# Do not change this spec directly but in the svn # $Id: rpm.spec 134789 2007-03-27 15:13:43Z nanardon $ %define lib64arches x86_64 ppc64 sparc64 %ifarch %lib64arches %define _lib lib64 %else %define _lib lib %endif %define _prefix /usr %define _libdir %_prefix/%_lib %define _bindir %_prefix/bin %define _sysconfdir /etc %define _datadir /usr/share %define _defaultdocdir %_datadir/doc %define _localstatedir /var %define _infodir %_datadir/info %if %{?apply_patches:0}%{?!apply_patches:1} %define apply_patches %(for p in `grep '^Patch.*:' "%{_specdir}/rpm.spec" | cut -d':' -f2-`; do echo "patch -p1 -F0 -i %{_sourcedir}/$p"; done ) %endif # Define directory which holds rpm config files, and some binaries actually # NOTE: it remains */lib even on lib64 platforms as only one version # of rpm is supported anyway, per architecture %define rpmdir %{_prefix}/lib/rpm %if %{?mklibname:0}%{?!mklibname:1} %define mklibname(ds) %{_lib}%{1}%{?2:%{2}}%{?3:_%{3}}%{-s:-static}%{-d:-devel} %endif %if %{?distsuffix:0}%{?!distsuffix:1} %define distsuffix .mga %endif %if %{?mkrel:0}%{?!mkrel:1} %define mkrel(c:) %{-c: 0.%{-c*}.}%{1}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:.mga}%{?mageia_release:%mageia_release}%{?subrel:.%subrel} %endif %if %{?mips:0}%{?!mips:1} %define mips mips mipsel mips32 mips32el mips64 mips64el %endif %if %{?pyver:0}%{?!pyver:1} %define pyver %(python -V 2>&1 | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1,2 -d".") %endif %define __find_requires %{rpmdir}/%{_real_vendor}/find-requires %{?buildroot:%{buildroot}} %{?_target_cpu:%{_target_cpu}} %define __find_provides %{rpmdir}/%{_real_vendor}/find-provides %define rpmversion 4.8.1 %define srcver %rpmversion %define libver 4.8 %define libmajor 1 %define release %mkrel 3 %define librpmname %mklibname rpm %{libmajor} %define librpmnamedevel %mklibname -d rpm %define buildpython 1 %define rpmsetup_version 1.34 %define builddebug 0 %{?_with_debug:%define builddebug 1} %{?_with_python:%define buildpython 1} %{?_without_python:%define buildpython 0} Summary: The RPM package management system Name: rpm Epoch: 1 Version: %{rpmversion} Release: %{release} Group: System/Configuration/Packaging Source: http://www.rpm.org/releases/rpm-%{libver}.x/rpm-%{srcver}.tar.bz2 # Add some undocumented feature to gendiff ## To be dropped. #Patch17: rpm- # if %post of foo-2 fails, # or if %preun of foo-1 fails, # or if %postun of foo-1 fails, # => foo-1 is not removed, so we end up with both packages in rpmdb # this patch makes rpm ignore the error in those cases # failing %pre must still make the rpm install fail (#23677) # # (nb: the exit code for pretrans/posttrans & trigger/triggerun/triggerpostun # scripts is ignored with or without this patch) Patch22: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-non-pre-scripts-dont-fail.patch # (fredl) add loging facilities through syslog Patch31: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-syslog.patch # part of Backport from 4.2.1 provides becoming obsoletes bug (fpons) # (is it still needed?) Patch49: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-provides-obsoleted.patch # - force /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpmrc instead of /usr/lib/rpm//rpmrc # - read /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpmpopt (not only /usr/lib/rpm/rpmpopt) Patch64: rpm-4.6.1-mageia-rpmrc-rpmpopt.patch # In original rpm, -bb --short-circuit does not work and run all stage # From popular request, we allow to do this # http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15896Z # (A different implementation has landed in rpm-4.9) Patch70: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-bb-shortcircuit.patch # http://www.redhat.com/archives/rpm-list/2005-April/msg00131.html # http://www.redhat.com/archives/rpm-list/2005-April/msg00132.html # is this useful? "at least erasure ordering is just as non-existent as it was in 4.4.x" says Panu #with rpm 4.8.0, breaks urpmi testsuite (ordering-scriptlets) #Patch71: rpm-4.6.0-ordererase.patch#with rpm 4.8.0, breaks urpmi testsuite (ordering-scriptlets) # don't conflict for doc files # (to be able to install lib*-devel together with lib64*-devel even if they have conflicting manpages) Patch83: rpm-4.6.0-no-doc-conflicts.patch # Fix http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=19392 # (is this working??) Patch84: rpm- # Fix diff issue when buildroot contains some "//" Patch111: rpm-check-file-trim-double-slash-in-buildroot.patch # [Dec 2008] macrofiles from rpmrc does not overrides MACROFILES anymore Patch114: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-read-macros_d-dot-macros.patch # remove unused skipDir functionality that conflicts with patch124 below #Patch1124: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-revert-unused-skipDir-functionality.patch # [pixel] without this patch, "rpm -e" or "rpm -U" will need to stat(2) every dirnames of # files from the package (eg COPYING) in the db. This is quite costly when not in cache # (eg on a test here: >300 stats, and so 3 seconds after a "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches") # this breaks urpmi test case test_rpm_i_fail('gd') in superuser--file-conflicts.t, # but this is bad design anyway #Patch124: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-speedup-by-not-checking-same-files-with-different-paths-through-symlink.patch # [from SuSE] handle "Suggests" via RPMTAG_SUGGESTSNAME Patch133: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-weakdeps.patch # (from