
1444 cp -fR arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/
1445 cp -fR arch/arm64/kernel/vdso/*.{S,sh} $TempDevelRoot/arch/arm64/kernel/vdso/
1446 cp -fR arch/arm64/kernel/vdso/vgettimeofday.c $TempDevelRoot/arch/arm64/kernel/vdso/
1447 cp -fR arch/arm64/tools/{cpucaps,gen-cpucaps.awk,gen-sysreg.awk,sysreg} $TempDevelRoot/arch/arm64/tools/
1448 # aarch64 build wants x86 syscall tables
1449 cp -fR arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_{32,64}.tbl $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/
1450 cp -fR lib/vdso/gettimeofday.c $TempDevelRoot/lib/vdso/
1451 %endif
1452 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
1453 cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kernel/
1454 cp -fR arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets_{32,64}.c $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kernel/
1455 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kvm/vmx
1456 cp -fR arch/x86/kvm/vmx/*.h $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kvm/vmx/
1457 cp -fR arch/x86/kvm/*.h $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/kvm/
1458 cp -fR arch/x86/lib/insn.c $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/lib/
1459 cp -fR arch/x86/purgatory/* $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/purgatory/
1460 cp -fR arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall* $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/
1461 cp -fR arch/x86/include $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/
1462 cp -fR arch/x86/tools $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/
1463 %else
1464 cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/
1465 for f in $(find arch/%{target_arch} -name include); do cp -fR --parents $f $TempDevelRoot; done
1466 %endif
1467 cp -fR .config Module.symvers $TempDevelRoot
1469 # Needed for truecrypt build (Danny)
1470 cp -fR drivers/md/dm.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/md/
1472 # needed by include/generated/timeconst.h
1473 cp -fR kernel/time/timeconst.bc $TempDevelRoot/kernel/time/
1475 # Needed for lirc_gpio (#39004)
1476 cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv{,p}.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
1477 cp -fR drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bt848.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/
1479 # rtl8812au
1480 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/drivers/staging/rtl8812au/hal/phydm/
1481 cp -f drivers/staging/rtl8812au/hal/phydm/phydm.mk $TempDevelRoot/drivers/staging/rtl8812au/hal/phydm/
1483 %ifarch x86_64
1484 # orc unwinder needs theese
1485 cp -fR tools/build/Build{,.include} $TempDevelRoot/tools/build
1486 cp -fR tools/build/fixdep.c $TempDevelRoot/tools/build
1487 cp -fR tools/lib/{rbtree.c,ctype.c,str_error_r.c,string.c} $TempDevelRoot/tools/lib
1488 cp -fR tools/lib/subcmd/* $TempDevelRoot/tools/lib/subcmd
1489 cp -fR tools/objtool/* $TempDevelRoot/tools/objtool
1490 cp -fR tools/scripts/utilities.mak $TempDevelRoot/tools/scripts
1491 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/tools
1492 cp -fR tools/arch/x86/tools/gen-insn-attr-x86.awk $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/tools/
1493 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/lib
1494 cp -fR tools/arch/x86/lib/{inat.c,insn.c,x86-opcode-map.txt} $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/lib/
1495 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/include/asm
1496 cp -fR tools/arch/x86/include/asm/{asm.h,emulate_prefix.h,inat.h,inat_types.h,insn.h,nops.h,orc_types.h} $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86/include/asm/
1497 %endif
1499 for i in alpha arc avr32 blackfin c6x cris csky frv h8300 hexagon ia64 loongarch m32r m68k m68knommu metag microblaze \
1500 mips mn10300 nds32 nios2 openrisc parisc powerpc riscv s390 score sh sparc tile unicore32 xtensa; do
1501 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/$i
1502 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes/$i
1503 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/$i
1504 done
1506 %ifnarch %{arm} aarch64
1507 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/arm*
1508 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/kvm/arm*
1509 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/soc
1510 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes/arm*
1511 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/arm*
1512 %endif
1513 %ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
1514 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86
1515 rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/tools/arch/x86
1516 # arch/x86/ras/Kconfig is included by drivers/ras/Kconfig
1517 # and kconfig's source command seems to be evaluated even under a false conditional
1518 mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/ras
1519 cp -fR arch/x86/ras/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86/ras
1520 %endif
1522 # (6.1 breakage) keep crypto Kconfig deps happy
