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Contents of /drakwizard/trunk/ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm

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Revision 8720 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Aug 23 23:53:27 2013 UTC (11 years ago) by djennings
File size: 11476 byte(s)
- fix race condition checking service status (mga#10934)
- fix directory definition in proxy wizard
- fix parameter format in proxy wizard
- updated default proxy config file

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Drakwizard
5 # Copyright (C) 2003 Mandrakesoft
6 #
7 # Author: Florent Villard <warly@mandrakesoft.com>
8 # aginies <aginies _ateuh_ mandrakesoft.com>
9 #
10 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13 # any later version.
14 #
15 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 #
20 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 package MDK::Wizard::Proftpd;
25 use strict;
27 use common;
28 use services;
29 use MDK::Wizard::Wizcommon;
31 my $wiz = MDK::Wizard::Wizcommon->new;
32 my $in = interactive->vnew;
34 my $file = "/etc/proftpd.conf";
36 my ($servername) = cat_($file) =~ /ServerName\s+(\S*.*)/;
37 my ($ftp_port) = cat_($file) =~ /Port\s+(\d+)/;
39 my $o = {
40 name => N("FTP wizard"),
41 var => {
42 wiz_ftp_external => '0',
43 wiz_ftp_internal => '1',
44 wiz_root_login => '',
45 wiz_server_admin => '',
46 wiz_default_root => '',
47 wiz_ftp_resume => '',
48 wiz_ftp_fxp => '',
49 wiz_server_name => '',
50 wiz_port => '',
51 },
52 needed_rpm => [ 'proftpd' ],
53 defaultimage => "/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/ftp-mdk.png",
54 };
56 my %opt = (
57 "SystemLog" => "/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log",
58 "TransferLog" => "/var/log/proftpd/xferlog",
59 "Extendedlog" => "/var/log/proftpd/ftp.log",
60 "LogFormat default" => qq("%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b"),
61 "LogFormat auth" => qq("%v [%P] %h %t "%r" %s"),
62 "LogFormat write" => qq("%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b"),
63 "ServerIdent" => "off",
64 "DeferWelcome" => "on",
65 "DisplayConnect" => "/etc/banner-proftpd",
66 "AccessDenyMsg" => qq(" !-!! ACCESS DENY !!-! SEEMS YOU HAVE NO RIGHT THERE !!"),
67 "AccessGrantMsg" => qq(" -- Guest access granted for %u --"),
68 "IdentLookups" => "off",
69 "UseReverseDNS" => "off",
70 "TimesGMT" => "off",
71 "DirFakeUser" => "off nobody",
72 "DirFakeGroup" => "off nobody",
73 "DeleteAbortedStores" => "off",
74 "PersistentPasswd" => "off",
75 );
77 $o->{pages} = {
78 welcome => {
79 name => N("FTP server configuration wizard") . "\n\n" . N("This wizard will help you configuring an FTP server for your network."),
80 no_back => 1,
81 post => \&check,
82 next => 'config'
83 },
84 config => {
85 name => N("FTP server") . "\n\n" . N("Your server can act as an FTP server toward your internal network (intranet) and as an FTP server for the Internet.") . "\n\n" . N("Select the kind of FTP service you want to activate:"),
86 data => [
87 { label => N("Enable the FTP server for the intranet"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_ftp_internal} },
88 { label => N("Enable the FTP server for the Internet"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_ftp_external} },
89 ],
90 complete => sub {
91 if ($o->{var}{wiz_ftp_external} == 0 && $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_internal} == 0) {
92 $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Please choose whether to allow a connection to FTP server from internal or external hosts."));
93 return 1;
94 } else { return 0 }
95 },
96 next => 'options'
97 },
98 options => {
99 name => N("FTP Proftpd server options, step 1") . "\n\n" . N("Permit root login: allow root to log on FTP server.") . "\n" . N("Admin email: email address of the FTP administrator."),
100 pre => sub {
101 $o->{var}{wiz_root_login} ||= 0;
102 $o->{var}{wiz_server_name} = $servername;
103 },
104 data => [
105 { label => N("Server name:"), val => \$o->{var}{wiz_server_name} },