Turbolinux) remove a wrong check in case %_topdir is /RPM (ie when it is short) Patch135: rpm- # convert data in the header to a specific encoding which used in the selected locale. Patch137: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-headerIconv.patch # Mandriva does not need the (broken) ldconfig hack since it uses filetriggers #Patch141: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-drop-skipping-ldconfig-hack.patch # without this patch, "#%define foo bar" is surprisingly equivalent to "%define foo bar" # with this patch, "#%define foo bar" is a fatal error Patch145: rpm-forbid-badly-commented-define-in-spec.patch # cf http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Rpm_filetriggers Patch146: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-filetriggers.patch # add two fatal errors (during package build) Patch147: rpm-rpmbuild-check-useless-tags-in-non-existant-binary-packages.patch # (nb: see the patch for more info about this issue) Patch151: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-protect-against-non-robust-futex.patch Patch152: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-fix-nss-detection.patch Patch157: introduce-_after_setup-which-is-called-after-setup.patch Patch158: introduce-_patch-and-allow-easy-override-when-the-p.patch Patch159: introduce-apply_patches-and-lua-var-patches_num.patch #Patch1001: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-new-liblzma.patch # default behaviour in rpm-jbj >= 4.4.6 Patch1005: rpm-allow-conflicting-ghost-files.patch Patch1007: rpm-4.6.0-rc3-xz-support.patch # Prevents $DOCDIR from being wiped out when using %%doc , # as this breaks stuff that installs files to $DOCDIR during %%install Patch1008: rpm-4.6.0-rc3-no_rm_-rf_DOCDIR.patch # Exposes packagecolor tag and adds new tags from rpm5 as it otherwise will # break when these unknown tags might be found in the rpmdb. Notice that this # will only make rpm recognize these, not implement actual support for them.. Patch1009: rpm-4.6.0-rpm5-tags.patch # Automatically handle ruby gem extraction in %setup Patch1018: rpm-4.8.1-setup-rubygems.patch # Turbolinux patches # add writeHeaderListTofile function into rpm-python (needed by "buildman" build system) (Toshihiro, 2003) #Patch2002: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-python-writeHdlist.patch # Crusoe CPUs say that their CPU family is "5" but they have enough features for i686. Patch2003: rpm- # The following patch isn't needed for Mandriva, but Turbolinux has it and it can't hurt much # # This patch fixes the problem when the post-scripts launched by rpm-build. # The post-scripts launched by rpm-build works in LANG environment. If LANG is # other locale except C, then some commands launched by post-scripts will not # display characters which you expected. Patch2005: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-buildlang.patch Patch2000: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-serial-tag.patch # re-enable "copyright" tag (Kiichiro, 2005) Patch2001: rpm-4.6.0-rc1-copyright-tag.patch Patch3000: mips_macros.patch Patch3001: fix_stack_protector_check.patch Patch3002: mips_define_isa_macros.patch Patch3003: rpm_arm_mips_isa_macros.patch Patch3004: rpm_add_armv5tl.patch License: GPL BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.57 BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: liblzma-devel >= 4.999.6-0.alpha.5 BuildRequires: automake >= 1.8 BuildRequires: elfutils-devel BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0.3 BuildRequires: libbeecrypt-devel BuildRequires: ed, gettext-devel BuildRequires: libsqlite3-devel BuildRequires: db4.8-devel BuildRequires: neon-devel BuildRequires: popt-devel BuildRequires: nss-devel BuildRequires: magic-devel BuildRequires: rpm-%{_real_vendor}-setup-build %{?rpmsetup_version:>= %{rpmsetup_version}} BuildRequires: readline-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.8 BuildRequires: lua-devel # Need for doc #BuildRequires: graphviz BuildRequires: tetex %if %buildpython BuildRequires: python-devel %endif Requires: bzip2 >= 0.9.0c-2 Requires: lzma Requires: cpio Requires: gawk Requires: glibc >= 2.1.92 Requires: mktemp Requires: setup >= 2.2.0-8 Requires: rpm-%{_real_vendor}-setup >= 1.85 Requires: update-alternatives Requires: %librpmname = %epoch:%version-%release Conflicts: patch < 2.5 Conflicts: menu < 2.1.5-29 Conflicts: locales < Conflicts: man-pages-fr < 0.9.7-16 Conflicts: man-pages-pl < 0.4-9 Conflicts: perl-URPM < 1.63-3 # rpm 4.6.0 dropped support for --repackage, so urpmi-recover can not work anymore: Conflicts: urpmi-recover URL: http://rpm.org/ %define git_url http://rpm.org/git/rpm.git Requires(pre): rpm-helper >= 0.8 Requires(pre): coreutils Requires(postun): rpm-helper >= 0.8 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot %description RPM is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc. %package -n %librpmname Summary: Library used by rpm Group: System/Libraries Provides: librpm = %version-%release %description -n %librpmname RPM is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. This package contains common files to all applications based on rpm. %package -n %librpmnamedevel Summary: Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages Group: Development/C Requires: rpm = %epoch:%{version}-%{release} Provides: librpm-devel = %version-%release Provides: rpm-devel = %version-%release Obsoletes: rpm-devel < 4.4.1 Obsoletes: %{_lib}rpm4.4-devel Obsoletes: %{_lib}rpm4.2-devel %description -n %librpmnamedevel