1523 cp --parents arch/arm/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1524 cp --parents arch/arm64/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1525 cp --parents arch/loongarch/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1526 cp --parents arch/mips/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1527 cp --parents arch/powerpc/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1528 cp --parents arch/s390/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1529 cp --parents arch/sparc/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1530 cp --parents arch/x86/crypto/Kconfig $TempDevelRoot
1532 # Clean the scripts tree, and make sure everything is ok (sanity check)
1533 # running prepare+scripts (tree was already "prepared" in build)
1534 pushd $TempDevelRoot >/dev/null
1535 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} %{make_silent_flag} prepare scripts
1536 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} %{make_silent_flag} clean
1537 popd >/dev/null
1538 rm -f $TempDevelRoot/.config.old
1540 # fix permissions
1541 chmod -R a+rX $TempDevelRoot
1543 # disable mrproper in -devel rpms
1544 patch -p1 --fuzz=0 -d $TempDevelRoot -i %{SOURCE2}
1546 kernel_devel_files=../kernel_devel_files.$devel_flavour
1549 ### Create the kernel_devel_files.*
1550 cat > $kernel_devel_files <<EOF
1551 %dir $DevelRoot
1552 %dir $DevelRoot/arch
1553 %dir $DevelRoot/include
1554 $DevelRoot/Documentation
1555 $DevelRoot/arch/arm
1556 $DevelRoot/arch/arm64
1557 $DevelRoot/arch/loongarch
1558 $DevelRoot/arch/mips
1559 $DevelRoot/arch/powerpc
1560 $DevelRoot/arch/s390
1561 $DevelRoot/arch/sparc
1562 $DevelRoot/arch/um
1563 $DevelRoot/arch/x86
1564 $DevelRoot/block
1565 $DevelRoot/certs
1566 $DevelRoot/crypto
1567 $DevelRoot/drivers
1568 $DevelRoot/fs
1569 $DevelRoot/include/acpi
1570 $DevelRoot/include/asm-generic
1571 $DevelRoot/include/clocksource
1572 $DevelRoot/include/config
1573 $DevelRoot/include/crypto
1574 $DevelRoot/include/drm
1575 $DevelRoot/include/dt-bindings
1576 $DevelRoot/include/generated
1577 $DevelRoot/include/keys
1578 $DevelRoot/include/kunit
1579 $DevelRoot/include/kvm
1580 $DevelRoot/include/linux
1581 $DevelRoot/include/math-emu
1582 $DevelRoot/include/media
1583 $DevelRoot/include/memory
1584 $DevelRoot/include/misc
1585 $DevelRoot/include/net
1586 $DevelRoot/include/pcmcia
1587 $DevelRoot/include/ras
1588 $DevelRoot/include/rdma
1589 $DevelRoot/include/rv
1590 $DevelRoot/include/scsi
1591 %ifarch %{arm} aarch64
1592 $DevelRoot/include/soc
1593 %endif
1594 $DevelRoot/include/sound
1595 $DevelRoot/include/target
1596 $DevelRoot/include/trace
1597 $DevelRoot/include/uapi
1598 $DevelRoot/include/ufs
1599 %dir $DevelRoot/include/vdso
1600 $DevelRoot/include/vdso/*.h
1601 $DevelRoot/include/video
1602 $DevelRoot/include/xen
1603 $DevelRoot/init
1604 $DevelRoot/io_uring
1605 $DevelRoot/ipc
1606 $DevelRoot/kernel
1607 $DevelRoot/lib
1608 $DevelRoot/mm
1609 $DevelRoot/net
1610 $DevelRoot/rust
1611 $DevelRoot/samples
1612 $DevelRoot/scripts
1613 $DevelRoot/security
1614 $DevelRoot/sound
1615 $DevelRoot/tools
1616 $DevelRoot/usr
1617 $DevelRoot/virt
1618 $DevelRoot/.config
1619 $DevelRoot/Kbuild
1620 $DevelRoot/Kconfig
1621 $DevelRoot/Makefile
1622 $DevelRoot/Module.symvers
1623 $DevelRoot/arch/Kconfig
1624 EOF
1627 ### Create -devel Post script on the fly
1628 cat > $kernel_devel_files-post <<EOF
1629 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1630 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1631 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}
1632 ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
1633 ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
1634 %else
1635 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1636 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/{build,source}
1637 ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/build
1638 ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/source
1639 %endif
1640 fi
1641 EOF
1644 ### Create -devel Preun script on the fly
1645 cat > $kernel_devel_files-preun <<EOF
1646 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1647 if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build ]; then
1648 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
1649 fi
1650 if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source ]; then
1651 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
1652 fi
1653 %else
1654 if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/build ]; then
1655 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/build
1656 fi
1657 if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/source ]; then
1658 rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/source
1659 fi
1660 %endif
1661 exit 0
1662 EOF
1664 ### Create -devel Postun script on the fly
1665 cat > $kernel_devel_files-postun <<EOF
1666 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1667 if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1668 rm -rf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
