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Contents of /updates/1/snack/current/SPECS/snack.spec

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Revision 388135 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Jan 14 22:25:09 2013 UTC (11 years, 9 months ago) by luigiwalser
File size: 3086 byte(s)
add patch from fedora to fix CVE-2012-6303
1 Summary: Script-driven sound processing toolkit
2 Name: snack
3 Version: 2.2.10
4 %define subrel 1
5 Release: %{mkrel 8}
6 License: BSD
7 Group: Sound
8 URL: http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/
9 Source0: http://www.speech.kth.se/~kare/%{name}%{version}.tar.bz2
10 # Fix underlinking
11 Patch0: snack-2.2.10-underlinking.patch
12 Patch1: snack-2.2.10-unity-linux-fix-roundf.patch
13 Patch2: snack-2.2.10-unity-linux-gcc44.patch
14 Patch3: snack-2.2.10-mdv-fix-string-format.patch
15 Patch4: tcl-snack-2.2.10-CVE-2012-6303-fix.patch
17 BuildRequires: tcl
18 BuildRequires: tk
19 BuildRequires: libogg-devel
20 BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
21 BuildRequires: X11-devel
22 BuildRequires: python-devel
23 BuildRequires: dos2unix
24 BuildRequires: tcl-devel
25 BuildRequires: tk-devel
27 %description
28 Snack is a sound processing toolkit designed as an extension
29 to a scripting language. Snack currently works with the scripting
30 languages Tcl/Tk, Python, and Ruby.
32 Snack has commands to play, record, process, and visualize sound.
33 Snack provides high level sound objects, with flexible storage management,
34 and streaming support. It handles most common sound file formats.
35 The visualization canvas item types update in real-time and can output
36 postscript. The same scripts run on Unix (Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX,
37 FreeBSD, NetBSD), Macintosh, and Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.
39 %package -n tcl-%{name}
40 Summary: Snack Sound Toolkit for Tcl
41 Group: Sound
42 Requires: tcl
43 Obsoletes: %{mklibname snack} < 2.2.10-6mdv
44 Obsoletes: %{mklibname snack -d} < 2.2.10-6mdv
46 %description -n tcl-%{name}
47 Snack Sound Toolkit for Tcl.
49 %package -n python-%{name}
50 Summary: Snack Sound Toolkit for Python
51 Group: Sound
52 Requires: tcl-%{name} = %{version}
53 Requires: tkinter
55 %description -n python-%{name}
56 Snack Sound Toolkit for Python.
58 %prep
59 %setup -q -n %{name}%{version}
60 %patch0 -p1 -b .underlink
61 %patch1 -p1
62 %patch2 -p1
63 %patch3 -p0
64 %patch4 -p1
65 chmod 644 COPYING README changes
67 %build
68 cd unix
69 %configure2_5x --with-tcl=/usr/lib --with-tk=/usr/lib --with-ogg-include=/usr/include/ogg --with-ogg-lib=/usr/lib
70 %make TCL_INCPATH=/usr/include TK_INCPATH=/usr/include CC="gcc %{optflags}"
71 %make TCL_INCPATH=/usr/include TK_INCPATH=/usr/include CC="gcc %{optflags}" libsnackogg.so
73 %install
74 rm -rf %{buildroot}
75 chmod 644 doc/*
76 chmod 755 python/*.py
77 chmod 644 demos/tcl/*
78 chmod 755 demos/tcl/*.tcl
79 dos2unix demos/tcl/*.txt
80 rm -f demos/tcl/tclkit-linux-x86
81 chmod 644 demos/python/*
82 chmod 755 demos/python/*.py
83 dos2unix demos/python/*.txt
85 cd unix
86 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{tcl_sitearch}/%{name}%{version}
87 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{py_puresitedir}
88 cp *.so %{buildroot}%{tcl_sitearch}/%{name}%{version}
89 install -m 0755 *.tcl %{buildroot}%{tcl_sitearch}/%{name}%{version}
90 cd ../python
91 python setup.py install --root=%{buildroot} --compile --optimize=2
93 %clean
94 rm -rf %{buildroot}
96 %files -n tcl-%{name}
97 %defattr(-,root,root)
98 %doc changes COPYING doc/tcl-man.html demos/tcl/* doc/A* doc/C* doc/F* README doc/S*
99 %{tcl_sitearch}/%{name}%{version}
101 %files -n python-%{name}
102 %defattr(-,root,root)
103 %doc doc/python-man.html demos/python/*
104 %{py_puresitedir}/*

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