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Contents of /cauldron/urpmi/current/SPECS/urpmi.spec

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Revision 675169 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Sep 13 19:56:58 2014 UTC (9 years, 7 months ago) by tv
File size: 8149 byte(s)
add exception for standalone module
1 # local RH-friendly definition of %mkrel, so we can assume it works and drop
2 # other release hacking macros
3 %{?!mkrel: %define mkrel(c:) %{-c: 0.%{-c*}.}%{1}%{?distsuffix:.%distsuffix}%{?distversion}}
4 %{?!makeinstall_std: %define makeinstall_std() make DESTDIR=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}} install}
7 %define compat_perl_vendorlib %(perl -MConfig -e 'print "%{?perl_vendorlib:1}" ? "%{perl_vendorlib}" : "$Config{installvendorlib}"')
8 %global allow_gurpmi %(perl -e 'print "%_vendor" =~ /\\bmag/i ? 1 : 0')
9 %define req_webfetch %(perl -e 'print "%_vendor" =~ /\\bmag/i ? "webfetch" : "curl wget"')
11 %global __requires_exclude perl\\((standalone\\)
13 Name: urpmi
14 Version: 8.00
15 Release: %mkrel 2
16 Group: System/Packaging
17 License: GPLv2+
18 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
19 Summary: Command-line software installation tools
20 #URL: http://svnweb.mageia.org/soft/rpm/urpmi/
21 URL: http://search.cpan.org/~tvignaud/urpmi/
22 Requires: %{req_webfetch}
23 Requires: eject
24 Requires(post): perl-Locale-gettext
25 Requires(post): perl-URPM
26 Requires: perl-URPM >= 5.00
27 # gzip is used in perl-URPM for synthesis and hdlist
28 Requires(post): gzip
29 Requires: genhdlist2
30 Requires: meta-task
31 Requires: perl-Filesys-Df
32 Requires: perl-Time-ZoneInfo
33 Obsoletes: urpmi-dudf
34 Suggests: aria2
35 Suggests: deltarpm
36 Conflicts: mgaonline < 3.0
37 Conflicts: rpmdrake < 6.0
38 BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
39 BuildRequires: gettext
40 BuildRequires: intltool
41 BuildRequires: perl
42 BuildRequires: perl_checker
43 BuildRequires: perl-File-Slurp
44 BuildRequires: perl-Locale-gettext
45 BuildRequires: perl-MDV-Distribconf
46 BuildRequires: perl-MDV-Packdrakeng
47 BuildRequires: perl(Net::LDAP)
48 BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)
49 BuildRequires: perl-URPM
50 # for make test:
51 BuildRequires: glibc-static-devel
52 BuildRequires: perl-Net-Server
53 BuildRequires: perl-Test-Pod
54 BuildRequires: perl-XML-LibXML
55 # for genhdlist in make test:
56 BuildRequires: perl-Expect
57 BuildRequires: rpmtools
58 BuildArch: noarch
60 %description
61 urpmi is a console-based software installation tool. You can
62 use it to install software from the console in the same way as you use the
63 graphical Install Software tool (rpmdrake) to install software from the
64 desktop. urpmi will follow package dependencies -- in other words, it will
65 install all the other software required by the software you ask it to
66 install -- and it's capable of obtaining packages from a variety of media,
67 including the installation CD-ROMs and DVDs, your local hard disk,
68 and remote sources such as web or FTP sites.
70 %if %{allow_gurpmi}
71 %package -n gurpmi
72 Summary: User mode rpm GUI install
73 Group: System/Packaging
74 Requires: urpmi >= %{version}-%{release}
75 Requires: polkit
76 Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
77 Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils
79 %description -n gurpmi
80 gurpmi is a graphical front-end to urpmi.
81 %endif
83 %package -n urpmi-parallel-ka-run
84 Summary: Parallel extensions to urpmi using ka-run
85 Requires: urpmi >= %{version}-%{release}
86 Requires: parallel-tools
87 Group: System/Packaging
89 %description -n urpmi-parallel-ka-run
90 urpmi-parallel-ka-run is an extension module to urpmi for handling
91 distributed installation using ka-run or Taktuk tools.
93 %package -n urpmi-parallel-ssh
94 Summary: Parallel extensions to urpmi using ssh and scp
95 Requires: urpmi >= %{version}-%{release} openssh-clients
96 Group: System/Packaging
98 %description -n urpmi-parallel-ssh
99 urpmi-parallel-ssh is an extension module to urpmi for handling
100 distributed installation using ssh and scp tools.
102 %package -n urpmi-ldap
103 Summary: Extension to urpmi to specify media configuration via LDAP
104 Requires: urpmi >= %{version}-%{release}
105 Requires: openldap-clients
106 Group: System/Packaging
108 %description -n urpmi-ldap
109 urpmi-ldap is an extension module to urpmi to allow to specify
110 urpmi configuration (notably media) in an LDAP directory.