1669 fi
1670 %else
1671 if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1672 rm -rf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel} >/dev/null
1673 fi
1674 %endif
1675 EOF
1676 }
1678 SaveDebug() {
1679 debug_flavour=$1
1681 install -m 644 vmlinux \
1682 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1683 %{temp_boot}/vmlinux-%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1684 %else
1685 %{temp_boot}/vmlinux-%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1686 %endif
1687 kernel_debug_files=../kernel_debug_files.$debug_flavour
1688 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1689 echo "%{_bootdir}/vmlinux-%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" \
1690 %else
1691 echo "%{_bootdir}/vmlinux-%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{rpmrel}" \
1692 %endif
1693 >> $kernel_debug_files
1695 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1696 find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
1697 %else
1698 find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{rpmrel}/kernel \
1699 %endif
1700 -name "*.ko" | \
1701 %kxargs -I '{}' objcopy --only-keep-debug '{}' '{}'.debug
1702 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1703 find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
1704 %else
1705 find %{temp_modules}/%{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{rpmrel}/kernel \
1706 %endif
1707 -name "*.ko" | %kxargs -I '{}' \
1708 sh -c 'cd `dirname {}`; \
1709 objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=`basename {}`.debug \
1710 --strip-debug `basename {}`'
1712 pushd %{temp_modules}
1713 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1714 find %{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel \
1715 %else
1716 find %{kversion}-$debug_flavour-%{rpmrel}/kernel \
1717 %endif
1718 -name "*.ko.debug" > debug_module_list
1719 popd
1720 cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
1721 sed 's|\(.*\)|%{_modulesdir}/\1|' >> $kernel_debug_files
1722 cat %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list | \
1723 sed 's|\(.*\)|%exclude %{_modulesdir}/\1|' \
1724 >> ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.$debug_flavour
1725 rm -f %{temp_modules}/debug_module_list
1726 }
1728 CreateFiles() {
1729 kernel_flavour=$1
1731 kernel_files=../kernel_files.$kernel_flavour
1733 ker="vmlinuz"
1734 ### Create the kernel_files.*
1735 cat > $kernel_files <<EOF
1736 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1737 %{_bootdir}/System.map-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1738 %{_bootdir}/symvers-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.xz
1739 %{_bootdir}/config-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1740 %{_bootdir}/$ker-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1741 %dir %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/
1742 %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/kernel
1743 %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/modules.*
1744 %doc README.kernel-sources
1745 %ifarch %arm aarch64
1746 %dir %{_libdir}/linux-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1747 %{_libdir}/linux-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/*.dtb
1748 %endif
1749 %else
1750 %{_bootdir}/System.map-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1751 %{_bootdir}/symvers-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}.xz
1752 %{_bootdir}/config-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1753 %{_bootdir}/$ker-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1754 %dir %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/
1755 %ifarch %{arm} aarch64
1756 %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/dtb
1757 %endif
1758 %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/kernel
1759 %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/modules.*
1760 %endif
1761 EOF
1763 %if %build_debug
1764 cat ../kernel_exclude_debug_files.$kernel_flavour >> $kernel_files
1765 %endif
1767 ### Create kernel Posttrans script
1768 cat > $kernel_files-posttrans <<EOF
1769 %if %build_devel
1770 # create kernel-devel symlinks if matching -devel- rpm is installed
1771 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1772 if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1773 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1774 ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
1775 ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
1776 fi
1777 %else
1778 if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1779 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1780 ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/build
1781 ln -sf /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}/source
1782 fi
1783 %endif
1784 fi
1785 %endif
1786 if [ -z "\$DURING_INSTALL" ] ; then
1787 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1788 if [ -x /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller -a -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1789 /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller start %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1790 %else
