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Contents of /cauldron/xterm/current/SPECS/xterm.spec

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Revision 1419061 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Jul 6 14:14:37 2019 UTC (5 years, 3 months ago) by shlomif
File size: 7185 byte(s)
- New version 347
1 Summary: Standard terminal emulator for the X window system
2 Name: xterm
3 Version: 347
4 Release: %mkrel 1
5 Source0: ftp://ftp.invisible-island.net/xterm/%{name}-%{version}.tgz
6 Source1: ftp://ftp.invisible-island.net/xterm/%{name}-%{version}.tgz.asc
8 # from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1349, public domain
9 Source20: colortest.pl
11 Url: http://invisible-island.net/xterm/
12 License: MIT
13 Group: Terminals
14 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11)
15 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xaw7)
16 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xft)
17 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xmu)
18 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xt)
19 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fontconfig)
20 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses)
21 BuildRequires: luit
22 Requires: luit
24 %description
25 The XTerm program is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. It
26 provides DEC VT102/VT220 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs
27 that can't use the window system directly. If the underlying operating system
28 supports terminal resizing capabilities (for example, the SIGWINCH signal in
29 systems derived from 4.3bsd), xterm will use the facilities to notify programs
30 running in the window whenever it is resized.
32 The xterm included in this package has support for 256 colors enabled.
34 %prep
35 %setup -q
36 cp %{SOURCE20} .
38 %build
39 %configure2_5x \
40 --disable-full-tgetent \
41 --enable-wide-chars \
42 --x-includes=%{_includedir}/freetype2 \
43 --enable-luit \
44 --enable-256-color \
45 --with-app-defaults=%{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults \
46 --with-icon-theme=hicolor \
47 --with-icondir=%{_datadir}/icons
49 %make_build
51 %install
52 make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
54 # NOTE: encodingMode: locale means to follow the charset encoding of the
55 # locale. A quite complete unicode font is set as the default (instead of the
56 # very poor "fixed" one). a quick cat is used instead of patching the sources;
57 # it shoulmd be made the default imho
58 # locale: true means to use luit to convert locale encoding to unicode
59 # for display.
60 # luit support is needed for it to work -- pablo
61 cat << EOF >> %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults/XTerm
63 *.vt100.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1
64 *.vt100.encodingMode: locale
65 *.locale: true
66 *.PtyInitialErase: on
67 *.backarrowKeyIsErase: on
68 *.allowFontOps: false
69 *.allowTcapOps: false
70 *.disallowedWindowOps: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,14,18,19,20,21,GetSelection,SetSelection,SetWinLines,SetXprop
71 EOF
73 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
74 cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop << EOF
75 [Desktop Entry]
76 Name=XTerm
77 GenericName=Terminal
78 GenericName[ru]=Терминал
79 Comment=%{summary}
80 Comment[ar]=برنامج سطر الأوامر القياسي لنظام نوافذ إكس
81 Comment[az]=X Windows sistemi üçün standart terminal emulyator
82 Comment[bg]=Стандартният терминален емулатор за Х
83 Comment[bn]=এক্স উইন্ডো সিস্টেমের সাধারণ টার্মিনাল এমুলেটর
84 Comment[bs]=Standardni simulator terminala za X Window sistem
85 Comment[ca]=L'emulador estàndard de terminal per al sistema de finestres X
