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Contents of /cauldron/zlib/current/SPECS/zlib.spec

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Revision 448 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Jan 8 10:00:21 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by blino
File size: 5851 byte(s)
imported package zlib
1 %define lib_major 1
2 %define lib_name %mklibname %{name}%{lib_major}
3 %define devel_name %mklibname %{name} -d
5 %define build_biarch 0
6 # Enable bi-arch build on ppc64, sparc64 and x86-64
7 %ifarch sparcv9 sparc64 x86_64 ppc64
8 %define build_biarch 1
9 %endif
10 %ifarch sparcv9
11 %define _lib lib64
12 %endif
14 %bcond_without uclibc
15 %bcond_without dietlibc
17 Summary: The zlib compression and decompression library
18 Name: zlib
19 Version: 1.2.5
20 Release: %mkrel 3
21 Group: System/Libraries
22 License: BSD
23 URL: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
24 Source0: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libpng/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
25 Patch1: zlib-1.2.5-multibuild.patch
26 Patch2: zlib-1.2.5-lfs-decls.patch
27 BuildRequires: setarch
28 %if %{with uclibc}
29 BuildRequires: uClibc-devel >=
30 %endif
31 %if %{with dietlibc}
32 BuildRequires: dietlibc-devel
33 %endif
34 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
36 %description
37 The zlib compression library provides in-memory compression and
38 decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed
39 data. This version of the library supports only one compression method
40 (deflation), but other algorithms may be added later, which will have
41 the same stream interface. The zlib library is used by many different
42 system programs.
44 %package -n %{lib_name}
45 Summary: The zlib compression and decompression library
46 Group: System/Libraries
47 Obsoletes: libz, libz1, %{name}
48 Obsoletes: %{name}%{lib_major} < 1.2.5
49 Provides: libz = %{version}-%{release} libz1 = %{version}-%{release} %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
50 %if %{with uclibc}
51 Provides: uClibc-zlib = %{version}-%{release} uClibc-zlib1 = %{version}-%{release}
52 Obsoletes: uClibc-zlib <= %{version}-%{release} uClibc-zlib1 <= %{version}-%{release}
53 %endif
55 %description -n %{lib_name}
56 The zlib compression library provides in-memory compression and
57 decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed
58 data. This version of the library supports only one compression method
59 (deflation), but other algorithms may be added later, which will have
60 the same stream interface. The zlib library is used by many different
61 system programs.
63 %package -n %{devel_name}
64 Summary: Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib
65 Group: Development/C
66 Requires: %{lib_name} = %{version}-%{release}
67 Obsoletes: libz1-devel libz-devel zlib-devel zlib1-devel
68 Obsoletes: %{name}%{lib_major}-devel < 1.2.5
69 Provides: libz-devel = %{version}-%{release} lib%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
70 %if %{with uclibc}
71 Provides: uClibc-zlib-devel = %{version}-%{release} uClibc-zlib1-devel = %{version}-%{release}
72 Obsoletes: uClibc-zlib-devel <= %{version}-%{release} uClibc-zlib1-devel <= %{version}-%{release}
73 %endif
75 %description -n %{devel_name}
76 The zlib-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed
77 to develop programs that use the zlib compression and decompression
78 library.
80 Install the zlib-devel package if you want to develop applications that
81 will use the zlib library.
83 %prep
84 %setup -q
85 %patch1 -p1 -b .multibuild~
86 %patch2 -p1 -b .lfs
88 %build
89 #(peroyvind): be sure to remove -m64/-m32 flags as they're not overridable
90 RPM_OPT_FLAGS="`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS| sed -e 's/-m.. //g'` -O3"
91 mkdir objs
92 pushd objs
93 CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="%{?ldflags}" \
94 %if %{build_biarch}
95 CC="%{__cc} -m64" \
96 %endif
97 ../configure --shared --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir}
98 %make
99 make test
100 ln -s ../zlib.3 .
101 popd
103 %if %{build_biarch}
104 %ifarch %{sunsparc}
106 %else
107 RPM_OPT_FLAGS_32=`linux32 rpm --eval %%optflags`
108 %endif
109 mkdir objs32
110 pushd objs32
111 CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS_32" LDFLAGS="%{?ldflags}" CC="%{__cc} -m32" \
112 ../configure --shared --prefix=%{_prefix}
113 %make
114 make test
115 ln -s ../zlib.3 .
116 popd
117 %endif
119 %if %{with dietlibc}
120 mkdir objsdietlibc
121 pushd objsdietlibc
122 CFLAGS="-Os" CC="diet gcc" \
123 ../configure --prefix=%{_prefix}
124 %make libz.a
125 popd
126 %endif
128 %if %{with uclibc}
129 mkdir objsuclibc
130 pushd objsuclibc
131 CFLAGS="%{uclibc_cflags}" LDFLAGS="%{?ldflags}" CC="%{uclibc_cc}" \
132 ../configure --shared --prefix=%{_prefix}
133 %make
134 popd
135 %endif
137 %install
138 rm -rf %{buildroot}
140 install -d %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}
141 install -d %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}
143 make install -C objs prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} libdir=%{buildroot}%{_libdir}
144 %if %{build_biarch}
145 make install-libs -C objs32 prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix}
146 %endif
148 install -d %{buildroot}/%{_lib}
149 mv %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.so.* %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/
150 ln -s ../../%{_lib}/libz.so.%{version} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/
152 %if %{build_biarch}
153 install -d %{buildroot}/lib
154 mv %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/*.so.* %{buildroot}/lib/
155 ln -s ../../lib/libz.so.%{version} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/
156 %endif
158 %if %{with dietlibc}
159 install -m644 objsdietlibc/libz.a -D %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/dietlibc/lib-%{_arch}/libz.a
160 %endif
162 %if %{with uclibc}
163 #install -m644 objsuclibc/libz.a -D %{buildroot}%{uclibc_root}%{_libdir}/libz.a
164 make install-libs-only -C objsuclibc prefix=%{buildroot}%{uclibc_root} libdir=%{buildroot}%{uclibc_root}%{_libdir}
165 %endif
167 %clean
168 rm -fr %{buildroot}
170 %files -n %{lib_name}
171 %defattr(-, root, root)
172 %doc README
173 /%{_lib}/libz.so.%{lib_major}*
174 %{_libdir}/libz.so.%{lib_major}*
175 %if %{with uclibc}
176 %{uclibc_root}%{_libdir}/libz.so.%{lib_major}*
177 %endif
178 %if %{build_biarch}
179 /lib/libz.so.*
180 %{_prefix}/lib/libz.so.%{lib_major}*
181 %endif
183 %files -n %{devel_name}
184 %defattr(-, root, root)
185 %doc README ChangeLog doc/algorithm.txt
186 %{_mandir}/man3/zlib.3*
187 %{_libdir}/*.a
188 %{_libdir}/*.so
189 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/zlib.pc
190 %if %{with uclibc}
191 %{uclibc_root}%{_libdir}/libz.so
192 %endif
193 %if %{build_biarch}
194 %{_prefix}/lib/*.a
195 %{_prefix}/lib/*.so
196 %{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/zlib.pc
197 %endif
198 %{_includedir}/*
199 %if %{with dietlibc}
200 %{_prefix}/lib/dietlibc/lib-%{_arch}/libz.a
201 %endif
202 %if %{with uclibc}
203 %{uclibc_root}%{_libdir}/libz.a
204 %endif

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