1791 if [ -x /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller -a -d /usr/src/kernel-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1792 /usr/sbin/dkms_autoinstaller start %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1793 %endif
1794 fi
1795 fi
1796 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1797 /sbin/installkernel %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1798 %else
1799 /sbin/installkernel %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1800 %endif
1801 pushd /boot > /dev/null
1802 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1803 if [ -e initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img ]; then
1804 ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
1805 ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} vmlinuz
1806 ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
1807 ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img initrd.img
1808 %else
1809 if [ -e initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}.img ]; then
1810 ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
1811 ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} vmlinuz
1812 ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}.img initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
1813 ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}.img initrd.img
1814 %endif
1815 fi
1816 popd > /dev/null
1817 EOF
1819 ### Create kernel Postun script on the fly
1820 cat > $kernel_files-postun <<EOF
1821 pushd /boot > /dev/null
1822 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1823 if [ -f "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" ]; then
1824 %else
1825 if [ -f "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}" ]; then
1826 %endif
1827 echo "The kernel is still installed in postun, probably a reinstall, skipping cleanup." >&2
1828 exit
1829 fi
1830 if [ -L vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour ]; then
1831 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1832 if [ "\$(readlink vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour)" = "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" ]; then
1833 %else
1834 if [ "\$(readlink vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour)" = "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}" ]; then
1835 %endif
1836 rm -f vmlinuz-$kernel_flavour
1837 fi
1838 fi
1839 if [ -L initrd-$kernel_flavour.img ]; then
1840 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1841 if [ "\$(readlink initrd-$kernel_flavour.img)" = "initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img" ]; then
1842 %else
1843 if [ "\$(readlink initrd-$kernel_flavour.img)" = "initrd-%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}.img" ]; then
1844 %endif
1845 rm -f initrd-$kernel_flavour.img
1846 fi
1847 fi
1848 popd > /dev/null
1849 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1850 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
1851 rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
1852 fi
1853 /sbin/kernel_remove_initrd %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1854 /sbin/installkernel -R %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1855 %else
1856 if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} ]; then
1857 rm -rf /lib/modules/%{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel} >/dev/null
1858 fi
1859 /sbin/kernel_remove_initrd %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1860 /sbin/installkernel -R %{kversion}-$kernel_flavour-%{rpmrel}
1861 %endif
1862 if [ -d /var/lib/dkms ]; then
1863 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1864 rm -f /var/lib/dkms/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
1865 rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
1866 rm -f /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
1867 rm -rf /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} >/dev/null
1868 %else
1869 rm -f /var/lib/dkms/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
1870 rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel} >/dev/null
1871 rm -f /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/kernel-%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel}-%{_target_cpu} >/dev/null
1872 rm -rf /var/lib/dkms-binary/*/*/%{kversion}-$devel_flavour-%{rpmrel} >/dev/null
1873 %endif
1874 fi
1875 EOF
1876 }
1879 CreateKernel() {
1880 flavour=$1
1882 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1883 PrepareKernel $flavour $flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1885 BuildKernel %{kversion}-$flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
1886 %else
1887 PrepareKernel $flavour $flavour-%{rpmrel}
1889 BuildKernel %{kversion}-$flavour-%{rpmrel}
1890 %endif
1892 %if %build_devel
1893 SaveDevel $flavour
1894 %endif
1895 %if %build_debug
1896 SaveDebug $flavour
1897 %endif
1898 CreateFiles $flavour
1899 }
1902 ###
1903 # DO it...