86 Comment[cs]=Standardní emulátor terminálu pro X Window Systém
87 Comment[cy]=Efelychydd terfynell safonol ar gyfer System Ffenestr X
88 Comment[da]=Den almindelige terminalemulator for X vinduessystemet
89 Comment[de]=Die Standard-Terminal-Emulation des X Window Systems
90 Comment[el]=Ο προκαθορισμένος εξομοιωτής τερματικού για το Σύστημα Παραθύρων Χ
91 Comment[es]=El emulador de terminal estándar para el X Window System
92 Comment[et]=Tavaline terminaliemulaator X Window süsteemi jaoks
93 Comment[eu]=X Window sistemaren terminal-emulatzaile estandarra
94 Comment[fa]=شبیه‌ساز پایانه استاندارد در سیستم پنجره X
95 Comment[fi]=X-ikkunointijärjestelmän oletuspääte-emulaattori
96 Comment[fr]=L'émulateur de terminal standard du système X Window
97 Comment[gl]=O emulador de terminal estandar para o Sistema X Window
98 Comment[he]=אמולטור המסוף הסטנדרטי של מערכת X
99 Comment[hi]=एक्स विण्डो प्रणाली के लिए मानक टर्मिनल ऐम्यूलेटर
100 Comment[hu]=Az X ablakrendszer standard terminálemulátora
101 Comment[id]=Emulator terminal standar untuk Sistem Window X
102 Comment[is]=Staðlaði skjáhermirinn fyrir X gluggakerfið
103 Comment[it]=L'emulatore di terminale standard per il sistema X Window
104 Comment[ja]=X ウィンドウシステムの標準ターミナル
105 Comment[ko]=X용 표준 터미널 에뮬레이터
106 Comment[ky]=X Window Системасы үчүн стндарттык терминал эмулятору
107 Comment[lt]=Standartinis terminalo emuliatorius X Window sistemai
108 Comment[lv]=Standarta termināļa emulators priekš X logu sistēmas
109 Comment[mk]=Стандардниот терминал-емулатор за системот „X Window“
110 Comment[mt]=L-emulatur ta' terminal standard tas-sistema X Windows
111 Comment[nb]=Standard terminalemulatoren for X
112 Comment[nl]=De standaard terminal emulator voor het X Window systeem
113 Comment[nn]=Standard terminalemulator for X
114 Comment[pl]=Standardowy emulator terminala dla systemu X Window
115 Comment[pt]=O emulador de terminal padrão para o Sistema de Janelas X
116 Comment[pt_BR]=Emulador de terminal padrão do Sistema de Janelas X
117 Comment[ro]=Emulator de terminal standard pentru sistemul X Window
118 Comment[ru]=Стандартный эмулятор терминала для системы X Window
119 Comment[sc]=S'emuladori de terminali standard po su X Window System
120 Comment[sk]=Štandardný emulátor terminálu pre X Window Systém
121 Comment[sl]=Standardna kozola za X okna
122 Comment[sq]=Një imitues standard i terminalit për Sistemin X Windows
123 Comment[sr]=Стандардни емулатор терминала за X Window Систем
124 Comment[sr@Latn]=Standardni emulator terminala za X Window Sistem
125 Comment[sv]=Den förvalda terminalemulatorn för X
126 Comment[ta]=கொடாநிலை முனையம்
127 Comment[tg]=Намунасози низоммеъёри поёна барои X Системаи Тирезавӣ
128 Comment[th]=โปรแกรมเทอร์มินัลมาตรฐานบน X Windows
129 Comment[tl]=And standard terminal emulator (manggagaya terminal) para sa X Window System
130 Comment[tr]=X Window Sistemi için bir standart Uçbirim Emülasyonu
131 Comment[uk]=Емулятор стандартного терміналу для системи X Window
132 Comment[vi]=Trình mô phỏng Terminal chuẩn cho Hệ thống Cửa sổ X
133 Comment[wa]=Li terminå standård pol sistinme di purneas X
134 Comment[zh_CN]=X 窗口系统模拟终端
135 Comment[zh_TW]=X Window 系統的標準終端機模擬器
136 Exec=%{name} -name Terminal
137 Icon=xterm-color
138 Terminal=false
139 Type=Application
140 StartupNotify=true
141 Categories=TerminalEmulator;System;Utility;
142 EOF
144 for xpm in *xterm{-color_32x32,-color_48x48,_32x32,_48x48}.xpm; do
145 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/$xpm
146 done
148 %files
149 %doc ctlseqs.txt colortest.pl
150 %{_bindir}/*
151 %{_mandir}/*/*
152 %{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults/*
153 %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop
154 %{_iconsdir}/hicolor/*/apps/*xterm*.*

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