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Contents of /cauldron/libdvdcss/current/SPECS/libdvdcss.spec

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Revision 401187 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Mar 2 23:16:44 2013 UTC (11 years, 6 months ago) by luigiwalser
File size: 3014 byte(s)
1 %define name libdvdcss
2 %define version 1.2.13
3 %define release %mkrel 1
4 %define major 2
5 %define libname %mklibname dvdcss %{major}
6 %define develname %mklibname -d dvdcss
8 Name: %{name}
9 Version: %{version}
10 Release: %{release}
11 Summary: Library for accessing DVDs as a block device using deCSS if needed
12 Source: http://download.videolan.org/pub/%{name}/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
13 License: GPLv2+
14 Group: System/Libraries
15 URL: http://www.videolan.org/libdvdcss
17 %description
18 libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device
19 without having to bother about the decryption. The important features are:
20 * Portability. Currently supported platforms are GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
21 OpenBSD, BSD/OS, BeOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000, MacOS X, Solaris,
22 and HP-UX.
23 * Simplicity. There are currently 7 functions in the API, and we intend to
24 keep this number low.
25 * Freedom. libdvdcss is released under the General Public License, ensuring
26 it will stay free, and used only for free software products.
27 * Just better. Unlike most similar projects, libdvdcss doesn't require the
28 region of your drive to be set.
30 This package is in 'tainted' as it may violate patents in some countries.
32 %package -n %{libname}
33 Summary: A library for accessing DVDs as a block device using deCSS if needed
34 Group: System/Libraries
35 Provides: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
37 %description -n %{libname}
38 libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device
39 without having to bother about the decryption. The important features are:
40 * Portability. Currently supported platforms are GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
41 OpenBSD, BSD/OS, BeOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000, MacOS X, Solaris,
42 and HP-UX.
43 * Simplicity. There are currently 7 functions in the API, and we intend to
44 keep this number low.
45 * Freedom. libdvdcss is released under the General Public License, ensuring
46 it will stay free, and used only for free software products.
47 * Just better. Unlike most similar projects, libdvdcss doesn't require the
48 region of your drive to be set.
50 %package -n %{develname}
51 Summary: Development tools for programs which will use the %{name} library
52 Group: Development/C
53 Requires: %{libname} = %{version}
54 Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
55 Obsoletes: %mklibname -d dvdcss 2
57 %description -n %{develname}
58 The %{name}-devel package includes the header files and static libraries
59 necessary for developing programs which will manipulate DVDs files using
60 the %{name} library.
62 If you are going to develop programs which will manipulate DVDs, you
63 should install %{name}-devel. You'll also need to have the %{name}
64 package installed.
66 %prep
67 %setup -q
69 %build
70 %configure2_5x
71 %make
73 %install
74 %makeinstall_std
76 rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}
78 %files -n %{libname}
80 %{_libdir}/*.so.%{major}*
82 %files -n %{develname}
83 %doc ChangeLog COPYING
84 %{_libdir}/*.a
85 %{_libdir}/*.la
86 %{_libdir}/*.so
87 %{_includedir}/*
88 %_libdir/pkgconfig/*.pc

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