1904 ###
1907 # Create a simulacro of buildroot
1908 rm -rf %{temp_root}
1909 install -d %{temp_root}
1912 # make sure we are in the directory
1913 cd %src_dir
1915 %ifarch %{ix86}
1916 %if %build_desktop586
1917 CreateKernel desktop586
1918 %endif
1919 %endif
1921 %if %build_desktop
1922 CreateKernel desktop
1923 %endif
1925 %if %build_server
1926 CreateKernel server
1927 %endif
1929 # set extraversion to match srpm to get nice version reported by the tools
1930 LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
1932 %if 0%{?_auto_set_build_flags}
1933 export EXTRA_CFLAGS="%{build_cflags}"
1934 %endif
1936 # build perf
1937 %if %{build_perf}
1938 # perf
1939 %kmake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/perf NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSOX32=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 NO_LIBTRACEEVENT=1 \
1940 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 NO_BIONIC=1 NO_JVMTI=1 prefix=%{_prefix} lib=%{_lib} all
1941 %smake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/perf NO_LIBTRACEEVENT=1 prefix=%{_prefix} man
1942 %endif
1944 %if %{build_cpupower}
1945 # cpupower
1946 # make sure version-gen.sh is executable.
1947 chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/version-gen.sh
1948 %kmake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false
1949 %endif
1951 # build bpftool
1952 %if %{build_bpftool}
1953 %kmake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/bpf/bpftool
1954 %endif
1956 # build libbpf
1957 %if %{build_libbpf}
1958 %kmake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/lib/bpf
1959 %endif
1961 # We don't make to repeat the depend code at the install phase
1962 %if %build_source
1963 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1964 PrepareKernel "" %{buildrpmrel}custom
1965 %else
1966 PrepareKernel "" %{rpmrel}custom
1967 %endif
1968 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} %{make_silent_flag} mrproper
1969 %endif
1972 ###
1973 ### install
1974 ###
1975 %install
1976 install -m 644 %{SOURCE4} .