This package contains the RPM C library and header files. These development files will simplify the process of writing programs which manipulate RPM packages and databases and are intended to make it easier to create graphical package managers or any other tools that need an intimate knowledge of RPM packages in order to function. This package should be installed if you want to develop programs that will manipulate RPM packages and databases. %package build Summary: Scripts and executable programs used to build packages Group: System/Configuration/Packaging Requires: autoconf Requires: automake Requires: file Requires: gcc-c++ # We need cputoolize & amd64-* alias to x86_64-* in config.sub Requires: libtool-base >= 1.4.3-5 Requires: patch >= 2.5.9-7 Requires: make Requires: tar Requires: unzip Requires: elfutils Requires: rpm = %epoch:%{version}-%{release} Requires: rpm-%{_real_vendor}-setup-build %{?rpmsetup_version:>= %{rpmsetup_version}} %description build This package contains scripts and executable programs that are used to build packages using RPM. %if %buildpython %package -n python-rpm Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages Group: Development/Python Requires: python >= %{pyver} Requires: rpm = %epoch:%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rpm-python < %epoch:%version-%release Provides: rpm-python = %version-%release %description -n python-rpm The rpm-python package contains a module which permits applications written in the Python programming language to use the interface supplied by RPM (RPM Package Manager) libraries. This package should be installed if you want to develop Python programs that will manipulate RPM packages and databases. %endif %prep %setup -q -n %name-%srcver %apply_patches %build autoreconf %if %builddebug RPM_OPT_FLAGS=-g %endif CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" \ %configure \ --enable-nls \ --enable-python \ --enable-sqlite3 \ --without-javaglue \ %if %builddebug --enable-debug \ %endif --with-external-db \ %if %buildpython --with-python=%{pyver} \ %else --without-python \ %endif --with-glob \ --without-selinux \ --without-apidocs %make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=%buildroot install %ifarch ppc powerpc ln -sf ppc-%{_real_vendor}-linux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rpmdir}/powerpc-%{_real_vendor}-linux %endif #mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{rpmdir}/rpmdiff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} # Save list of packages through cron mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily install -m 755 scripts/rpm.daily ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily/rpm mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d install -m 644 scripts/rpm.log ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/rpm mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm for dbi in \ Basenames Conflictname Dirnames Group Installtid Name Providename \ Provideversion Removetid Requirename Requireversion Triggername \ Packages __db.001 __db.002 __db.003 __db.004 do touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm/$dbi done test -d doc-copy || mkdir doc-copy rm -rf doc-copy/* ln -f doc/manual/* doc-copy/ rm -f doc-copy/Makefile* mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/spool/repackage mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/rpm/macros.d cat > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/rpm/macros <&1 > /dev/null fi if [ -f /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm ]; then /bin/chown rpm.rpm /var/lib/rpm/*.rpm elif [ ! -f /var/lib/rpm/Packages ]; then /bin/rpm --initdb fi %postun /usr/share/rpm-helper/del-user rpm $1 rpm %triggerpostun -- rpm < 1: if [ -f /etc/rpm/macros.cdb.rpmsave ]; then echo "warning: restoring /etc/rpm/macros.cdb from macros.cdb.rpmsave, please check you really need the changes" mv /etc/rpm/macros.cdb.rpmsave /etc/rpm/macros.cdb fi %define rpmattr %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root) %doc GROUPS CHANGES doc/manual/[a-z]* %attr(0755,rpm,rpm) /bin/rpm %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpm2cpio %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/gendiff %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpmdb %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpmgraph %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpmsign %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpmquery %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{_bindir}/rpmverify %dir %{_localstatedir}/spool/repackage %dir %{rpmdir} %dir /etc/rpm %config(noreplace) /etc/rpm/macros %dir /etc/rpm/macros.d %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/config.guess %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/config.sub #%attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/convertrpmrc.sh %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/rpmdb_* %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/macros %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/mkinstalldirs %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/rpm.