106 { label => N("Admin email:"), val => \$o->{var}{wiz_server_admin}, help => 'admin@guibland.com' },
107 { label => N("Permit root login:"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_root_login} },
108 ],
109 complete => sub {
110 if (!any { /bash/ } cat_("/etc/shells")) {
111 $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("I can't find bash in list of shells! It seems you have modified it by hand! Please correct."));
112 return 1;
113 }
114 if (!$o->{var}{wiz_server_name}) {
115 $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Need a server name"));
116 return 1;
117 }
118 },
119 next => 'options_step2',
120 },
121 options_step2 => {
122 name => N("FTP server options, step 2") . "\n\n" . N("Chroot home user: users will only see their home directory.") . "\n" . N("Allow FTP resume: allow resume upload or download on FTP server.") . "\n" . N("Allow FXP: allow file transfer via another FTP."),
123 pre => sub {
124 $o->{var}{wiz_default_root} ||= 1;
125 $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_resume} ||= 1;
126 $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_fxp} ||= 0;
127 $o->{var}{wiz_port} = $ftp_port || "21";
128 },
129 data => [
130 { label => N("FTP Port:"), val => \$o->{var}{wiz_port}, help => 'Default port is 21 for an FTP server' },
131 { label => N("Chroot home user:"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_default_root} },
132 { label => N("Allow FTP resume:"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_ftp_resume} },
133 { label => N("Allow FXP:"), type => 'bool', val => \$o->{var}{wiz_ftp_fxp} },
134 ],
135 complete => sub {
136 if ($o->{var}{wiz_port} !~ /^\d+$/) {
137 $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("FTP Port should be a number."));
138 return 1;
139 } },
140 next => 'summary',
141 },
142 warning_dhcp => {
143 name => N("Warning.") . "\n\n" . N("You are in DHCP, server may not work with your configuration."),
144 ignore => 1,
145 next => 'config'
146 },
147 must_be_root => {
148 name => N("Error.") . "\n\n" . N("Sorry, you must be root to do this..."),
149 ignore => 1,
150 next => 'config'
151 },
152 summary => {
153 name => N("The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your FTP server") . "\n" . N("To accept those values, and configure your server, click the next button or use the back button to correct them"),
154 pre => sub {
155 $o->{var}{internal} = $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_internal} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
156 $o->{var}{external} = $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_external} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
157 $o->{var}{rootlogin} = $o->{var}{wiz_root_login} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
158 $o->{var}{defaultroot} = $o->{var}{wiz_default_root} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
159 $o->{var}{ftpresume} = $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_resume} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
160 $o->{var}{fxp} = $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_fxp} ? N("enabled") : N("disabled");
161 },
162 data => [
163 { label => N("FTP Port:"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{wiz_port} },
164 { label => N("Intranet FTP server:"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{internal} },
165 { label => N("Internet FTP server:"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{external} },
166 { label => N("Permit root Login"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{rootlogin} },
167 { label => N("Chroot Home user"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{defaultroot} },
168 { label => N("Allow FTP resume"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{ftpresume} },
169 { label => N("Allow FXP"), val_ref => \$o->{var}{fxp} },
170 ],
171 post => \&do_it,
172 next => 'end'
173 },
174 end => {
175 name => N("Congratulations") . "\n\n" . N("The wizard successfully configured your intranet/Internet FTP server"),
176 end => 1,
177 no_back => 1,
178 },
179 error_end => {
180 name => N("Failed"),