1978 cd %src_dir
1980 # Directories definition needed for installing
1981 %define target_boot %{buildroot}%{_bootdir}
1982 %define target_modules %{buildroot}%{_modulesdir}
1983 %define target_headers %{buildroot}%{_prefix}
1984 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
1985 %define target_source %{buildroot}%{_kerneldir}
1986 %else
1987 %define target_source %{buildroot}%{_srcdir}
1988 %endif
1990 # We want to be able to test several times the install part
1991 rm -rf %{buildroot}
1992 cp -a %{temp_root} %{buildroot}
1994 # Create directories infastructure
1995 %if %build_source
1996 install -d %{target_source}
1998 tar cf - . | tar xf - -C %{target_source}
1999 chmod -R a+rX %{target_source}
2001 # we remove all the source files that we don't ship
2002 # first architecture files
2003 for i in alpha arc avr32 blackfin c6x cris csky frv h8300 hexagon ia64 loongarch m32r m68k m68knommu metag microblaze \
2004 mips nds32 nios2 openrisc parisc powerpc riscv s390 score sh sh64 sparc tile unicore32 v850 xtensa mn10300; do
2005 rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/$i
2006 rm -rf %{target_source}/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes/$i
2007 rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/arch/$i
2008 rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/testing/selftests/$i
2009 done
2010 %ifnarch %{arm} aarch64
2011 rm -rf %{target_source}/include/kvm/arm*
2012 rm -rf %{target_source}/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes/arm*
2013 rm -rf %{target_source}/tools/arch/arm*
2014 %endif
2016 # other misc files
2017 rm -f %{target_source}/{.clang-format,.cocciconfig,.config.cmd,.config.old,.get_maintainer.ignore,.gitattributes,.gitignore,.tmp_gas_check,.mailmap,.missing-syscalls.d,arch/.gitignore,rust/.gitignore}
2018 rm -rf %{target_source}/.tmp_depmod/
2020 # more cleaning
2021 pushd %{target_source}
2022 # lots of gitignore files
2023 find -iname ".gitignore" -delete
2024 # clean tools tree
2025 %smake -C tools clean
2026 %smake -C tools/build clean
2027 %smake -C tools/build/feature clean
2028 # dont ship generated vdso.so*
2029 %ifarch aarch64
2030 rm -f arch/arm64/kernel/vdso/vdso.so*
2031 %endif
2032 popd
2034 # nuke last as it gets re-created
2035 rm -f %{target_source}/.cache.mk
2037 #endif %build_source
2038 %endif
2040 # compressing modules
2041 %if %{build_modxz}
2042 find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs xz -6
2043 %else
2044 find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | %kxargs gzip -9
2045 %endif
2047 # We used to have a copy of PrepareKernel here
2048 # Now, we make sure that the thing in the linux dir is what we want it to be
2049 for i in %{target_modules}/*; do
2050 rm -f $i/build $i/source
2051 done
2053 # sniff, if we compressed all the modules, we change the stamp :(
2054 # we really need the depmod -ae here
2055 pushd %{target_modules}
2056 for i in *; do
2057 /sbin/depmod -ae -b %{buildroot} -F %{target_boot}/System.map-$i $i
2058 echo $?
2059 done
2061 for i in *; do
2062 pushd $i
2063 echo "Creating modules.description for $i"
2064 modules=`find . -name "*.ko.[g,x]z"`
2065 echo $modules | xargs /sbin/modinfo \
2066 | perl -lne 'print "$name\t$1" if $name && /^description:\s*(.*)/; $name = $1 if m!^filename:\s*(.*)\.k?o!; $name =~ s!.*/!!' > modules.description
2067 popd
2068 done
2069 popd
2071 # need to set extraversion to match srpm again to avoid rebuild
2072 LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{rpmrel}/" Makefile
2074 # install userspace-headers
2075 %if %{build_uheaders}
2076 %smake ARCH=%{target_arch} headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=%{target_headers}