* %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/rpmpopt* %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/rpmrc %rpmattr %{rpmdir}/rpm2cpio.sh %rpmattr %{rpmdir}/tgpg %dir %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/i*86-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/athlon-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/pentium*-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/geode-* %endif %ifarch alpha %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/alpha* %endif %ifarch %{sunsparc} %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/sparc* %endif %ifarch ppc powerpc %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc32-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc64-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/powerpc-* %endif %ifarch ppc powerpc ppc64 %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc*series-* %endif %ifarch ppc64 %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc32-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ppc64-* %endif %ifarch ia64 %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ia64-* %endif %ifarch x86_64 %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/amd64-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/x86_64-* %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/ia32e-* %endif %ifarch %arm %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/armv* %endif %ifarch %mips %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/mips* %endif %attr( -, rpm, rpm) %{rpmdir}/platform/noarch* %{_mandir}/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(pl) %{_mandir}/pl/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(ru) %{_mandir}/ru/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(ja) %{_mandir}/ja/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(sk) %{_mandir}/sk/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(fr) %{_mandir}/fr/man[18]/*.[18]* %lang(ko) %{_mandir}/ko/man[18]/*.[18]* %config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/cron.daily/rpm %config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/logrotate.d/rpm %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir %_localstatedir/lib/rpm %define rpmdbattr %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace) %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Basenames %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Conflictname %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/__db.0* %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Dirnames %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Group %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Installtid %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Name %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Packages %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Providename %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Provideversion %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Removetid %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Requirename %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Requireversion %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/Triggername %files build %defattr(-,root,root) %doc CHANGES %doc doc-copy/* %rpmattr %{_bindir}/rpmbuild %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/brp-* %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/check-files %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/debugedit %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/desktop-file.prov %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/find-lang.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/find-provides %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/find-requires %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/fontconfig.prov %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/perldeps.pl %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/perl.prov %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/perl.req %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/check-buildroot %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/check-prereqs %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/check-rpaths %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/check-rpaths-worker %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/javadeps %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/libtooldeps.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/macros.perl %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/macros.php %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/macros.python %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/mono-find-provides %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/mono-find-requires %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/ocaml-find-provides.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/ocaml-find-requires.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/osgideps.pl %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/pkgconfigdeps.sh %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdiff %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/rpmdeps #%rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/trpm %rpmattr %{_prefix}/lib/rpm/pythondeps.sh %{_mandir}/man8/rpmbuild.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rpmdeps.8* %if %buildpython %files -n python-rpm %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/rpm %endif %files -n %librpmname %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/librpm.so.%{libmajor}* %{_libdir}/librpmio.so.%{libmajor}* %{_libdir}/librpmbuild.so.%{libmajor}* %files -n %librpmnamedevel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_includedir}/rpm %{_libdir}/librpm.la %{_libdir}/librpm.so %{_libdir}/librpmio.la %{_libdir}/librpmio.so %{_libdir}/librpmbuild.la %{_libdir}/librpmbuild.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/rpm.pc