112 %prep
113 %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
115 %build
116 %{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor \
117 %if %{allow_gurpmi}
118 --install-gui \
119 %endif
120 --install-polkit \
121 --install-po
122 %{__make}
124 %check
125 %{__make} test
127 %install
128 %{makeinstall_std}
130 # bash completion
131 install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
132 install -m 644 %{name}.bash-completion %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name}
134 # rpm-find-leaves is invoked by this name in rpmdrake
135 ln -sf rpm-find-leaves %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/urpmi_rpm-find-leaves
137 # (cg) provide a urpmi.update in the path because users like to use it without
138 # mgaapplet installed (me included).
139 # If bin and sbin ever merge, real files will likely be favoured over symlinks
140 # and this should still operate properly (albeit with a bit of an upgrade glitch)
141 ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/urpmi.update %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/urpmi.update
143 # Don't install READMEs twice
144 rm -f %{buildroot}%{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/README*
146 # Desktop entry (only used to register new MIME type handler, so no icon etc.)
147 %if %{allow_gurpmi}
148 mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/applications
149 cp -a gurpmi.desktop %buildroot%_datadir/applications/gurpmi.desktop
151 mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/mime/packages
152 cat > %buildroot%_datadir/mime/packages/gurpmi.xml << EOF
153 <?xml version="1.0"?>
154 <mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
155 <mime-type type="application/x-urpmi">
156 <comment>urpmi file</comment>
157 <glob pattern="*.urpmi"/>
158 </mime-type>
159 </mime-info>
160 EOF
161 %endif
163 %find_lang %{name}
165 %preun
166 if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
167 cd /var/lib/urpmi
168 rm -f compss provides depslist* descriptions.* *.cache hdlist.* synthesis.hdlist.* list.*
169 cd /var/cache/urpmi
170 rm -rf partial/* headers/* rpms/*
171 fi
172 exit 0
174 %files -f %{name}.lang
175 %dir /etc/urpmi
176 %dir /var/lib/urpmi
177 %dir /var/cache/urpmi
178 %dir /var/cache/urpmi/partial
179 %dir /var/cache/urpmi/headers
180 %dir /var/cache/urpmi/rpms
181 %config(noreplace) /etc/urpmi/skip.list
182 %config(noreplace) /etc/urpmi/inst.list
183 %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name}
184 %{_bindir}/urpmi_rpm-find-leaves
185 %{_bindir}/rpm-find-leaves
186 %{_bindir}/urpmf
187 %{_bindir}/urpmq
188 %{_sbindir}/urpmi
189 %{_sbindir}/rurpmi
190 %{_sbindir}/rurpme
191 %{_sbindir}/urpme
192 %{_sbindir}/urpmi.addmedia
193 %{_sbindir}/urpmi.removemedia
194 %{_sbindir}/urpmi.update
195 %{_libexecdir}/urpmi.update
196 %{_mandir}/man3/*urpm*
197 %{_mandir}/man5/urpm*
198 %{_mandir}/man5/proxy*
199 %{_mandir}/man8/rurpm*
200 %{_mandir}/man8/urpme*
201 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmf*
202 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmq*
203 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmi.8*
204 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmi.addmedia*
205 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmi.removemedia*
206 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmi.update*
207 %{_mandir}/man8/urpmihowto*
208 %dir %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm
209 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm.pm
210 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/args.pm
211 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/bug_report.pm
212 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/cfg.pm
213 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/cdrom.pm
214 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/download.pm
215 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/get_pkgs.pm
216 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/install.pm
217 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/lock.pm
218 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/main_loop.pm
219 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/md5sum.pm
220 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/media.pm
221 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/mirrors.pm
222 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/msg.pm
223 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/orphans.pm
224 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/parallel.pm
225 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/prompt.pm
226 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/removable.pm
227 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/select.pm
228 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/signature.pm
229 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/sys.pm
230 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/util.pm
231 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/xml_info.pm
232 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/xml_info_pkg.pm
233 %doc NEWS README.zeroconf urpmi-repository-http.service
235 %if %{allow_gurpmi}
236 %files -n gurpmi
237 %{_bindir}/gurpmi
238 %{_bindir}/gurpmi2
239 %{_libexecdir}/gurpmi2
240 %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.mageia.gurpmi2.policy
241 %{_datadir}/applications/gurpmi.desktop
242 %{_datadir}/mime/packages/gurpmi.xml
243 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/gurpmi.pm
244 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/gurpm/RPMProgressDialog.pm
245 %endif
247 %files -n urpmi-parallel-ka-run
248 %doc urpm/README.ka-run
249 %dir %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm
250 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/parallel_ka_run.pm
252 %files -n urpmi-parallel-ssh
253 %doc urpm/README.ssh
254 %dir %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm
255 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/parallel_ssh.pm
257 %files -n urpmi-ldap
258 %doc urpmi.schema
259 %{compat_perl_vendorlib}/urpm/ldap.pm

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