2077 # for drakx
2078 cp include/linux/pci_ids.h %{target_headers}/include/linux/
2079 %endif
2081 %if 0%{?_auto_set_build_flags}
2082 export EXTRA_CFLAGS="%{build_cflags}"
2083 %endif
2085 %if %{build_perf}
2086 # perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
2087 %smake %{make_silent_flag} -C tools/perf DESTDIR=%{buildroot} NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSOX32=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 \
2088 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 NO_BIONIC=1 NO_JVMTI=1 NO_LIBTRACEEVENT=1 prefix=%{_prefix} lib=%{_lib} install
2090 # perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
2091 %smake -C tools/perf NO_LIBTRACEEVENT=1 DESTDIR=%{buildroot} prefix=%{_prefix} install-man
2093 # remove perf files we dont ship
2094 rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/examples
2095 rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/include/bpf
2096 rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/include/perf/perf_dlfilter.h
2097 %endif
2099 %if %{build_cpupower}
2100 %smake -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=%{buildroot} libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
2101 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
2102 %find_lang cpupower
2103 mv cpupower.lang ../
2104 chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libcpupower.so*
2105 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
2106 install -m644 %{SOURCE50} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
2107 install -m644 %{SOURCE51} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
2108 %endif
2110 # install bpftool
2111 %if %{build_bpftool}
2112 %smake -C tools/bpf/bpftool DESTDIR=%{buildroot} prefix=%{_prefix} bash_compdir=%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ mandir=%{_mandir} install doc-install
2113 %endif
2115 # install libbpf
2116 %if %{build_libbpf}
2117 %smake -C tools/lib/bpf DESTDIR=%{buildroot} prefix=%{_prefix} libdir=%{_libdir} install install_headers
2118 %endif
2120 ###
2121 ### clean
2122 ###
2123 %clean
2124 rm -rf %{buildroot}
2127 # We don't want to remove this, the whole reason of its existence is to be
2128 # able to do several rpm --short-circuit -bi for testing install
2129 # phase without repeating compilation phase
2130 #rm -rf %{temp_root}
2132 ###
2133 ### source and doc file lists
2134 ###
2136 %if %build_source
2137 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
2138 %files -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
2139 %else
2140 %files -n %{kname}-source
2141 %endif
2142 %doc %{_srcdir}/LICENSES
2143 %dir %{_srcdir}
2144 %dir %{_srcdir}/arch
2145 %dir %{_srcdir}/include
2146 %{_srcdir}/.rustfmt.toml
2147 %{_srcdir}/Documentation
2148 %{_srcdir}/arch/Kconfig
2149 %{_srcdir}/arch/arm
2150 %{_srcdir}/arch/arm64
2151 %{_srcdir}/arch/um
2152 %{_srcdir}/arch/x86
2153 %{_srcdir}/block
2154 %{_srcdir}/certs
2155 %{_srcdir}/crypto
2156 %{_srcdir}/drivers
2157 %{_srcdir}/fs
2158 %{_srcdir}/include/acpi
2159 %{_srcdir}/include/asm-generic
2160 %{_srcdir}/include/clocksource
2161 %{_srcdir}/include/crypto
2162 %{_srcdir}/include/drm
2163 %{_srcdir}/include/dt-bindings
2164 %{_srcdir}/include/keys
2165 %{_srcdir}/include/kunit
2166 %{_srcdir}/include/kvm
2167 %{_srcdir}/include/linux
2168 %{_srcdir}/include/math-emu
2169 %{_srcdir}/include/media
2170 %{_srcdir}/include/memory
2171 %{_srcdir}/include/misc
2172 %{_srcdir}/include/net
2173 %{_srcdir}/include/pcmcia
2174 %{_srcdir}/include/ras
2175 %{_srcdir}/include/rdma
2176 %{_srcdir}/include/rv
2177 %{_srcdir}/include/scsi
2178 %{_srcdir}/include/soc
2179 %{_srcdir}/include/sound