181 data => [ { label => N("Please relaunch drakwizard, and try to change some parameters.") } ],
182 no_back => 1,
183 end => 1,
184 },
185 };
187 sub new {
188 my ($class) = @_;
189 bless $o, $class;
190 }
192 sub true {
193 my ($val) = @_;
194 return member($val, qw(1 '1' "1" true 'true' "true"));
195 }
197 sub get_dir {
198 die "no FTP configuration file found! warning." if !-f $file;
199 foreach (cat_or_die($file)) { # we need 3 elements to consider section as known
200 if (m/^\s*<drakwizard>/s...m!^\s*</drakwizard>!s) {
201 if (m/^\s*<Anonymous\s*(.*)>/s) {
202 return $1;
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 "";
207 }
209 sub check {
210 $> and return 'must_be_root';
211 $wiz->{net}->is_dhcp and return 'warning_dhcp';
212 '';
213 }
215 sub print_anonymous {
216 my ($arg) = @_;
217 print '
218 #<drakwizard>
219 <Anonymous ' . $arg . '>
220 User ftp
221 Group ftp
222 UserAlias anonymous ftp
223 MaxClients 10
224 <Limit WRITE>
225 DenyAll
226 </Limit>
227 </Anonymous>
228 #</drakwizard>
229 ';
230 }
232 sub change_options {
233 my ($var, $var_in_conf) = @_;
234 my $status;
235 if ($var == 1) { $status = "on" } else { $status = "off" }
236 if (any { /^$var_in_conf/ } cat_($file)) {
237 substInFile { s/$var_in_conf.*/$var_in_conf $status/ } $file;
238 } else {
239 append_to_file($file, "$var_in_conf $status\n");
240 }
241 }
243 sub add_options {
244 my ($var, $value) = @_;
245 if (any { /^$var/ } cat_($file)) {
246 substInFile { s/$var.*/$var $value/ } $file;
247 } else {
248 append_to_file($file, "$var $value\n");
249 }
250 }
253 sub do_it {
254 $::testing and return;
255 my $wiz_ftp_internal = $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_external} ? 1 : true $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_internal};
256 my $wiz_ftp_external = true $o->{var}{wiz_ftp_external};
257 die "no FTP configuration file found! warning." if !-f $file;
258 MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
259 my $allow;
260 if ($wiz_ftp_internal && !$wiz_ftp_external) {
261 ($allow) = $wiz->{net}->itf_get("IPADDR") =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}$/;
262 $allow .= "";
263 } elsif ($wiz_ftp_external) {
264 $allow = "all";
265 }
267 my $conf = cat_($file) . "#EndOfFile";
268 my ($bloc) = $conf =~ /.*?(#drakwizard_proftpd.*?#drakwizard_proftpd)\n.*#EndOfFile/s;
270 if (!$bloc) {
271 $bloc = "
272 #drakwizard_proftpd
273 <Global>
274 <Limit LOGIN>
275 Order allow,deny
276 Allow from $allow
277 Deny from all
278 </Limit>
279 </Global>
280 #drakwizard_proftpd
282 ";
283 append_to_file($file, $bloc);
284 } else {
285 substInFile { s/Allow from.*/Allow from $allow/ } $file;
286 }
288 # options
289 # wiz_root_login wiz_server_admin wiz_default_root wiz_ftp_resume wiz_ftp_fxp
290 if ($o->{var}{wiz_server_admin}) {
291 if (any { /^ServerAdmin/ } cat_($file)) {
292 substInFile { s/ServerAdmin.*/ServerAdmin $o->{var}{wiz_server_admin}/ } $file;
293 } else {
294 append_to_file($file, "ServerAdmin $o->{var}{wiz_server_admin}\n");
295 }
296 } else { substInFile { s/ServerAdmin.*// } $file }
298 change_options($o->{var}{wiz_root_login}, "RootLogin");
299 if ($o->{var}{wiz_root_login} == 1) { substInFile { s/root// } "/etc/ftpusers" }
300 change_options($o->{var}{wiz_ftp_fxp}, "AllowForeignAddress");
301 # in ftp resume there is two options (store or retrieve)
302 change_options($o->{var}{wiz_ftp_resume}, "AllowStoreRestart");
303 change_options($o->{var}{wiz_ftp_resume}, "AllowRetrieveRestart");
305 substInFile { s/^ServerName.*/ServerName $o->{var}{wiz_server_name}/ } $file;
306 substInFile { s/^Port.*/Port $o->{var}{wiz_port}/ } $file;
308 my $data = $o->{var}{wiz_default_root} == 1 ? "DefaultRoot ~" : '';
309 if (any { /^DefaultRoot/ } cat_($file)) {
310 substInFile { s/DefaultRoot.*/$data/ } $file;
311 } else {
312 append_to_file($file, "$data\n");
313 }
315 my $cle, my $val;
316 while (($cle, $val) = each %opt) {
317 add_options($cle, $val);
318 }
320 reload_or_restart('proftpd');
321 check_started('proftpd');
322 }
324 1;


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