2180 %{_srcdir}/include/target
2181 %{_srcdir}/include/trace
2182 %{_srcdir}/include/uapi
2183 %{_srcdir}/include/ufs
2184 %dir %{_srcdir}/include/vdso
2185 %{_srcdir}/include/vdso/*.h
2186 %{_srcdir}/include/video
2187 %{_srcdir}/include/xen
2188 %{_srcdir}/init
2189 %{_srcdir}/io_uring
2190 %{_srcdir}/ipc
2191 %{_srcdir}/kernel
2192 %{_srcdir}/lib
2193 %{_srcdir}/mm
2194 %{_srcdir}/net
2195 %{_srcdir}/rust
2196 %{_srcdir}/samples
2197 %{_srcdir}/scripts
2198 %{_srcdir}/security
2199 %{_srcdir}/sound
2200 %{_srcdir}/tools
2201 %{_srcdir}/usr
2202 %{_srcdir}/virt
2203 %{_srcdir}/COPYING
2204 %{_srcdir}/CREDITS
2205 %{_srcdir}/Kbuild
2206 %{_srcdir}/Kconfig
2207 %{_srcdir}/MAINTAINERS
2208 %{_srcdir}/Makefile
2209 %{_srcdir}/README
2210 %doc README.kernel-sources
2212 %if %{versionednamingscheme}
2213 %files -n %{kname}-source-latest
2214 %endif
2215 %endif
2217 %if %build_doc
2218 %files -n %{kname}-doc
2219 %doc linux-%{tar_ver}/Documentation/*
2220 %endif
2222 %if %build_uheaders
2223 %files -n %{kname}-userspace-headers
2224 %defattr(0644,root,root,0755)
2225 %{_includedir}/asm/
2226 %{_includedir}/asm-generic/
2227 %{_includedir}/drm/
2228 %{_includedir}/linux/
2229 %{_includedir}/misc/
2230 %{_includedir}/mtd/
2231 %{_includedir}/rdma/
2232 %{_includedir}/scsi/
2233 %{_includedir}/sound/
2234 %{_includedir}/video/
2235 %{_includedir}/xen/
2236 %endif
2238 %if %{build_perf}
2239 %files -n perf
2240 %{_bindir}/perf
2241 %{_bindir}/trace
2242 %{_datadir}/perf-core/strace/groups/file
2243 %{_datadir}/perf-core/strace/groups/string
2244 %{_datadir}/doc/perf-tip/tips.txt
2245 #dir #{_libdir}/traceevent
2246 #dir #{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins
2247 #{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins/plugin_*
2248 %dir %{_prefix}/libexec/perf-core
2249 %{_prefix}/libexec/perf-core/*
2250 %{_mandir}/man[1-8]/perf*
2251 %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/perf
2252 %endif
2254 %if %{build_cpupower}
2255 %files -n cpupower -f cpupower.lang
2256 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
2257 %{_bindir}/cpupower
2258 %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/cpupower
2259 %{_libdir}/libcpupower.so.1
2260 %{_libdir}/libcpupower.so.0.0.1
2261 %{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
2262 %{_mandir}/man[1-8]/cpupower*
2264 %files -n cpupower-devel
2265 %{_libdir}/libcpupower.so
2266 %{_includedir}/cpuidle.h
2267 %{_includedir}/cpufreq.h
2268 %{_includedir}/powercap.h
2269 %endif
2271 %if %{build_bpftool}
2272 %files -n bpftool
2273 %{_sbindir}/bpftool
2274 %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/bpftool
2275 %{_mandir}/man8/bpftool-*.8*
2276 %{_mandir}/man8/bpftool.8*
2277 %endif
2279 %if %{build_libbpf}
2280 %files -n %{_lib}bpf%{bpfmajor}
2281 %{_libdir}/libbpf.so.%{bpfmajor}{,.*}
2283 %files -n %{_lib}bpf-devel
2284 %{_libdir}/libbpf.a
2285 %{_libdir}/libbpf.so
2286 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libbpf.pc
2287 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf.h
2288 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf_core_read.h
2289 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf_endian.h
2290 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf_helper_defs.h
2291 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf_helpers.h
2292 %{_includedir}/bpf/bpf_tracing.h
2293 %{_includedir}/bpf/btf.h
2294 %{_includedir}/bpf/libbpf.h
2295 %{_includedir}/bpf/libbpf_common.h
2296 %{_includedir}/bpf/libbpf_legacy.h
2297 %{_includedir}/bpf/libbpf_version.h
2298 %{_includedir}/bpf/skel_internal.h
2299 %{_includedir}/bpf/usdt.bpf.h
2300 %endif

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